[c#] ASP.net page without a code behind

I have an ASP.Net page with a C# code behind.

However, I've been asked to not use a code behind - so that it will be easier to deploy in SharePoint.

Is there a way to include the C# code in the ASP.Net page, without using a separate code behind file?

This question is related to c# .net asp.net sharepoint code-behind

The answer is

You can actually have all the code in the aspx page. As explained here.

Sample from here:

<%@ Language=C# %>
   <script runat="server" language="C#">
   void MyButton_OnClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
      MyLabel.Text = MyTextbox.Text.ToString();
      <form id="MyForm" runat="server">
         <asp:textbox id="MyTextbox" text="Hello World" runat="server"></asp:textbox>
         <asp:button id="MyButton" text="Echo Input" OnClick="MyButton_OnClick" runat="server"></asp:button>
         <asp:label id="MyLabel" runat="server"></asp:label>

File: logdate.aspx

<%@ Page Language="c#" %>
<%@ Import namespace="System.IO"%>

StreamWriter tsw = File.AppendText(@Server.MapPath("./test.txt"));



I thought you could deploy just your .aspx page without the .aspx.cs so long as the DLL was in your bin. Part of the issue here is how visual studio .net works with .aspx pages.

Check it out here: Working with Single-File Web Forms Pages in Visual Studio .NET

I know for sure that VS2008 with asp.net MVC RC you don't have code-behind files for your views.

yes on your aspx page include a script tag with runat=server

<script language="c#" runat="server">

public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  // some load code

You can also use classic ASP Syntax

<% if (this.MyTextBox.Visible) { %>
<span>Only show when myTextBox is visible</span>
<% } %>

There are two very different types of pages in SharePoint: Application Pages and Site Pages.

If you are going to use your page as an Application Page, you can safely use inline code or code behind in your page, as Application pages live on the file system.

If it's going to be a Site page, you can safely write inline code as long as you have it like that in the initial deployment. However if your site page is going to be customized at some point in the future, the inline code will no longer work because customized site pages live in the database and are executed in asp.net's "no compile" mode.

Bottom line is - you can write aspx pages with inline code. The only problem is with customized Site pages... which will no longer care for your inline code.

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