[svg] Circle drawing with SVG's arc path

Building upon Anthony and Anton's answers I incorporated the ability to rotate the generated circle without affecting it's overall appearance. This is useful if you're using the path for an animation and you need to control where it begins.

function(cx, cy, r, deg){
    var theta = deg*Math.PI/180,
        dx = r*Math.cos(theta),
        dy = -r*Math.sin(theta);
    return "M "+cx+" "+cy+"m "+dx+","+dy+"a "+r+","+r+" 0 1,0 "+-2*dx+","+-2*dy+"a "+r+","+r+" 0 1,0 "+2*dx+","+2*dy;

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Examples related to vml

Circle drawing with SVG's arc path

Examples related to geometric-arc

Circle drawing with SVG's arc path