[macos] Install / upgrade gradle on Mac OS X

How do I install/upgrade gradle for Mac?

This question is related to macos build gradle build.gradle

The answer is

Another alternative is to use sdkman. An advantage of sdkman over brew is that many versions of gradle are supported. (brew only supports the latest version and 2.14.) To install sdkman execute:

curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash

Then follow the instructions. Go here for more installation information. Once sdkman is installed use the command:

sdk install gradle

Or to install a specific version:

sdk install gradle 2.2

Or use to use a specific installed version:

sdk use gradle 2.2

To see which versions are installed and available:

sdk list gradle

For more information go here.

Two Method

  • using homebrew auto install:
    • Steps:
      • brew install gradle
    • Pros and cons
      • Pros: easy
      • Cons: (probably) not latest version
  • manually install (for latest version):
    • Pros and cons
      • Pros: use your expected any (or latest) version
      • Cons: need self to do it
    • Steps
      • download latest version binary (gradle-6.0.1) from Gradle | Releases
      • unzip it (gradle-6.0.1-all.zip) and added gradle path into environment variable PATH
        • normally is edit and add following config into your startup script( ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc etc.):
export GRADLE_HOME=/path_to_your_gradle/gradle-6.0.1

some other basic note

Q: How to make PATH take effect immediately?

A: use source:

source ~/.bashrc

it will make/execute your .bashrc, so make PATH become your expected latest values, which include your added gradle path.

Q: How to check PATH is really take effect/working now?

A: use echo to see your added path in indeed in your PATH

?  ~ echo $PATH

you can see we added /Users/crifan/dev/dev_tool/java/gradle/gradle-6.0.1/bin into your PATH

Q: How to verify gradle is installed correctly on my Mac ?

A: use which to make sure can find gradle

?  ~ which gradle

AND to check and see gradle version

?  ~ gradle --version

Gradle 6.0.1

Build time:   2019-11-18 20:25:01 UTC
Revision:     fad121066a68c4701acd362daf4287a7c309a0f5

Kotlin:       1.3.50
Groovy:       2.5.8
Ant:          Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.7 compiled on September 1 2019
JVM:          1.8.0_112 (Oracle Corporation 25.112-b16)
OS:           Mac OS X 10.14.6 x86_64

this means the (latest) gradle is correctly installed on your mac ^_^.

for more detail please refer my (Chinese) post ?????mac???maven

And using ports:

port install gradle

Ports , tested on El Capitan

I had downloaded it from http://gradle.org/gradle-download/. I use Homebrew, but I missed installing gradle using it.

To save some MBs by downloading it over again using Homebrew, I symlinked the gradle binary from the downloaded (and extracted) zip archive in the /usr/local/bin/. This is the same place where Homebrew symlinks all other binaries.

cd /usr/local/bin/
ln -s ~/Downloads/gradle-2.12/bin/gradle

Now check whether it works or not:

gradle -v

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Examples related to gradle

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