[sql] Removing duplicate rows from table in Oracle

I'm testing something in Oracle and populated a table with some sample data, but in the process I accidentally loaded duplicate records, so now I can't create a primary key using some of the columns.

How can I delete all duplicate rows and leave only one of them?

This question is related to sql oracle duplicates delete-row

The answer is

delete from dept
where rowid in (
     select rowid
     from dept
     select max(rowid)
     from dept
     group by DEPTNO, DNAME, LOC

DELETE FROM tablename a
                             FROM tablename b
                            WHERE a.fieldname = b.fieldname
                              AND a.fieldname2 = b.fieldname2)

I didn't see any answers that use common table expressions and window functions. This is what I find easiest to work with.

    (WITH Duplicates
          AS (SELECT
               ROWID RID, 
               PARTITION BY First_Name, Last_Name, Birth_Date)
                  AS RN
               PARTITION BY First_Name, Last_Name, Birth_Date
                                       AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING)
                   AS CNT
               Load_Date IS NULL)
      RN > 1);

Somethings to note:

1) We are only checking for duplication on the fields in the partition clause.

2) If you have some reason to pick one duplicate over others you can use an order by clause to make that row will have row_number() = 1

3) You can change the number duplicate preserved by changing the final where clause to "Where RN > N" with N >= 1 (I was thinking N = 0 would delete all rows that have duplicates, but it would just delete all rows).

4) Added the Sum partition field the CTE query which will tag each row with the number rows in the group. So to select rows with duplicates, including the first item use "WHERE cnt > 1".

Solution 1)

delete from emp
where rowid not in
(select max(rowid) from emp group by empno);

Solution 2)

delete from emp where rowid in
                 select rid from
                    select rowid rid,
                      row_number() over(partition by empno order by empno) rn
                      from emp
                where rn > 1

Solution 3)

delete from emp e1
         where rowid not in
          (select max(rowid) from emp e2
           where e1.empno = e2.empno ); 

To select the duplicates only the query format can be:

SELECT GroupFunction(column1), GroupFunction(column2),..., 
COUNT(column1), column1, column2...
FROM our_table
GROUP BY column1, column2, column3...
HAVING COUNT(column1) > 1

So the correct query as per other suggestion is:

DELETE FROM tablename a
                             FROM tablename b
                            WHERE a.fieldname = b.fieldname
                              AND a.fieldname2 = b.fieldname2
                              AND ....so on.. to identify the duplicate rows....)

This query will keep the oldest record in the database for the criteria chosen in the WHERE CLAUSE.

Oracle Certified Associate (2008)

From DevX.com:

DELETE FROM our_table
WHERE rowid not in
(SELECT MIN(rowid)
FROM our_table
GROUP BY column1, column2, column3...) ;

Where column1, column2, etc. is the key you want to use.

The Fastest way for really big tables

  1. Create exception table with structure below: exceptions_table

  2. Try create a unique constraint or primary key which will be violated by the duplicates. You will get an error message because you have duplicates. The exceptions table will contain the rowids for the duplicate rows.

    alter table add constraint
    unique --or primary key
    (dupfield1,dupfield2) exceptions into exceptions_table;
  3. Join your table with exceptions_table by rowid and delete dups

    delete original_dups where rowid in (select ROW_ID from exceptions_table);
  4. If the amount of rows to delete is big, then create a new table (with all grants and indexes) anti-joining with exceptions_table by rowid and rename the original table into original_dups table and rename new_table_with_no_dups into original table

    create table new_table_with_no_dups AS (
        select field1, field2 ........ 
        from original_dups t1
        where not exists ( select null from exceptions_table T2 where t1.rowid = t2.row_id )


For best performance, here is what I wrote :
(see execution plan)

DELETE FROM your_table
WHERE rowid IN 
  (select t1.rowid from your_table  t1
      SELECT MIN(rowid) as rowid, column1,column2, column3
      FROM your_table 
      GROUP BY column1, column2, column3
  )  co1 ON (t1.rowid = co1.rowid)
  WHERE co1.rowid IS NULL

create table t2 as select distinct * from t1;

5. solution

delete from emp where rowid in 
      select  rid from
         select rowid rid,rank() over (partition by emp_id order by rowid)rn from emp     
     where rn > 1

solution :

delete from emp where rowid in
    select rid from
        select rowid rid,
        row_number() over(partition by empno order by empno) rn
        from emp
    where rn > 1

Solution 4)

 delete from emp where rowid in
             select rid from
                  select rowid rid,
                  dense_rank() over(partition by empno order by rowid
                ) rn
             from emp
 where rn > 1

DELETE from table_name where rowid not in (select min(rowid) FROM table_name group by column_name);

and you can also delete duplicate records in another way

DELETE from table_name a where rowid > (select min(rowid) FROM table_name b where a.column=b.column);

You should do a small pl/sql block using a cursor for loop and delete the rows you don't want to keep. For instance:

prev_var my_table.var1%TYPE;


for t in (select var1 from my_table order by var 1) LOOP

-- if previous var equal current var, delete the row, else keep on going.
end loop;


create table abcd(id number(10),name varchar2(20))

insert into abcd values(1,'abc')

insert into abcd values(2,'pqr')

insert into abcd values(3,'xyz')

insert into abcd values(1,'abc')

insert into abcd values(2,'pqr')

insert into abcd values(3,'xyz')

select * from abcd
id  Name
1   abc
2   pqr
3   xyz
1   abc
2   pqr
3   xyz

Delete Duplicate record but keep Distinct Record in table 

FROM abcd a
WHERE b.id=a.id

run the above query 3 rows delete 

select * from abcd

id  Name 
1   abc
2   pqr
3   xyz

From Ask Tom

delete from t
 where rowid IN ( select rid
                    from (select rowid rid, 
                                 row_number() over (partition by 
                         companyid, agentid, class , status, terminationdate
                                   order by rowid) rn
                            from t)
                   where rn <> 1);

(fixed the missing parenthesis)

1. solution

delete from emp
    where rowid not in
    (select max(rowid) from emp group by empno);

2. sloution

delete from emp where rowid in
                 select rid from
                    select rowid rid,
                      row_number() over(partition by empno order by empno) rn
                      from emp
                where rn > 1


delete from emp e1
         where rowid not in
          (select max(rowid) from emp e2
           where e1.empno = e2.empno ); 

4. solution

 delete from emp where rowid in
             select rid from
                  select rowid rid,
                  dense_rank() over(partition by empno order by rowid
                ) rn
             from emp
 where rn > 1

Check below scripts -


Create table test(id int,sal int); 


    insert into test values(1,100);    
    insert into test values(1,100);    
    insert into test values(2,200);    
    insert into test values(2,200);    
    insert into test values(3,300);    
    insert into test values(3,300);    


 select * from test;    

You will see here 6-records.
4.run below query -

delete from 
where rowid in
 (select rowid from 
     (partition by id order by sal) dup
    from test)
  where dup > 1)
  1. select * from test;

You will see that duplicate records have been deleted.
Hope this solves your query. Thanks :)

Using rowid-

delete from emp
 where rowid not in
 (select max(rowid) from emp group by empno);

Using self join-

delete from emp e1
 where rowid not in
 (select max(rowid) from emp e2
 where e1.empno = e2.empno );

create or replace procedure delete_duplicate_enq as
    cursor c1 is
    select *
    from enquiry;
    for z in c1 loop
        delete enquiry
        where enquiry.enquiryno = z.enquiryno
        and rowid > any
        (select rowid
        from enquiry
        where enquiry.enquiryno = z.enquiryno);
    end loop;
 end delete_duplicate_enq;

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