Vanilla JS solutions with complexity of O(n) (fastest possible for this problem). Modify the hashFunction to distinguish the objects (e.g. 1 and "1") if needed. The first solution avoids hidden loops (common in functions provided by Array).
var dedupe = function(a)
var hash={},ret=[];
var hashFunction = function(v) { return ""+v; };
var collect = function(h)
if(hash.hasOwnProperty(hashFunction(h)) == false) // O(1)
ret.push(h); // should be O(1) for Arrays
for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++) // this is a loop: O(n)
//OR: a.forEach(collect); // this is a loop: O(n)
return ret;
var dedupe = function(a)
var hash={};
var isdupe = function(h)
if(hash.hasOwnProperty(h) == false) // O(1)
return true;
return false;
return a.filter(isdupe); // this is a loop: O(n)