[file] Get a list of all the files in a directory (recursive)

I'm trying to get (not print, that's easy) the list of files in a directory and its sub directories.

I've tried:

def folder = "C:\\DevEnv\\Projects\\Generic";
def baseDir = new File(folder);
files = baseDir.listFiles();

I only get the directories. I've also tried:

def files = [];

def processFileClosure = {
        println "working on ${it.canonicalPath}: "
        files.add (it.canonicalPath);

baseDir.eachFileRecurse(FileType.FILES, processFileClosure);

But "files" is not recognized in the scope of the closure.

How do I get the list?

This question is related to file groovy directory-listing

The answer is

This code works for me:

import groovy.io.FileType

def list = []

def dir = new File("path_to_parent_dir")
dir.eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file ->
  list << file

Afterwards the list variable contains all files (java.io.File) of the given directory and its subdirectories:

list.each {
  println it.path

The following works for me in Gradle / Groovy for build.gradle for an Android project, without having to import groovy.io.FileType (NOTE: Does not recurse subdirectories, but when I found this solution I no longer cared about recursion, so you may not either):

FileCollection proGuardFileCollection = files { file('./proguard').listFiles() }
proGuardFileCollection.each {
    println "Proguard file located and processed: " + it

Newer versions of Groovy (1.7.2+) offer a JDK extension to more easily traverse over files in a directory, for example:

import static groovy.io.FileType.FILES
def dir = new File(".");
def files = [];
dir.traverse(type: FILES, maxDepth: 0) { files.add(it) };

See also [1] for more examples.

[1] http://mrhaki.blogspot.nl/2010/04/groovy-goodness-traversing-directory.html

This is what I came up with for a gradle build script:

task doLast {
    ext.FindFile = { list, curPath ->
        def files = file(curPath).listFiles().sort()

        files.each {  File file ->

            if (file.isFile()) {
                list << file
            else {
                list << file  // If you want the directories in the list

                list = FindFile( list, file.path) 
        return list

    def list = []
    def theFile = FindFile(list, "${project.projectDir}")

    list.each {
        println it.path

Examples related to file

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Examples related to groovy

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Examples related to directory-listing

Non-alphanumeric list order from os.listdir() Vbscript list all PDF files in folder and subfolders Get a list of all the files in a directory (recursive) How do you get a list of the names of all files present in a directory in Node.js? How to get the list of files in a directory in a shell script? Recursive directory listing in DOS Get a filtered list of files in a directory