[c#] Protect .NET code from reverse engineering?

Broadly speaking, there are three groups of people out there.

  • Those who will not buy your software and resort to cracks, or if they don't find any, not use your software at all. Don't expect to make any money from this group. They rely either on their own skills or on crackers (who tend to prioritize their time depending on your useful and how big your audience is. The more useful, the sooner a crack will be available).

  • The group of legitimate users who will buy (pay for) your software, irrespective of what protection mechanism you use. Don't make life hard for your legitimate users by using an elaborate protection mechanism since they are going to pay for it in any case. A complex protection mechanism can easily spoil the user experience and you don't want this happening to this group. Personally, I'd vote against any hardware solution, which adds to the cost of your software.

  • A minority who will resort to "unethical" cracking and will only pay for your software because its features are protected by a licensing mechanism. You probably don't want to make it exceedingly easy for this group to circumvent your protection. However, all that effort you spend on protecting your software will pay back, depending on how big this group of people is. This entirely depends on the type of software you're building.

Given what you've said, if you think there is a large enough minority who can be pushed into buying your software, go ahead and implement some form of protection. Think about how much money you can make from this minority versus the time you spend working on the protection, or the amount you spend on a third party protection API/tool.

If you like to implement a solution of your own, using public-key cryptography is a good way (as opposed to symmetric algorithms) to prevent easy hacks. You could for instance digitally sign your license (serial no, or license file). The only way to get around this would then be to decompile, alter and recompile the code (which you could make harder using techniques such as those suggested in Simucal's answer).

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