To make Python not return to me "Attempted relative import in non-package". package/ subpackage1/ subpackage2/
This error occurs only if you are applying relative import to the parent file. For example parent file already returns main after you code "print(name)" in .so THIS file is already main it cannot return any parent package further on. relative imports are required in files of packages subpackage1 and subpackage2 you can use ".." to refer to the parent directory or module .But parent is if already top level package it cannot go further above that parent directory(package). Such files where you are applying relative importing to parents can only work with the application of absolute import. If you will use ABSOLUTE IMPORT IN PARENT PACKAGE NO ERROR will come as python knows who is at the top level of package even if your file is in subpackages because of the concept of PYTHON PATH which defines the top level of the project