[c#] Deleting specific rows from DataTable

I'm seeing various bits and pieces of the right answer here, but let me bring it all together and explain a couple of things.

First of all, AcceptChanges should only be used to mark the entire transaction on a table as being validated and committed. Which means if you are using the DataTable as a DataSource for binding to, for example, an SQL server, then calling AcceptChanges manually will guarantee that that the changes never get saved to the SQL server.

What makes this issue more confusing is that there are actually two cases in which the exception is thrown and we have to prevent both of them.

1. Modifying an IEnumerable's Collection

We can't add or remove an index to the collection being enumerated because doing so may affect the enumerator's internal indexing. There are two ways to get around this: either do your own indexing in a for loop, or use a separate collection (that is not modified) for the enumeration.

2. Attempting to Read a Deleted Entry

Since DataTables are transactional collections, entries can be marked for deletion but still appear in the enumeration. Which means that if you ask a deleted entry for the column "name" then it will throw an exception. Which means we must check to see whether dr.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted before querying a column.

Putting it all together

We could get messy and do all of that manually, or we can let the DataTable do all the work for us and make the statement look and at more like an SQL call by doing the following:

string name = "Joe";
foreach(DataRow dr in dtPerson.Select($"name='{name}'"))

By calling DataTable's Select function, our query automatically avoids already deleted entries in the DataTable. And since the Select function returns an array of matches, the collection we are enumerating over is not modified when we call dr.Delete(). I've also spiced up the Select expression with string interpolation to allow for variable selection without making the code noisy.