[tsql] Replace a newline in TSQL

I would like to replace (or remove) a newline character in a TSQL-string. Any Ideas?

The obvious

REPLACE(@string, CHAR(13), '')

just won't do it...

This question is related to tsql newline

The answer is

If your column data type is 'text' then you will get an error message as

Msg 8116, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Argument data type text is invalid for argument 1 of replace function.

In this case you need to cast the text as nvarchar and then replace

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(cast(@str as nvarchar(max)), CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '')


REPLACE(myString, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), ' ')

won't work. In that case use the following snippet code:

REPLACE(REPLACE(myString, CHAR(13),''), CHAR(10), ' ')

The answer posted above/earlier that was reported to replace CHAR(13)CHAR(10) carriage return:

REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(MyField, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), 'something else'), CHAR(13), 'something else'), CHAR(10), 'something else')

Will never get to the REPLACE(MyField, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), 'something else') portion of the code and will return the unwanted result of:

'something else''something else'

And NOT the desired result of a single:

'something else'

That would require the REPLACE script to be rewritten as such:

REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(MyField, CHAR(10), 'something else'), CHAR(13), 'something else'), CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), 'something else')

As the flow first tests the 1st/Furthest Left REPLACE statement, then upon failure will continue to test the next REPLACE statement.

REPLACE(@string, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), '')

The Newline in T-SQL is represented by CHAR(13) & CHAR(10) (Carriage return + Line Feed). Accordingly, you can create a REPLACE statement with the text you want to replace the newline with.

REPLACE(MyField, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), 'something else')

If you have have open procedure with using sp_helptext then just copy all text in new sql query and press ctrl+h button use regular expression to replace and put ^\n in find field replace with blank . for more detail check image.enter image description here

If you have an issue where you only want to remove trailing characters, you can try this:

    ASCII(right(addr_3,1)) = 10
    OR ASCII(right(addr_3,1)) = 13
    OR ASCII(right(addr_3,1)) = 32)
    UPDATE @ReportSet
    SET addr_3 = LEFT(addr_3,LEN(addr_3)-1)
    ASCII(right(addr_3,1)) = 10
    OR ASCII(right(addr_3,1)) = 13
    OR ASCII(right(addr_3,1)) = 32

This solved a problem I had with addresses where a procedure created a field with a fixed number of lines, even if those lines were empty. To save space in my SSRS report, I cut them down.

To @Cerebrus solution: for H2 for strings "+" is not supported. So:

REPLACE(string, CHAR(13) || CHAR(10), 'replacementString')

I may be a year late to the party, but I work on queries & MS-SQL every day, and I got tired of the built-in functions LTRIM() & RTRIM() (and always having to call them together), and of not catching 'dirty' data that had newlines at the end, so I decided it was high time to implement a better TRIM function. I'd welcome peer feedback!

Disclaimer: this actually removes (replaces with a single whitespace) extended forms of whitespace (tab, line-feed, carriage-return, etc.), so it's been renamed as "CleanAndTrim" from my original answer. The idea here is that your string doesn't need such extra special-whitespace characters inside it, and so if they don't occur at the head/tail, they should be replaced with a plain space. If you purposefully stored such characters in your string (say, your column of data that you're about to run this on), DON'T DO IT! Improve this function or write your own that literally just removes those characters from the endpoints of the string, not from the 'body'.

Okay, now that the disclaimer is updated, here's the code.

-- =============================================
-- Description: TRIMs a string 'for real' - removes standard whitespace from ends,
-- and replaces ASCII-char's 9-13, which are tab, line-feed, vert tab,
-- form-feed, & carriage-return (respectively), with a whitespace
-- (and then trims that off if it's still at the beginning or end, of course).
-- =============================================
CREATE FUNCTION [fn_CleanAndTrim] (
       @Str nvarchar(max)
RETURNS nvarchar(max) AS
       DECLARE @Result nvarchar(max)

              LTRIM(RTRIM(@Str)), CHAR(9), ' '), CHAR(10), ' '), CHAR(11), ' '), CHAR(12), ' '), CHAR(13), ' ')))

       RETURN @Result


Another Disclaimer: Your typical Windows line-break is CR+LF, so if your string contains those, you'd end up replacing them with "double" spaces.

UPDATE, 2016: A new version that gives you the option to replace those special-whitespace characters with other characters of your choice! This also includes commentary and the work-around for the Windows CR+LF pairing, i.e. replaces that specific char-pair with a single substitution.

IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.fn_CleanAndTrim') IS NULL
-- =============================================
-- Author: Nate Johnson
-- Source: http://stackoverflow.com/posts/24068265
-- Description: TRIMs a string 'for real' - removes standard whitespace from ends,
-- and replaces ASCII-char's 9-13, which are tab, line-feed, vert tab, form-feed,
-- & carriage-return (respectively), with a whitespace or specified character(s).
-- Option "@PurgeReplaceCharsAtEnds" determines whether or not to remove extra head/tail
-- replacement-chars from the string after doing the initial replacements.
-- This is only truly useful if you're replacing the special-chars with something
-- **OTHER** than a space, because plain LTRIM/RTRIM will have already removed those.
-- =============================================
ALTER FUNCTION dbo.[fn_CleanAndTrim] (
    , @ReplaceTabWith NVARCHAR(5) = ' '
    , @ReplaceNewlineWith NVARCHAR(5) = ' '
    , @PurgeReplaceCharsAtEnds BIT = 1

    --The main work (trim & initial replacements)
        LTRIM(RTRIM(@Str))  --Basic trim
        , NCHAR(9), @ReplaceTabWith), NCHAR(11), @ReplaceTabWith)   --Replace tab & vertical-tab
        , (NCHAR(13) + NCHAR(10)), @ReplaceNewlineWith) --Replace "Windows" linebreak (CR+LF)
        , NCHAR(10), @ReplaceNewlineWith), NCHAR(12), @ReplaceNewlineWith), NCHAR(13), @ReplaceNewlineWith)))   --Replace other newlines

    --If asked to trim replacement-char's from the ends & they're not both whitespaces
    IF (@PurgeReplaceCharsAtEnds = 1 AND NOT (@ReplaceTabWith = N' ' AND @ReplaceNewlineWith = N' '))
        --Purge from head of string (beginning)
        WHILE (LEFT(@Result, DATALENGTH(@ReplaceTabWith)/2) = @ReplaceTabWith)
            SET @Result = SUBSTRING(@Result, DATALENGTH(@ReplaceTabWith)/2 + 1, DATALENGTH(@Result)/2)

        WHILE (LEFT(@Result, DATALENGTH(@ReplaceNewlineWith)/2) = @ReplaceNewlineWith)
            SET @Result = SUBSTRING(@Result, DATALENGTH(@ReplaceNewlineWith)/2 + 1, DATALENGTH(@Result)/2)

        --Purge from tail of string (end)
        WHILE (RIGHT(@Result, DATALENGTH(@ReplaceTabWith)/2) = @ReplaceTabWith)
            SET @Result = SUBSTRING(@Result, 1, DATALENGTH(@Result)/2 - DATALENGTH(@ReplaceTabWith)/2)

        WHILE (RIGHT(@Result, DATALENGTH(@ReplaceNewlineWith)/2) = @ReplaceNewlineWith)
            SET @Result = SUBSTRING(@Result, 1, DATALENGTH(@Result)/2 - DATALENGTH(@ReplaceNewlineWith)/2)

    RETURN @Result

To do what most people would want, create a placeholder that isn't an actual line breaking character. Then you can actually combine the approaches for:

REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(MyField, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), 'something else'), CHAR(13), 'something else'), CHAR(10), 'something else')

This way you replace only once. The approach of:

REPLACE(REPLACE(MyField, CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '')

Works great if you just want to get rid of the CRLF characters, but if you want a placeholder, such as


or something, then the first approach is a little more accurate.

In SQL Server 2017 & later, use Trim

Select Trim(char(10) + char(13) from @str)
  1. it trims on starting and ending, not in the middle
  2. the order of \r and \n does not matter

I use it to trim special characters for a file name

Select Trim(char(10) + char(13) + ' *<>' from @fileName)