[python] How to use a variable inside a regular expression?

I'd like to use a variable inside a regex, how can I do this in Python?

TEXTO = sys.argv[1]

if re.search(r"\b(?=\w)TEXTO\b(?!\w)", subject, re.IGNORECASE):
    # Successful match
    # Match attempt failed

This question is related to python regex python-3.x variables escaping

The answer is

you can try another usage using format grammer suger:

re_genre = r'{}'.format(your_variable)
regex_pattern = re.compile(re_genre)  

I needed to search for usernames that are similar to each other, and what Ned Batchelder said was incredibly helpful. However, I found I had cleaner output when I used re.compile to create my re search term:

pattern = re.compile(r"("+username+".*):(.*?):(.*?):(.*?):(.*)"
matches = re.findall(pattern, lines)

Output can be printed using the following:

print(matches[1]) # prints one whole matching line (in this case, the first line)
print(matches[1][3]) # prints the fourth character group (established with the parentheses in the regex statement) of the first line.

I agree with all the above unless:

sys.argv[1] was something like Chicken\d{2}-\d{2}An\s*important\s*anchor

sys.argv[1] = "Chicken\d{2}-\d{2}An\s*important\s*anchor"

you would not want to use re.escape, because in that case you would like it to behave like a regex

TEXTO = sys.argv[1]

if re.search(r"\b(?<=\w)" + TEXTO + "\b(?!\w)", subject, re.IGNORECASE):
    # Successful match
    # Match attempt failed

I find it very convenient to build a regular expression pattern by stringing together multiple smaller patterns.

import re

string = "begin:id1:tag:middl:id2:tag:id3:end"
re_str1 = r'(?<=(\S{5})):'
re_str2 = r'(id\d+):(?=tag:)'
re_pattern = re.compile(re_str1 + re_str2)
match = re_pattern.findall(string)


[('begin', 'id1'), ('middl', 'id2')]

rx = r'\b(?<=\w){0}\b(?!\w)'.format(TEXTO)

more example

I have configus.yml with flows files

  - _(\d{14})_
  - "%m%d%Y%H%M%f"

in python code I use

data_time_real_file=re.findall(r""+flows[flow]["pattern"][0]+"", latest_file)

You have to build the regex as a string:

TEXTO = sys.argv[1]
my_regex = r"\b(?=\w)" + re.escape(TEXTO) + r"\b(?!\w)"

if re.search(my_regex, subject, re.IGNORECASE):

Note the use of re.escape so that if your text has special characters, they won't be interpreted as such.

You can use format keyword as well for this.Format method will replace {} placeholder to the variable which you passed to the format method as an argument.

if re.search(r"\b(?=\w)**{}**\b(?!\w)".**format(TEXTO)**, subject, re.IGNORECASE):
    # Successful match**strong text**
    # Match attempt failed

if re.search(r"\b(?<=\w)%s\b(?!\w)" % TEXTO, subject, re.IGNORECASE):

This will insert what is in TEXTO into the regex as a string.

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