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Some Of The Best Answers From Latest Asked Questions

PhpMyAdmin "Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!"

This is because of wrong permission of phpMyAdmin directory and the file

On *nix like OS set the permission of the directory and the file as follows

chmod -R 755 /path/to/phpMyAdmin
chmod 644 /path/to/phpMyAdmin/

If like me you run a Linux Virtual Machine which mount a Windows folder where phpMyAdmin sources are located, edit and add this line

$cfg['CheckConfigurationPermissions'] = false;

jQuery Ajax requests are getting cancelled without being sent

Expanding on @Kazetsukai's answer, you may run into this problem if you are making your AJAX request from the user clicking on a link.

If you set up your link like so:

<a href="#" onclick="soAjax()">click me!</a>

And then a javascript handler like the following:

soAjax() {
    $.ajax({ ... all your lovely parameters ... });       

To prevent your browser from following the link and cancelling any requests in progress, you should add return false or e.preventDefault() to stop the click event from propagating:

soAjax() {
   $.ajax({ ... etc ... });
   return false;


soAjax(e) {
   $.ajax({ ... etc ... });

C++ auto keyword. Why is it magic?

The auto keyword specifies that the type of the variable that is being declared will be automatically deducted from its initializer. In case of functions, if their return type is auto then that will be evaluated by return type expression at runtime.

It can be very useful when we have to use the iterator. For e.g. for below code we can simply use the "auto" instead of writing the whole iterator syntax .

int main() 

// Initialize set 
set<int> s; 


// iterator pointing to 
// position where 2 is 
auto pos = s.find(3); 

// prints the set elements 
cout << "The set elements after 3 are: "; 
for (auto it = pos; it != s.end(); it++) 
    cout << *it << " "; 

return 0; 

This is how we can use "auto" keyword

CSS to keep element at "fixed" position on screen

#fixedbutton {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0px;
    right: 0px; 
    z-index: 1000;

The z-index is added to overshadow any element with a greater property you might not know about.

IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState with ViewPager

Please check my answer here. Basically I just had to :

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    //No call for super(). Bug on API Level > 11.

Don't make the call to super() on the saveInstanceState method. This was messing things up...

This is a known bug in the support package.

If you need to save the instance and add something to your outState Bundle you can use the following:

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    outState.putString("WORKAROUND_FOR_BUG_19917_KEY", "WORKAROUND_FOR_BUG_19917_VALUE");

In the end the proper solution was (as seen in the comments) to use :


when adding or performing the FragmentTransaction that was causing the Exception.

can you host a private repository for your organization to use with npm?

Forgive me if I don't understand your question well, but here's my answer:

You can create a private npm module and use npm's normal commands to install it. Most node.js users use git as their repository, but you can use whatever repository works for you.

  1. In your project, you'll want the skeleton of an NPM package. Most node modules have git repositories where you can look at how they integrate with NPM (the package.json file, I believe is part of this and NPM's website shows you how to make a npm package)
  2. Use something akin to Make to make and tarball your package to be available from the internet or your network to stage it for npm install downloads.
  3. Once your package is made, then use

    npm install *tarball_url*

check output from CalledProcessError

This will return true only if host responds to ping. Works on windows and linux

def ping(host):
    Returns True if host (str) responds to a ping request.
    NB on windows ping returns true for success and host unreachable
    param = '-n' if platform.system().lower()=='windows' else '-c'
    result = False
        out = subprocess.check_output(['ping', param, '1', host])
        #ping exit code 0
        if 'Reply from {}'.format(host) in str(out):
            result = True          
    except  subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        #ping exit code not 0
            result = False
    return result

Extract data from log file in specified range of time

Use grep and regular expressions, for example if you want 4 minutes interval of logs:

grep "31/Mar/2002:19:3[1-5]" logfile

will return all logs lines between 19:31 and 19:35 on 31/Mar/2002. Supposing you need the last 5 days starting from today 27/Sep/2011 you may use the following:

grep "2[3-7]/Sep/2011" logfile

Left function in c#

var value = fac.GetCachedValue("Auto Print Clinical Warnings")
// 0 = Start at the first character
// 1 = The length of the string to grab
if (value.ToLower().SubString(0, 1) == "y")
    // Do your stuff.

Set default syntax to different filetype in Sublime Text 2

You can turn on syntax highlighting based on the contents of the file.

For example, my Makefiles regardless of their extension the first line as follows:

#-*-Makefile-*- vim:syntax=make

This is typical practice for other editors such as vim.

However, for this to work you need to modify the Makefile.tmLanguage file.

  1. Find the file (for Sublime Text 3 in Ubuntu) at:


Note, that is really a zip file. Copy it, rename with .zip at the end, and extract the Makefile.tmLanguage file from it.

  1. Edit the new Makefile.tmLanguage by adding the "firstLineMatch" key and string after the "fileTypes" section. In the example below, the last two lines are new (should be added by you). The <string> section holds the regular expression, that will enable syntax highlighting for the files that match the first line. This expression recognizes two patterns: "-*-Makefile-*-" and "vim:syntax=make".

  2. Place the modified Makefile.tmLanguage in the User settings directory:


All the files matching the first line rule should turn the syntax highlighting on when opened.

JavaScript: How to pass object by value?

Use Object.assign()


var a = {some: object};
var b = new Object;
Object.assign(b, a);
// b now equals a, but not by association.

A cleaner example that does the same thing:

var a = {some: object};
var b = Object.assign({}, a);
// Once again, b now equals a.

How to receive POST data in django

res = request.GET['paymentid'] will raise a KeyError if paymentid is not in the GET data.

Your sample php code checks to see if paymentid is in the POST data, and sets $payID to '' otherwise:

$payID = isset($_POST['paymentid']) ? $_POST['paymentid'] : ''

The equivalent in python is to use the get() method with a default argument:

payment_id = request.POST.get('payment_id', '')

while debugging, this is what I see in the response.GET: <QueryDict: {}>, request.POST: <QueryDict: {}>

It looks as if the problem is not accessing the POST data, but that there is no POST data. How are you are debugging? Are you using your browser, or is it the payment gateway accessing your page? It would be helpful if you shared your view.

Once you are managing to submit some post data to your page, it shouldn't be too tricky to convert the sample php to python.

Can a foreign key be NULL and/or duplicate?

Here's an example using Oracle syntax:
First let's create a table COUNTRY


Create the table PROVINCE


This runs perfectly fine in Oracle. Notice the COUNTRY_ID foreign key in the second table doesn't have "NOT NULL".

Now to insert a row into the PROVINCE table, it's sufficient to only specify the PROVINCE_ID. However, if you chose to specify a COUNTRY_ID as well, it must exist already in the COUNTRY table.

In-place edits with sed on OS X

You can use -i'' (--in-place) for sed as already suggested. See: The -i in-place argument, however note that -i option is non-standard FreeBSD extensions and may not be available on other operating systems. Secondly sed is a Stream EDitor, not a file editor.

Alternative way is to use built-in substitution in Vim Ex mode, like:

$ ex +%s/foo/bar/g -scwq file.txt

and for multiple-files:

$ ex +'bufdo!%s/foo/bar/g' -scxa *.*

To edit all files recursively you can use **/*.* if shell supports that (enable by shopt -s globstar).

Another way is to use gawk and its new "inplace" extension such as:

$ gawk -i inplace '{ gsub(/foo/, "bar") }; { print }' file1

Fastest way to check if a value exists in a list

As stated by others, in can be very slow for large lists. Here are some comparisons of the performances for in, set and bisect. Note the time (in second) is in log scale.

enter image description here

Code for testing:

import random
import bisect
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import time

def method_in(a, b, c):
    start_time = time.time()
    for i, x in enumerate(a):
        if x in b:
            c[i] = 1
    return time.time() - start_time

def method_set_in(a, b, c):
    start_time = time.time()
    s = set(b)
    for i, x in enumerate(a):
        if x in s:
            c[i] = 1
    return time.time() - start_time

def method_bisect(a, b, c):
    start_time = time.time()
    for i, x in enumerate(a):
        index = bisect.bisect_left(b, x)
        if index < len(a):
            if x == b[index]:
                c[i] = 1
    return time.time() - start_time

def profile():
    time_method_in = []
    time_method_set_in = []
    time_method_bisect = []

    # adjust range down if runtime is to great or up if there are to many zero entries in any of the time_method lists
    Nls = [x for x in range(10000, 30000, 1000)]
    for N in Nls:
        a = [x for x in range(0, N)]
        b = [x for x in range(0, N)]
        c = [0 for x in range(0, N)]

        time_method_in.append(method_in(a, b, c))
        time_method_set_in.append(method_set_in(a, b, c))
        time_method_bisect.append(method_bisect(a, b, c))

    plt.plot(Nls, time_method_in, marker='o', color='r', linestyle='-', label='in')
    plt.plot(Nls, time_method_set_in, marker='o', color='b', linestyle='-', label='set')
    plt.plot(Nls, time_method_bisect, marker='o', color='g', linestyle='-', label='bisect')
    plt.xlabel('list size', fontsize=18)
    plt.ylabel('log(time)', fontsize=18)
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')


Javascript parse float is ignoring the decimals after my comma

For anyone arriving here wondering how to deal with this problem where commas (,) and full stops (.) might be involved but the exact number format may not be known - this is how I correct a string before using parseFloat() (borrowing ideas from other answers):

function preformatFloat(float){
      return '';

   //Index of first comma
   const posC = float.indexOf(',');

   if(posC === -1){
      //No commas found, treat as float
      return float;

   //Index of first full stop
   const posFS = float.indexOf('.');

   if(posFS === -1){
      //Uses commas and not full stops - swap them (e.g. 1,23 --> 1.23)
      return float.replace(/\,/g, '.');

   //Uses both commas and full stops - ensure correct order and remove 1000s separators
   return ((posC < posFS) ? (float.replace(/\,/g,'')) : (float.replace(/\./g,'').replace(',', '.')));
// <-- parseFloat(preformatFloat('5.200,75'))
// --> 5200.75

At the very least, this would allow parsing of British/American and European decimal formats (assuming the string contains a valid number).

Why does dividing two int not yield the right value when assigned to double?

With very few exceptions (I can only think of one), C++ determines the entire meaning of an expression (or sub-expression) from the expression itself. What you do with the results of the expression doesn't matter. In your case, in the expression a / b, there's not a double in sight; everything is int. So the compiler uses integer division. Only once it has the result does it consider what to do with it, and convert it to double.

Unique constraint violation during insert: why? (Oracle)

It looks like you are not providing a value for the primary key field DB_ID. If that is a primary key, you must provide a unique value for that column. The only way not to provide it would be to create a database trigger that, on insert, would provide a value, most likely derived from a sequence.

If this is a restoration from another database and there is a sequence on this new instance, it might be trying to reuse a value. If the old data had unique keys from 1 - 1000 and your current sequence is at 500, it would be generating values that already exist. If a sequence does exist for this table and it is trying to use it, you would need to reconcile the values in your table with the current value of the sequence.

You can use SEQUENCE_NAME.CURRVAL to see the current value of the sequence (if it exists of course)

Getting the document object of an iframe

Try the following

var doc=document.getElementById("frame").contentDocument;

// Earlier versions of IE or IE8+ where !DOCTYPE is not specified
var doc=document.getElementById("frame").contentWindow.document;

Note: AndyE pointed out that contentWindow is supported by all major browsers so this may be the best way to go.

Note2: In this sample you won't be able to access the document via any means. The reason is you can't access the document of an iframe with a different origin because it violates the "Same Origin" security policy

Easiest way to read from and write to files

In addition to File.ReadAllText, File.ReadAllLines, and File.WriteAllText (and similar helpers from File class) shown in another answer you can use StreamWriter/StreamReader classes.

Writing a text file:

using(StreamWriter writetext = new StreamWriter("write.txt"))
    writetext.WriteLine("writing in text file");

Reading a text file:

using(StreamReader readtext = new StreamReader("readme.txt"))
   string readText = readtext.ReadLine();


  • You can use readtext.Dispose() instead of using, but it will not close file/reader/writer in case of exceptions
  • Be aware that relative path is relative to current working directory. You may want to use/construct absolute path.
  • Missing using/Close is very common reason of "why data is not written to file".

Working with TIFFs (import, export) in Python using numpy

You can also use pytiff of which I'm the author.

    import pytiff

    with pytiff.Tiff("filename.tif") as handle:
        part = handle[100:200, 200:400]

    # multipage tif
    with pytiff.Tiff("multipage.tif") as handle:
        for page in handle:
            part = page[100:200, 200:400]

It's a fairly small module and may not have as many features as other modules, but it supports tiled tiffs and bigtiff, so you can read parts of large images.

How to test abstract class in Java with JUnit?

With the example class you posted it doesn't seem to make much sense to test getFuel() and getSpeed() since they can only return 0 (there are no setters).

However, assuming that this was just a simplified example for illustrative purposes, and that you have legitimate reasons to test methods in the abstract base class (others have already pointed out the implications), you could setup your test code so that it creates an anonymous subclass of the base class that just provides dummy (no-op) implementations for the abstract methods.

For example, in your TestCase you could do this:

c = new Car() {
       void drive() { };

Then test the rest of the methods, e.g.:

public class CarTest extends TestCase
    private Car c;

    public void setUp()
        c = new Car() {
            void drive() { };

    public void testGetFuel() 
        assertEquals(c.getFuel(), 0);


(This example is based on JUnit3 syntax. For JUnit4, the code would be slightly different, but the idea is the same.)

Reverse a string in Java

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args){
        Scanner input = new Scanner (;
        String word =;
        String reverse = "";
        for(int i=word.length()-1; i>=0; i--)
            reverse += word.charAt(i);

If you want to use a simple for loop!

Change <br> height using CSS

Take a look at the line-height property. Trying to style the <br> tag is not the answer.


<p id="single-spaced">
<p id="double-spaced" style="line-height: 200%;">

How to find Port number of IP address?

Port numbers are defined by convention. HTTP servers generally listen on port 80, ssh servers listen on 22. But there are no requirements that they do.

Clearing localStorage in javascript?

Localstorage is attached on the global window. When we log localstorage in the chrome devtools we see that it has the following APIs:

enter image description here

We can use the following API's for deleting items:

  1. localStorage.clear(): Clears the whole localstorage
  2. localStorage.removeItem('myItem'): To remove individual items

UIView bottom border?

Swift 4/3

You can use this solution beneath. It works on UIBezierPaths which are lighter than layers, causing quick startup times. It is easy to use, see instructions beneath.

class ResizeBorderView: UIView {
    var color = UIColor.white
    var lineWidth: CGFloat = 1
    var edges = [UIRectEdge](){
        didSet {
    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
        if edges.contains(.top) || edges.contains(.all){
            let path = UIBezierPath()
            path.lineWidth = lineWidth
            path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0 + lineWidth / 2))
            path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: self.bounds.width, y: 0 + lineWidth / 2))
        if edges.contains(.bottom) || edges.contains(.all){
            let path = UIBezierPath()
            path.lineWidth = lineWidth
            path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 0, y: self.bounds.height - lineWidth / 2))
            path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: self.bounds.width, y: self.bounds.height - lineWidth / 2))
        if edges.contains(.left) || edges.contains(.all){
            let path = UIBezierPath()
            path.lineWidth = lineWidth
            path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 0 + lineWidth / 2, y: 0))
            path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 0 + lineWidth / 2, y: self.bounds.height))
        if edges.contains(.right) || edges.contains(.all){
            let path = UIBezierPath()
            path.lineWidth = lineWidth
            path.move(to: CGPoint(x: self.bounds.width - lineWidth / 2, y: 0))
            path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: self.bounds.width - lineWidth / 2, y: self.bounds.height))
  1. Set your UIView's class to ResizeBorderView
  2. Set the color and line width by using yourview.color and yourview.lineWidth in your viewDidAppear method
  3. Set the edges, example: yourview.edges = [.right, .left] ([.all]) for all
  4. Enjoy quick start and resizing borders

Using getResources() in non-activity class

In the tour guide app of Udacity's Basic ANdroid course I have used the concept of Fragments. I got stuck for a while experiencing difficulty to access some string resources described in strings, xml file. Finally got a solution.

This is the main activity class


import android.os.Bundle;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  //lines of code
   //lines of code
    //lines of code
    YourClass adapter = new YourClass(getSupportFragmentManager(), getApplicationContext()); 
    //lines of code
    // getApplicationContext() method passses the Context of main activity to the class TourFragmentPageAdapter 

This is the non Activity class that extends FragmentPageAdapter

public class YourClass extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
private String yourStringArray[] = new String[4];
Context context;

public YourClass (FragmentManager fm, Context context)
    this.context = context; // store the context of main activity
    // now you can use this context to access any resource 
    yourStringArray[0] = context.getResources().getString(R.string.tab1);
    yourStringArray[1] = context.getResources().getString(R.string.tab2);
    yourStringArray[2] = context.getResources().getString(R.string.tab3);
    yourStringArray[3] = context.getResources().getString(R.string.tab4);
public Fragment getItem(int position)
public int getCount() {
return 4;

public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
// Generate title based on item position
return yourStringArras[position];

hash function for string

First, is 40 collisions for 130 words hashed to 0..99 bad? You can't expect perfect hashing if you are not taking steps specifically for it to happen. An ordinary hash function won't have fewer collisions than a random generator most of the time.

A hash function with a good reputation is MurmurHash3.

Finally, regarding the size of the hash table, it really depends what kind of hash table you have in mind, especially, whether buckets are extensible or one-slot. If buckets are extensible, again there is a choice: you choose the average bucket length for the memory/speed constraints that you have.

package javax.servlet.http does not exist

The solution that work for is were add the next dependency to my pom.xml file.


Undefined reference to 'vtable for xxx'

You may take a look at this answer to an identical question (as I understand): The link posted there explains the problem.

For quick solving your problem you should try to code something like this:

ImplementingClass::virtualFunctionToImplement(){...} It helped me a lot.

PHP fopen() Error: failed to open stream: Permission denied

You may need to change the permissions as an administrator. Open up terminal on your Mac and then open the directory that markers.xml is located in. Then type:

sudo chmod 777 markers.xml

You may be prompted for a password. Also, it could be the directories that don't allow full access. I'm not familiar with WordPress, so you may have to change the permission of each directory moving upward to the mysite directory.

LINQ Join with Multiple Conditions in On Clause

This works fine for 2 tables. I have 3 tables and on clause has to link 2 conditions from 3 tables. My code:

from p in _dbContext.Products join pv in _dbContext.ProductVariants on p.ProduktId equals pv.ProduktId join jpr in leftJoinQuery on new { VariantId = pv.Vid, ProductId = p.ProduktId } equals new { VariantId = jpr.Prices.VariantID, ProductId = jpr.Prices.ProduktID } into lj

But its showing error at this point: join pv in _dbContext.ProductVariants on p.ProduktId equals pv.ProduktId

Error: The type of one of the expressions in the join clause is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'GroupJoin'.

Get Time from Getdate()

To get the format you want:

SELECT (substring(CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),22),10,8) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR,getdate(),22), 19,2))

Why are you pulling this from sql?

How can I convert a std::string to int?

Well, lot of answers, lot of possibilities. What I am missing here is some universal method that converts a string to different C++ integral types (short, int, long, bool, ...). I came up with following solution:


using namespace std;

template<typename T>
T toIntegralType(const string &str) {
    static_assert(is_integral<T>::value, "Integral type required.");
    T ret;
    stringstream ss(str);
    ss >> ret;
    if ( to_string(ret) != str)
        throw invalid_argument("Can't convert " + str);
    return ret;

Here are examples of usage:

string str = "123";
int x = toIntegralType<int>(str); // x = 123

str = "123a";
x = toIntegralType<int>(str); // throws exception, because "123a" is not int

str = "1";
bool y = toIntegralType<bool>(str); // y is true
str = "0";
y = toIntegralType<bool>(str); // y is false
str = "00";
y = toIntegralType<bool>(str); // throws exception

Why not just use stringstream output operator to convert a string into an integral type? Here is the answer: Let's say a string contains a value that exceeds the limit for intended integral type. For examle, on Wndows 64 max int is 2147483647. Let's assign to a string a value max int + 1: string str = "2147483648". Now, when converting the string to an int:

stringstream ss(str);
int x;
ss >> x;

x becomes 2147483647, what is definitely an error: string "2147483648" was not supposed to be converted to the int 2147483647. The provided function toIntegralType spots such errors and throws exception.

View a specific Git commit

git show <revhash>

Documentation here. Or if that doesn't work, try Google Code's GIT Documentation

What is the largest possible heap size with a 64-bit JVM?

In theory everything is possible but reality you find the numbers much lower than you might expect. I have been trying to address huge spaces on servers often and found that even though a server can have huge amounts of memory it surprised me that most software actually never can address it in real scenario's simply because the cpu's are not fast enough to really address them. Why would you say right ?! . Timings thats the endless downfall of every enormous machine which i have worked on. So i would advise to not go overboard by addressing huge amounts just because you can, but use what you think could be used. Actual values are often much lower than what you expected. Ofcourse non of us really uses hp 9000 systems at home and most of you actually ever will go near the capacity of your home system ever. For instance most users do not have more than 16 Gb of memory in their system. Ofcourse some of the casual gamers use work stations for a game once a month but i bet that is a very small percentage. So coming down to earth means i would address on a 8 Gb 64 bit system not much more than 512 mb for heapspace or if you go overboard try 1 Gb. I am pretty sure its even with these numbers pure overkill. I have constant monitored the memory usage during gaming to see if the addressing would make any difference but did not notice any difference at all when i addressed much lower values or larger ones. Even on the server/workstations there was no visible change in performance no matter how large i set the values. That does not say some jave users might be able to make use of more space addressed, but this far i have not seen any of the applications needing so much ever. Ofcourse i assume that their would be a small difference in performance if java instances would run out of enough heapspace to work with. This far i have not found any of it at all, however lack of real installed memory showed instant drops of performance if you set too much heapspace. When you have a 4 Gb system you run quickly out of heapspace and then you will see some errors and slowdowns because people address too much space which actually is not free in the system so the os starts to address drive space to make up for the shortage hence it starts to swap.

jQuery Mobile Page refresh mechanism

Please take a good look here:

$.mobile.changePage() is to change from one page to another, and the parameter can be a url or a page object. ( only #result will also work )

$ isn't recommended anymore, please use .trigger( "create"), see also: JQuery Mobile .page() function causes infinite loop?

Important: Create vs. refresh: An important distinction

Note that there is an important difference between the create event and refresh method that some widgets have. The create event is suited for enhancing raw markup that contains one or more widgets. The refresh method that some widgets have should be used on existing (already enhanced) widgets that have been manipulated programmatically and need the UI be updated to match.

For example, if you had a page where you dynamically appended a new unordered list with data-role=listview attribute after page creation, triggering create on a parent element of that list would transform it into a listview styled widget. If more list items were then programmatically added, calling the listview’s refresh method would update just those new list items to the enhanced state and leave the existing list items untouched.

$.mobile.refresh() doesn't exist i guess

So what are you using for your results? A listview? Then you can update it by doing:



Otherwise you can do:

$('#result').live("pageinit", function(){ // or pageshow
    // your dom manipulations here

foreach for JSON array , syntax

You can do something like

for(var k in result) {
   console.log(k, result[k]);

which loops over all the keys in the returned json and prints the values. However, if you have a nested structure, you will need to use

typeof result[k] === "object"

to determine if you have to loop over the nested objects. Most APIs I have used, the developers know the structure of what is being returned, so this is unnecessary. However, I suppose it's possible that this expectation is not good for all cases.

How do I automatically resize an image for a mobile site?

Your css with doesn't have any effect as the outer element doesn't have a width defined (and body is missing as well).

A different approach is to deliver already scaled images. for example delivers the image already scaled down depending on the viewing device.

How to use "Share image using" sharing Intent to share images in android?

SuperM answer worked for me but with Uri.fromFile() instead of Uri.parse().

With Uri.parse(), it worked only with Whatsapp.

This is my code:

sharingIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(mFile));

Output of Uri.parse():

Output of Uri.fromFile:

Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash and preg_match

The pattern must have delimiters. Delimiters can be a forward slash (/) or any non alphanumeric characters(#,$,*,...). Examples

$pattern = "/My name is '(.*)' and im fine/"; 
$pattern = "#My name is '(.*)' and im fine#";
$pattern = "@My name is '(.*)' and im fine@";  

Chrome/jQuery Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

This problem happened with me when I used jQUery Fancybox inside a website with many others jQuery plugins. When I used the LightBox (site here) instead of Fancybox, the problem is gone.

How to Convert double to int in C?

main() {
    double a;
    int b;
    printf("b is %d",b);

output is :b is 3669

when you write b=a; then its automatically converted in int

see on-line compiler result :

This is called Implicit Type Conversion Read more here

Datagridview full row selection but get single cell value

In the CellClick event you can write following code

string value =

Using the bove code you will get value of the cell you cliked. If you want to get value of paricular column in the clicked row, just replace e.ColumnIndex with the column index you want

Makefile ifeq logical or

As found on the mailing list archive,

one can use the filter function.

For example

ifeq ($(GCC_MINOR),$(filter $(GCC_MINOR),4 5))

filter X, A B will return those of A,B that are equal to X. Note, while this is not relevant in the above example, this is a XOR operation. I.e. if you instead have something like:

ifeq (4, $(filter 4, $(VAR1) $(VAR2)))

And then do e.g. make VAR1=4 VAR2=4, the filter will return 4 4, which is not equal to 4.

A variation that performs an OR operation instead is:

ifneq (,$(filter $(GCC_MINOR),4 5))

where a negative comparison against an empty string is used instead (filter will return en empty string if GCC_MINOR doesn't match the arguments). Using the VAR1/VAR2 example it would look like this:

ifneq (, $(filter 4, $(VAR1) $(VAR2)))

The downside to those methods is that you have to be sure that these arguments will always be single words. For example, if VAR1 is 4 foo, the filter result is still 4, and the ifneq expression is still true. If VAR1 is 4 5, the filter result is 4 5 and the ifneq expression is true.

One easy alternative is to just put the same operation in both the ifeq and else ifeq branch, e.g. like this:

ifeq ($(GCC_MINOR),4)
    @echo Supported version
else ifeq ($(GCC_MINOR),5)
    @echo Supported version
    @echo Unsupported version

How do you remove the title text from the Android ActionBar?

I tried this. This will help -

Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

getSupportActionBar should be called after setSupportActionBar, thus setting the toolbar, otherwise, NullpointerException because there is no toolbar set. Hope this helps

ld.exe: cannot open output file ... : Permission denied

  1. Open task manager -> Processes -> Click on .exe (Fibonacci.exe) -> End Process

    if it doesn't work

  2. Close eclipse IDE (or whatever IDE you use) and repeat step 1.

How to convert a char array back to a string?

You can use String.valueOf method.

For example,

char[] a = {'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'};
String b = String.valueOf(a);
System.out.println("Char Array back to String is: " + b);

For more on char array to string you can refer links below

How do you make an anchor link non-clickable or disabled?

Jason MacDonald comments worked for me, tested in Chrome, Mozila and IE.

Added gray color to show disable effect.

    pointer-events: none;
    **color:#c0c0c0 !important;**

Jquery was selecting only first element in the anchor list, added meta character (*) to select and disable all element with id #ThisLink.


jQuery changing font family and font size

Full working solution :


<form id="myform">
    <select id="fs"> 
        <option value="Arial">Arial</option>
        <option value="Verdana ">Verdana </option>
        <option value="Impact ">Impact </option>
        <option value="Comic Sans MS">Comic Sans MS</option>

    <select id="size">
        <option value="7">7</option>
        <option value="10">10</option>
        <option value="20">20</option>
        <option value="30">30</option>


<textarea class="changeMe">Text into textarea</textarea>
<div id="container" class="changeMe">
    <div id="float">
            Text into container


$("#fs").change(function() {
    $('.changeMe').css("font-family", $(this).val());


$("#size").change(function() {
    $('.changeMe').css("font-size", $(this).val() + "px");

Fiddle here:

Jackson JSON: get node name from json-tree

JsonNode root = mapper.readTree(json);"/some-node").fields().forEachRemaining(e -> {
                              System.out.println(e.getKey()+"---"+ e.getValue());


In one line Jackson 2+

GitHub relative link in Markdown file

Update 30th, January 2013, 16 months later:

GitHub Blog Post Relative links in markup files:

Starting today, GitHub supports relative links in markup files.
Now you can link directly between different documentation files, whether you view the documentation on GitHub itself, or locally, using a different markup renderer.

You want examples of link definitions and how they work? Here's some Markdown for you.
Instead of an absolute link:

[a link](

…you can use a relative link:

[a relative link](

and we'll make sure it gets linked to user/repo/blob/branch/

If you were using a workaround like [a workaround link](repo/blob/master/, you'll have to update your documentation to use the new syntax.

This also means your documentation can now easily stand on its own, without always pointing to GitHub.

Update December 20th, 2011:

The GitHub markup issue 84 is currently closed by technoweenie, with the comment:

We tried adding a <base> tag for this, but it causes problems with other relative links on the site.

October 12th, 2011:

If you look at the raw source of the of Markdown itself(!), relative paths don't seem to be supported.
You will find references like:


vba error handling in loop

How about:

    For Each oSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
        If oSheet.ListObjects.Count > 0 Then
          oCmbBox.AddItem oSheet.Name
        End If
    Next oSheet

Android - Center TextView Horizontally in LinearLayout

Just use: android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"

It will put the whole textview in the center

Subtract 1 day with PHP

Answear taken from Php manual strtotime function comments :

echo date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( "2009-01-31 -1 day"));


$date = "2009-01-31";
echo date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( $date . "-1 day"));

Android: how to get the current day of the week (Monday, etc...) in the user's language?

//selected date from calender
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"); //Date and time
String currentDate = sdf.format(myCalendar.getTime());

//selcted_day name
SimpleDateFormat sdf_ = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
String dayofweek=sdf_.format(myCalendar.getTime());

Log.e("dayname", dayofweek);

Using JavaScript to display a Blob

If you want to use fetch instead:

var myImage = document.querySelector('img');

fetch('flowers.jpg').then(function(response) {
  return response.blob();
}).then(function(myBlob) {
  var objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(myBlob);
  myImage.src = objectURL;


PHP is_numeric or preg_match 0-9 validation

is_numeric would accept "-0.5e+12" as a valid ID.

How to select ALL children (in any level) from a parent in jQuery?

Use jQuery.find() to find children more than one level deep.

The .find() and .children() methods are similar, except that the latter only travels a single level down the DOM tree.


You need the '*' in find():

Unlike in the rest of the tree traversal methods, the selector expression is required in a call to .find(). If we need to retrieve all of the descendant elements, we can pass in the universal selector '*' to accomplish this.

How to use the addr2line command in Linux?

That's exactly how you use it. There is a possibility that the address you have does not correspond to something directly in your source code though.

For example:

$ cat t.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    return 0;
$ gcc -g t.c
$ addr2line -e a.out 0x400534
$ addr2line -e a.out 0x400550

0x400534 is the address of main in my case. 0x400408 is also a valid function address in a.out, but it's a piece of code generated/imported by GCC, that has no debug info. (In this case, __libc_csu_init. You can see the layout of your executable with readelf -a your_exe.)

Other times when addr2line will fail is if you're including a library that has no debug information.

Could not find or load main class

I've had similar problems. If you work with Eclipse, you need to go to the folder where you have your src/ folder... If you used a package - then you use

javac -cp . packageName/className

which means if you've had a package named def and main class with name you'd write

javac -cp . def/TextFrame

omitting the trailing .java extension, and then you run it with the

java def/TextFrame 

and if you have have arguments, then you need to supply it with arguments corresponding to your program. I hope this helps a bit.

Getting HTML elements by their attribute names

Yes, the function is querySelectorAll (or querySelector for a single element), which allows you to use CSS selectors to find elements.

document.querySelectorAll('[property]'); // All with attribute named "property"
document.querySelectorAll('[property="value"]'); // All with "property" set to "value" exactly.

(Complete list of attribute selectors on MDN.)

This finds all elements with the attribute property. It would be better to specify a tag name if possible:


You can work around this if necessary by looping through all the elements on the page to see whether they have the attribute set:

var withProperty = [],
    els = document.getElementsByTagName('span'), // or '*' for all types of element
    i = 0;

for (i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
    if (els[i].hasAttribute('property')) {

Libraries such as jQuery handle this for you; it's probably a good idea to let them do the heavy lifting.

For anyone dealing with ancient browsers, note that querySelectorAll was introduced to Internet Explorer in v8 (2009) and fully supported in IE9. All modern browsers support it.

Disable vertical scroll bar on div overflow: auto

If you want to accomplish the same in Gecko (NS6+, Mozilla, etc) and IE4+ simultaneously, I believe this should do the trick:V

body {
overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;

This will be applied to entire body tag, please update it to your relevant css and apply this properties.

Convert String to int array in java

String arr= "[1,2]";
List<Integer> arrList= JSON.parseArray(arr,Integer.class).stream().collect(Collectors.toList());
Integer[] intArr = ArrayUtils.toObject(;

How to fire a button click event from JavaScript in ASP.NET

$("#"+document.getElementById("<%= ButtonID.ClientID %>")).trigger("click");

What does "<>" mean in Oracle

not equals. See here for a list of conditions

`require': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError)

I think is a little late but

sudo yum install -y gcc ruby-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel libxslt libxslt-devel

worked for me on fedora.

ListView with OnItemClickListener

Asked by many, The childs in list must not have width "match_parent" if you are looking for listview click only.

Even if you set the "Focusable" to false it wont work. Set the child's Width to wrap_content


Resize UIImage by keeping Aspect ratio and width

The method of Srikar works very well, if you know both height and width of your new Size. If you for example know only the width you want to scale to and don't care about the height you first have to calculate the scale factor of the height.

+(UIImage*)imageWithImage: (UIImage*) sourceImage scaledToWidth: (float) i_width
    float oldWidth = sourceImage.size.width;
    float scaleFactor = i_width / oldWidth;

    float newHeight = sourceImage.size.height * scaleFactor;
    float newWidth = oldWidth * scaleFactor;

    UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSizeMake(newWidth, newHeight));
    [sourceImage drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight)];
    UIImage *newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();    
    return newImage;

Java, looping through result set

Result Set are actually contains multiple rows of data, and use a cursor to point out current position. So in your case, rs4.getString(1) only get you the data in first column of first row. In order to change to next row, you need to call next()

a quick example

while ( {
    String sid = rs.getString(1);
    String lid = rs.getString(2);
    // Do whatever you want to do with these 2 values

there are many useful method in ResultSet, you should take a look :)

How to Automatically Close Alerts using Twitter Bootstrap

try this one

$(function () {

 setTimeout(function () {
            if ($(".alert").is(":visible")){
                 //you may add animate.css class for fancy fadeout

        }, 3000)


Setting PayPal return URL and making it auto return?

on the checkout page, look for the 'cancel_return' hidden form element:

set the value of the cancel_return form element to the URL you wish to return to:

How do I script a "yes" response for installing programs?

Although this may be more complicated/heavier-weight than you want, one very flexible way to do it is using something like Expect (or one of the derivatives in another programming language).

Expect is a language designed specifically to control text-based applications, which is exactly what you are looking to do. If you end up needing to do something more complicated (like with logic to actually decide what to do/answer next), Expect is the way to go.

IntelliJ - Convert a Java project/module into a Maven project/module

  1. Open 'Maven projects' (tab on the right side).
  2. Use 'Add Maven Projects'
  3. Find your pom.xml

What does $(function() {} ); do?

This is a shortcut for $(document).ready(), which is executed when the browser has finished loading the page (meaning here, "when the DOM is available"). See If you are trying to call example() before the browser has finished loading the page, it may not work.

Android fastboot waiting for devices

To use the fastboot command you first need to put your device in fastboot mode:

$ adb reboot bootloader

Once the device is in fastboot mode, you can boot it with your own kernel, for example:

$ fastboot boot myboot.img

The above will only boot your kernel once and the old kernel will be used again when you reboot the device. To replace the kernel on the device, you will need to flash it to the device:

$ fastboot flash boot myboot.img

Hope that helps.

How can I remove the decimal part from JavaScript number?

toFixed will behave like round.

For a floor like behavior use %:

var num = 3.834234;
var floored_num = num - (num % 1); // floored_num will be 3

Use CSS to remove the space between images

The best solution I've found for this is to contain them in a parent div, and give that div a font-size of 0.

Center text in table cell

I would recommend using CSS for this. You should create a CSS rule to enforce the centering, for example:

.ui-helper-center {
    text-align: center;

And then add the ui-helper-center class to the table cells for which you wish to control the alignment:

<td class="ui-helper-center">Content</td>

EDIT: Since this answer was accepted, I felt obligated to edit out the parts that caused a flame-war in the comments, and to not promote poor and outdated practices.

See Gabe's answer for how to include the CSS rule into your page.

How can I remove the gloss on a select element in Safari on Mac?

Sorry to pile on to an old item. I found partial answers to my questions here but had to do some work so I wanted to share my results for the next person.

I ended up using the same approach as the other contributors, but with a few tweaks to fix the following

  1. Long text was covering the arrows in the other solutions
  2. The image being used was a somewhat old and ugly up/down combo arrow.

The below will give you a working solution with the above issues fixed. Note: I used a white arrow for my use case, you may need to change the color of the arrow for yours.

here's a preview:

select with white arrow

  -webkit-appearance: none;
  -moz-appearance: none;
  appearance: none;
  background: url() no-repeat 101% 50%;

Redis: Show database size/size for keys

You can use .net application to calculate the size of redis key,

Please feel free to give your feedback for the same

Reading Space separated input in python

You can do the following if you already know the number of fields of the input:

client_name = raw_input("Enter you first and last name: ")
first_name, last_name = client_name.split() 

and in case you want to iterate through the fields separated by spaces, you can do the following:

some_input = raw_input() # This input is the value separated by spaces
for field in some_input.split():
    print field # this print can be replaced with any operation you'd like
    #             to perform on the fields.

A more generic use of the "split()" function would be:

    result_list = some_string.split(DELIMITER)

where DELIMETER is replaced with the delimiter you'd like to use as your separator, with single quotes surrounding it.

An example would be:

    result_string = some_string.split('!')    

The code above takes a string and separates the fields using the '!' character as a delimiter.

Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools > Fix Project Properties

I fixed this problem employing the two procedures of :

  1. In Eclipse->'Project' menu -> 'Java Compiler' -> set 'Compiler compliance level' = 1.6 check on 'Use default compliance settings' Set 'Generated .class compatibility' = 1.6 Set 'Source compatibilty' = 1.6

  2. Then go to 'Windows' menu --> 'Preferences' -->'Java' , expand 'Java' --> 'Compiler' -->Set 'Compiler compliance level' = 1.6

Hint: Source compatibility must be equal to or less than compliance level.

Default value in an mvc view model

Set this in the constructor:

public class SearchModel
    public bool IsMale { get; set; }
    public bool IsFemale { get; set; }

    public SearchModel()
        IsMale = true;
        IsFemale = true;

Then pass it to the view in your GET action:

public ActionResult Search()
    return new View(new SearchModel());

Calculating time difference between 2 dates in minutes

Try this one:

select * from MyTab T where date_add(T.runTime, INTERVAL 20 MINUTE) < NOW()

NOTE: this should work if you're using MySQL DateTime format. If you're using Unix Timestamp (integer), then it would be even easier:

select * from MyTab T where UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - T.runTime > 20*60

UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function returns you current unix timestamp.

How do you say not equal to in Ruby?

Yes. In Ruby the not equal to operator is:


You can get a full list of ruby operators here:

How to I say Is Not Null in VBA

Use Not IsNull(Fields!W_O_Count.Value)

How to use sed to remove all double quotes within a file

You just need to escape the quote in your first example:

$ sed 's/\"//g' file.txt

Validate email address textbox using JavaScript

This is quite an old question so I've updated this answer to take the HTML 5 email type into account.

You don't actually need JavaScript for this at all with HTML 5; just use the email input type:

<input type="email" />
  • If you want to make it mandatory, you can add the required parameter.

  • If you want to add additional RegEx validation (limit to email addresses for example), you can use the pattern parameter, e.g.:

    <input type="email" pattern="[email protected]" />

There's more information available on MozDev.

Original answer follows

First off - I'd recommend the email validator RegEx from Hexillion:

It's pretty comprehensive - :


I think you want a function in your JavaScript like:

function validateEmail(sEmail) {
  var reEmail = /^(?:[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+@(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-](?!\.)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-](?!$)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]?)|(?:\[(?:(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\]))$/;

  if(!sEmail.match(reEmail)) {
    alert("Invalid email address");
    return false;

  return true;


In the HTML input you need to trigger the event with an onblur - the easy way to do this is to simply add something like:

<input type="text" name="email" onblur="validateEmail(this.value);" />

Of course that's lacking some sanity checks and won't do domain verification (that has to be done server side) - but it should give you a pretty solid JS email format verifier.

Note: I tend to use the match() string method rather than the test() RegExp method but it shouldn't make any difference.

Difference between x86, x32, and x64 architectures?

x86 refers to the Intel processor architecture that was used in PCs. Model numbers were 8088 (8 bit bus version of 8086 and used in the first IBM PC), 8086, 286, 386, 486. After which they switched to names instead of numbers to stop AMD from copying the processor names. Pentium etc, never a Hexium :).

x64 is the architecture name for the extensions to the x86 instruction set that enable 64-bit code. Invented by AMD and later copied by Intel when they couldn't get their own 64-bit arch to be competitive, Itanium didn't fare well. Other names for it are x86_64, AMD's original name and commonly used in open source tools. And amd64, AMD's next name and commonly used in Microsoft tools. Intel's own names for it (EM64T and "Intel 64") never caught on.

x32 is a fuzzy term that's not associated with hardware. It tends to be used to mean "32-bit" or "32-bit pointer architecture", Linux has an ABI by that name.

GetType used in PowerShell, difference between variables

Select-Object creates a new psobject and copies the properties you requested to it. You can verify this with GetType():

PS > $a.GetType().fullname

PS > $b.GetType().fullname

Getting JSONObject from JSONArray

{"syncresponse":{"synckey":"2011-09-30 14:52:00","createdtrs":[],"modtrs":[],"deletedtrs":[{"companyid":"UTB17","username":"DA","date":"2011-09-26","reportid":"31341"}]

The get companyid, username, date;


How do you use "git --bare init" repository?

You can execute the following commands to initialize your local repository

mkdir newProject
cd newProject
touch .gitignore
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
git remote add origin user@host:~/path_on_server/newProject.git
git push origin master

You should work on your project from your local repository and use the server as the central repository.

You can also follow this article which explains each and every aspect of creating and maintaining a Git repository. Git for Beginners

Why am I getting "Thread was being aborted" in ASP.NET?

Nope, ThreadAbortException is thrown by a simple Response.Redirect

Functions that return a function

This is super useful in real life.

Working with Express.js

So your regular express route looks like this:

function itWorksHandler( req, res, next ) {
  res.send("It works!");

router.get("/check/works", itWorksHandler );

But what if you need to add some wrapper, error handler or smth?

Then you invoke your function off a wrapper.

function loggingWrapper( req, res, next, yourFunction ) {
  try {
    yourFunction( req, res );
  } catch ( err ) {
    console.error( err );
    next( err );

router.get("/check/works", function( req, res, next ) {
  loggingWrapper( req, res, next, itWorksHandler );

Looks complicated? Well, how about this:

function function loggingWrapper( yourFunction ) => ( req, res, next ) {
  try {
    yourFunction( req, res, next );
  } catch ( err ) {
    console.error( err );
    next( err );

router.get("/check/works", loggingWrapper( itWorksHandler ) );

See at the end you're passing a function loggingWrapper having one argument as another function itWorksHandler, and your loggingWrapper returns a new function which takes req, res, next as arguments.

Eclipse: The declared package does not match the expected package

Move your problem *.java files to other folder.

Click 'src' item and press "F5".

Red crosses will dissaperar.

Return your *.java files to "package path", click 'src' item and press "F5".

All should be ok.

Remove all whitespaces from NSString

Easy task using stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString

NSString *search = [searchbar.text stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@" " withString:@""];