[python] Using (Ana)conda within PyCharm

I've got Pycharm 4 running on my Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) machine. In addition to the system python, I've also got Anaconda installed. Getting the two to play nicely together seems to be a bit of a problem... PyCharm provides some interesting integration for virtualenvs and pip, but the Anaconda Python distribution seems to prefer using its own conda tool for both activities.

Is there a relatively simple/painless way to be able to use conda in conjunction with PyCharm? Not just as an alternative interpreter i.e. point PyCharm at the Anaconda Python binary for a project interpreter, but to be able to create, source/activate and deactivate virtual envs, add/remove packages in those virtual envs, etc.

Or am I going to have to choose between using Anaconda (and having a more recent and up-to-date python than may come with the system), and being able to use PyCharm's features to their fullest extent?

This question is related to python virtualenv pycharm anaconda conda

The answer is

as per @cyberbikepunk answer pycharm supports Anaconda since pycharm5!

Have a look how easy is to add an environment: enter image description here

Change the project interpreter to ~/anaconda2/python/bin by going to File -> Settings -> Project -> Project Interpreter. Also update the run configuration to use the project default Python interpreter via Run -> Edit Configurations. This makes PyCharm use Anaconda instead of the default Python interpreter under usr/bin/python27.

Continuum Analytics now provides instructions on how to setup Anaconda with various IDEs including Pycharm here. However, with Pycharm 5.0.1 running on Unbuntu 15.10 Project Interpreter settings were found via the File | Settings and then under the Project branch of the treeview on the Settings dialog.

this might be repetitive. I was trying to use pycharm to run flask - had anaconda 3, pycharm 2019.1.1 and windows 10. Created a new conda environment - it threw errors. Followed these steps -

  1. Used the cmd to install python and flask after creating environment as suggested above.

  2. Followed this answer.

  3. As suggested above, went to Run -> Edit Configurations and changed the environment there as well as in (2).

Obviously kept the correct python interpreter (the one in the environment) everywhere.

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