[.net] .NET obfuscation tools/strategy

We've tried a number of obfuscators. None of them work on a large client/server app that uses remoting. Problem is that client and server share some dlls, and we haven't found any obfuscator that can handle it.

We've tried DotFuscator Pro, SmartAssembly, XenoCode, Salamander, and several small time apps whose names escape me.

Frankly, I'm convinced obfuscation is a big hack.

Even the problems it addresses is not entirely a real problem. The only thing you really need to protect is connection strings, activation codes, security-sensitive things like that. This nonsense that another company is going to reverse-engineer your whole codebase and create a competing product from it is something from a paranoid manager's nightmare, not reality.

Examples related to .net

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Examples related to security

Monitoring the Full Disclosure mailinglist Two Page Login with Spring Security 3.2.x How to prevent a browser from storing passwords JWT authentication for ASP.NET Web API How to use a client certificate to authenticate and authorize in a Web API Disable-web-security in Chrome 48+ When you use 'badidea' or 'thisisunsafe' to bypass a Chrome certificate/HSTS error, does it only apply for the current site? How does Content Security Policy (CSP) work? How to prevent Screen Capture in Android Default SecurityProtocol in .NET 4.5

Examples related to obfuscation

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