With Aspose.Cells library for .NET, you can easily export data of specific rows and columns from one Excel document to another. The following code sample shows how to do this in C# language.
// Open the source excel file.
Workbook srcWorkbook = new Workbook("Source_Workbook.xlsx");
// Create the destination excel file.
Workbook destWorkbook = new Workbook();
// Get the first worksheet of the source workbook.
Worksheet srcWorksheet = srcWorkbook.Worksheets[0];
// Get the first worksheet of the destination workbook.
Worksheet desWorksheet = destWorkbook.Worksheets[0];
// Copy the second row of the source Workbook to the first row of destination Workbook.
desWorksheet.Cells.CopyRow(srcWorksheet.Cells, 1, 0);
// Copy the fourth row of the source Workbook to the second row of destination Workbook.
desWorksheet.Cells.CopyRow(srcWorksheet.Cells, 3, 1);
// Save the destination excel file.
The following blog post explains in detail how to export data from different sources to an Excel document.