Programs & Examples On #Refresh

The periodic energizing required to maintain the contents of computer memory, screen, etc. It can refer also to the update of a display to show the latest version of the data.

How to Refresh a Component in Angular

Just change the routeReuseStrategy from the angular Router:

this._router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = function () {
      return false;

Set the routerproperty "navigated" to false:

this._router.navigated = false;

Then navigate to your component:


After that reinstate the old/default routeReuseStrategy:

this._router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = function (future: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, curr: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): boolean {
          return future.routeConfig === curr.routeConfig;

You can also make a service out of this:

  providedIn: 'root'
export class RouterService {

    private _activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
    private _router: Router
  ) { }

  reuseRoutes(reuse: boolean) {
    if (!reuse) {
      this._router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = function () {
        return false;
    if (reuse) {
      this._router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = function (future: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, curr: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): boolean {
        return future.routeConfig === curr.routeConfig;

  async refreshPage(url?: string) {
    this._router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = function () {
      return false;

    this._router.navigated = false;

    url ? await this._router.navigate([url]) : await this._router.navigate([], { relativeTo: this._activatedRoute });

    this._router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = function (future: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, curr: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): boolean {
      return future.routeConfig === curr.routeConfig;

Output to the same line overwriting previous output?

to overwiting the previous line in python all wath you need is to add end='\r' to the print function, test this example:

import time
for j in range(1,5):
   print('waiting : '+j, end='\r')

Is there a better way to refresh WebView?

Yes for some reason WebView.reload() causes a crash if it failed to load before (something to do with the way it handles history). This is the code I use to refresh my webview. I store the current url in self.url

# 1: Pause timeout and page loading


# 2: Check for internet connection (Really lazy way)

while == QNetworkAccessManager.NotAccessible: sleep(2)

# 3:Try again

if self.url ==


return False

Button that refreshes the page on click

This works for me:

function refreshPage(){
<button type="submit" onClick="refreshPage()">Refresh Button</button>

Best Way to Refresh Adapter/ListView on Android

You should use adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(). What does the logs says when you use that?

Swift: Reload a View Controller

Whatever code you are writing in viewDidLoad, Add that in viewWillappear(). This will solve your problem.

How to reload page the page with pagination in Angular 2?

This should technically be achievable using window.location.reload():


<button (click)="refresh()">Refresh</button>


refresh(): void {


Here is a basic StackBlitz example showing the refresh in action. Notice the URL on "/hello" path is retained when window.location.reload() is executed.

Refreshing all the pivot tables in my excel workbook with a macro



Or, if your Excel version is old enough,

Dim Sheet as WorkSheet, Pivot as PivotTable
For Each Sheet in ThisWorkbook.WorkSheets
    For Each Pivot in Sheet.PivotTables

An Iframe I need to refresh every 30 seconds (but not the whole page)

Let's assume that your iframe id= myIframe

here is the code:

window.setInterval("reloadIFrame();", 30000);
function reloadIFrame() {

Gradle project refresh failed after Android Studio update

This might be too late to answer. But this may help someone.

In my case there was problem of JDK path.

I just set proper JDK path for Android Studio 2.1

File -> Project Structure -> From Left Side Panel "SDK Location" -> JDK Location -> Click to select JDK Path

How to refresh or show immediately in datagridview after inserting?

I don't know if you resolved your problem, but a simple way to resolve this is rebuilding the DataSource (it is a property) of your datagridview. For example:

grdPatient.DataSource = MethodThatReturnList();

So, in that MethodThatReturnList() you can build a List (List is a class) with all the items you need. In my case, I have a method that return the values for two columns that I have on my datagridview.


How to Update a Component without refreshing full page - Angular

You can use a BehaviorSubject for communicating between different components throughout the app. You can define a data sharing service containing the BehaviorSubject to which you can subscribe and emit changes.

Define a data sharing service

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';

export class DataSharingService {
    public isUserLoggedIn: BehaviorSubject<boolean> = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);

Add the DataSharingService in your AppModule providers entry.

Next, import the DataSharingService in your <app-header> and in the component where you perform the sign-in operation. In <app-header> subscribe to the changes to isUserLoggedIn subject:

import { DataSharingService } from './data-sharing.service';

export class AppHeaderComponent { 
    // Define a variable to use for showing/hiding the Login button
    isUserLoggedIn: boolean;

    constructor(private dataSharingService: DataSharingService) {

        // Subscribe here, this will automatically update 
        // "isUserLoggedIn" whenever a change to the subject is made.
        this.dataSharingService.isUserLoggedIn.subscribe( value => {
            this.isUserLoggedIn = value;

In your <app-header> html template, you need to add the *ngIf condition e.g.:

<button *ngIf="!isUserLoggedIn">Login</button> 
<button *ngIf="isUserLoggedIn">Sign Out</button>

Finally, you just need to emit the event once the user has logged in e.g:

someMethodThatPerformsUserLogin() {
    // Some code 
    // .....
    // After the user has logged in, emit the behavior subject changes.;

How do I reload a page without a POSTDATA warning in Javascript?

I had some problems with anchor/hash-urls (including #) not reloading using the solution from Rex...

So I finally ended up by removing the hash part:

window.location = window.location.href.split("#")[0];

refresh div with jquery

I tried the first solution and it works but the end user can easily identify that the div's are refreshing as it is fadeIn(), without fade in i tried .toggle().toggle() and it works perfect. you can try like this


it works perfectly for me as i'm developing a messenger and need to minimize and maximize the chat box's and this does it best rather than the above code.

PHP refresh window? equivalent to F5 page reload?

guess you could echo the meta tag to do the refresh in regular intervals ... like

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600" url="your-url-here"> 

append to url and refresh page

This line of JS code takes the link without params (ie before '?') and then append params to it.

window.location.href = (window.location.href.split('?')[0]) + "?p1=ABC&p2=XYZ";

The above line of code is appending two params p1 and p2 with respective values 'ABC' and 'XYZ' (for better understanding).

JTable How to refresh table model after insert delete or update the data.

If you want to notify your JTable about changes of your data, use

From the documentation:

Notifies all listeners that all cell values in the table's rows may have changed. The number of rows may also have changed and the JTable should redraw the table from scratch. The structure of the table (as in the order of the columns) is assumed to be the same.

Refresh a page using PHP

You cannot do it in PHP. Once the page is loaded, PHP dies and is out of control.

You have a few options:

  • Use JavaScript
  • Use the refresh meta tag, <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">

I think that the refresh meta tag is the easiest and most convenient.

Prevent any form of page refresh using jQuery/Javascript

No, there isn't.

I'm pretty sure there is no way to intercept a click on the refresh button from JS, and even if there was, JS can be turned off.

You should probably step back from your X (preventing refreshing) and find a different solution to Y (whatever that might be).

Difference between F5, Ctrl + F5 and click on refresh button?

F5 reloads the page from server, but it uses the browser's cache for page elements like scripts, image, CSS stylesheets, etc, etc. But Ctrl + F5, reloads the page from the server and also reloads its contents from server and doesn't use local cache at all.

So by pressing F5 on, say, the Yahoo homepage, it just reloads the main HTML frame and then loads all other elements like images from its cache. If a new element was added or changed then it gets it from the server. But Ctrl + F5 reloads everything from the server.

Reload the page after ajax success

use this Reload page

success: function(data){
   if(data.success == true){ // if true (1)
      setTimeout(function(){// wait for 5 secs(2)
           location.reload(); // then reload the page.(3)
      }, 5000); 

Refresh image with a new one at the same url

Try adding a cachebreaker at the end of the url:

newImage.src = "http://localhost/image.jpg?" + new Date().getTime();

This will append the current timestamp automatically when you are creating the image, and it will make the browser look again for the image instead of retrieving the one in the cache.

Refresh (reload) a page once using jQuery?

Alright, I think I got what you're asking for. Try this

if( {
    // You're not in a frame, so you reload the site.
    window.setTimeout('location.reload()', 3000); //Reloads after three seconds
else {
    //You're inside a frame, so you stop reloading.

If it is once, then just do


If it is periodically

function updateDiv(){
    //Get new content through Ajax

setInterval(updateDiv, 5000); // That's five seconds

So, every five seconds the div #div-id content will refresh. Better than refreshing the whole page.

How to force an entire layout View refresh?

If you are going to create a custom view, make sure it is extending SurfaceView then, you can redraw it with method getHolder().lockCanvas(). Here is an example:

Canvas c = getHolder().lockCanvas();
c.drawText("Text", x, y, paint);

How can I refresh a page with jQuery?

window.location.reload() will reload from the server and will load all your data, scripts, images, etc. again.

So if you just want to refresh the HTML, the window.location = document.URL will return much quicker and with less traffic. But it will not reload the page if there is a hash (#) in the URL.

What requests do browsers' "F5" and "Ctrl + F5" refreshes generate?

IE7/8/9 seem to behave differently depending on whether the page has focus or not.

If you click on the page and CTRL+F5 then "Cache-Control: no-cache" is included in the request headers. If you click in the Location/Address bar then press CTRL+F5 it isn't.

Angular + Material - How to refresh a data source (mat-table)

This worked for me:

refreshTableSorce() {
    this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource<Element>(this.newSource);

One time page refresh after first page load


function reloadIt() {
    if (window.location.href.substr(-2) !== "?r") {
        window.location = window.location.href + "?r";

setTimeout('reloadIt()', 1000)();


this works perfectly

How to reset form body in bootstrap modal box?

Just find your form and clear before it opens!

    $modal = $('#modal');

Refresh Part of Page (div)

Let's assume that you have 2 divs inside of your html file.

<div id="div1">some text</div>
<div id="div2">some other text</div>

The java program itself can't update the content of the html file because the html is related to the client, meanwhile java is related to the back-end.

You can, however, communicate between the server (the back-end) and the client.

What we're talking about is AJAX, which you achieve using JavaScript, I recommend using jQuery which is a common JavaScript library.

Let's assume you want to refresh the page every constant interval, then you can use the interval function to repeat the same action every x time.

}, 30000);

You could also do it like this:

setTimeout(foo, 30000);

Whereea foo is a function.

Instead of the alert("hi") you can perform the AJAX request, which sends a request to the server and receives some information (for example the new text) which you can use to load into the div.

A classic AJAX looks like this:

var fetch = true;
var url = '';
    // Post the variable fetch to url.
    type : 'post',
    url : url,
    dataType : 'json', // expected returned data format.
    data : 
        'fetch' : fetch // You might want to indicate what you're requesting.
    success : function(data)
        // This happens AFTER the backend has returned an JSON array (or other object type)
        var res1, res2;

        for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
            // Parse through the JSON array which was returned.
            // A proper error handling should be added here (check if
            // everything went successful or not)

            res1 = data[i].res1;
            res2 = data[i].res2;

            // Do something with the returned data
    complete : function(data)
        // do something, not critical.

Wherea the backend is able to receive POST'ed data and is able to return a data object of information, for example (and very preferrable) JSON, there are many tutorials out there with how to do so, GSON from Google is something that I used a while back, you could take a look into it.

I'm not professional with Java POST receiving and JSON returning of that sort so I'm not going to give you an example with that but I hope this is a decent start.

How do I detect a page refresh using jquery?

   //do something

But this wont save any info for later, unless you were planning on saving that in a cookie somewhere (or local storage) and the unload event does not always fire in all browsers.




     //save info somewhere

    return 'are you sure you want to leave?';


Clearing the terminal screen?

It's not possible to clear the Serial Monitor window based on incoming serial data.

I can think of a couple of options, the simplest (and cheatiest) is to use println() with a fixed width string that you've generated that contains your sensor data.

The Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor's Autoscroll checkbox means if you persistently send the fixed width string (with 500ms delay perhaps) this will give the impression that it's updating once it gets to the bottom and starts scrolling. You could also shrink the height of the window to make it look like it only has one line.

To accomplish a fixed width string that's suitable for serial println() you'll need functions to convert your sensor values to strings, as well as pad/trim them to a persistent size. Then concatenate the values together (including separators if it makes the data easier to read)

An output of something similar to this is what i'm hinting at:

| 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 |

All things considered, this isn't a great solution but it would get you a result.

A far smarter idea is to build another program outside of Arduino and it's IDE that listens to the com port for sensor values sent from the Arduino. Your Arduino program will need to send a message your external program can unambiguously interpret, something like 1=0.5; where 1 = sensor ID and 0.5 = sensor value. The external program would then keep these values (1 for each sensor). The external program can then display this information in whatever way you'd like, a nice console output would be relatively easy to achieve :-)

C# has .NET's serialport class which is a pleasure to use. (most of the time!)

Python has a module called pyserial, which is also easy great.

Either language will give you much greater control over console output, should you choose to proceed this way.

Refreshing Web Page By WebDriver When Waiting For Specific Condition

In R you can use the refresh method, but to start with we navigate to a url using navigate method:


How to refresh an access form

You can repaint and / or requery:

On the close event of form B:


Is this what you mean?

Refresh Page C# ASP.NET

You can just do a regular postback to refresh the page if you don't want to redirect. Posting back from any control will run the page lifecycle and refresh the page.

To do it from javascript, you can just call the __doPostBack() function.

How to force page refreshes or reloads in jQuery?

Replace with:

$('#something').click(function() {

Update data on a page without refreshing

In general, if you don't know how something works, look for an example which you can learn from.

For this problem, consider this DEMO

You can see loading content with AJAX is very easily accomplished with jQuery:

    // don't cache ajax or content won't be fresh
    $.ajaxSetup ({
        cache: false
    var ajax_load = "<img src='' alt='loading...' />";

    // load() functions
    var loadUrl = "";

// end  

Try to understand how this works and then try replicating it. Good luck.

You can find the corresponding tutorial HERE


Right now the following event starts the ajax load function:


You can also do this periodically: How to fire AJAX request Periodically?

(function worker() {
    url: 'ajax/test.html', 
    success: function(data) {
    complete: function() {
      // Schedule the next request when the current one's complete
      setTimeout(worker, 5000);

I made a demo of this implementation for you HERE. In this demo, every 2 seconds (setTimeout(worker, 2000);) the content is updated.

You can also just load the data immediately:


Which has THIS corresponding demo.

How to refresh Android listview?

The easiest is to just make a new Adaper and drop the old one:

myListView.setAdapter(new MyListAdapter(...));

Angular get object from array by Id

getDimensions(id) {
    var obj = questions.filter(function(node) {

    return obj;   

ssh server connect to host xxx port 22: Connection timed out on linux-ubuntu

There can be many possible reasons for this failure.

Some are listed above. I faced the same issue, it is very hard to find the root cause of the failure.

I will recommend you to check the session timeout for shh from ssh_config file. Try to increase the session timeout and see if it fails again

How to easily consume a web service from PHP

I have used NuSOAP in the past. I liked it because it is just a set of PHP files that you can include. There is nothing to install on the web server and no config options to change. It has WSDL support as well which is a bonus.

How can I split a string into segments of n characters?

Building on the previous answers to this question; the following function will split a string (str) n-number (size) of characters.

function chunk(str, size) {
    return str.match(new RegExp('.{1,' + size + '}', 'g'));


(function() {_x000D_
  function chunk(str, size) {_x000D_
    return str.match(new RegExp('.{1,' + size + '}', 'g'));_x000D_
  var str = 'HELLO WORLD';_x000D_
  println('Simple binary representation:');_x000D_
  println(chunk(textToBin(str), 8).join('\n'));_x000D_
  println('\nNow for something crazy:');_x000D_
  println(chunk(textToHex(str, 4), 8).map(function(h) { return '0x' + h }).join('  '));_x000D_
  // Utiliy functions, you can ignore these._x000D_
  function textToBin(text) { return textToBase(text, 2, 8); }_x000D_
  function textToHex(t, w) { return pad(textToBase(t,16,2), roundUp(t.length, w)*2, '00'); }_x000D_
  function pad(val, len, chr) { return (repeat(chr, len) + val).slice(-len); }_x000D_
  function print(text) { document.getElementById('out').innerHTML += (text || ''); }_x000D_
  function println(text) { print((text || '') + '\n'); }_x000D_
  function repeat(chr, n) { return new Array(n + 1).join(chr); }_x000D_
  function textToBase(text, radix, n) {_x000D_
    return text.split('').reduce(function(result, chr) {_x000D_
      return result + pad(chr.charCodeAt(0).toString(radix), n, '0');_x000D_
    }, '');_x000D_
  function roundUp(numToRound, multiple) { _x000D_
    if (multiple === 0) return numToRound;_x000D_
    var remainder = numToRound % multiple;_x000D_
    return remainder === 0 ? numToRound : numToRound + multiple - remainder;_x000D_
#out {_x000D_
  white-space: pre;_x000D_
  font-size: 0.8em;_x000D_
<div id="out"></div>

How to import Swagger APIs into Postman?

I work on PHP and have used Swagger 2.0 to document the APIs. The Swagger Document is created on the fly (at least that is what I use in PHP). The document is generated in the JSON format.

Sample document

    "swagger": "2.0",
    "info": {
    "title": "Company Admin Panel",
        "description": "Converting the Magento code into core PHP and RESTful APIs for increasing the performance of the website.",
        "contact": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
        "version": "1.0.0"
    "host": "localhost/cv_admin/api",
    "schemes": [
    "paths": {
    "/getCustomerByEmail.php": {
        "post": {
            "summary": "List the details of customer by the email.",
                "consumes": [
                "produces": [
                "parameters": [
                        "name": "email",
                        "in": "body",
                        "description": "Customer email to ge the data",
                        "required": true,
                        "schema": {
                        "properties": {
                            "id": {
                                "properties": {
                                    "abc": {
                                        "properties": {
                                            "inner_abc": {
                                                "type": "number",
                                                    "default": 1,
                                                    "example": 123
                                            "type": "object"
                                        "xyz": {
                                        "type": "string",
                                            "default": "xyz default value",
                                            "example": "xyz example value"
                                    "type": "object"
                "responses": {
                "200": {
                    "description": "Details of the customer"
                    "400": {
                    "description": "Email required"
                    "404": {
                    "description": "Customer does not exist"
                    "default": {
                    "description": "an \"unexpected\" error"
        "/getCustomerById.php": {
        "get": {
            "summary": "List the details of customer by the ID",
                "parameters": [
                        "name": "id",
                        "in": "query",
                        "description": "Customer ID to get the data",
                        "required": true,
                        "type": "integer"
                "responses": {
                "200": {
                    "description": "Details of the customer"
                    "400": {
                    "description": "ID required"
                    "404": {
                    "description": "Customer does not exist"
                    "default": {
                    "description": "an \"unexpected\" error"
        "/getShipmentById.php": {
        "get": {
            "summary": "List the details of shipment by the ID",
                "parameters": [
                        "name": "id",
                        "in": "query",
                        "description": "Shipment ID to get the data",
                        "required": true,
                        "type": "integer"
                "responses": {
                "200": {
                    "description": "Details of the shipment"
                    "404": {
                    "description": "Shipment does not exist"
                    "400": {
                    "description": "ID required"
                    "default": {
                    "description": "an \"unexpected\" error"
    "definitions": {


This can be imported into Postman as follow.

  1. Click on the 'Import' button in the top left corner of Postman UI.
  2. You will see multiple options to import the API doc. Click on the 'Paste Raw Text'.
  3. Paste the JSON format in the text area and click import.
  4. You will see all your APIs as 'Postman Collection' and can use it from the Postman.

Importing the JSON into Postman

Imported APIs

You can also use 'Import From Link'. Here paste the URL which generates the JSON format of the APIs from the Swagger or any other API Document tool.

This is my Document (JSON) generation file. It's in PHP. I have no idea of JAVA along with Swagger.

$swagger = \Swagger\scan('path_of_the_directory_to_scan');
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo $swagger;

PHP display current server path

You can also use the following alternative realpath.

Create a file called path.php

Put the following code inside by specifying the name of the created file.

    echo realpath('path.php'); 

A php file that you can move to all your folders to always have the absolute path from where the executed file is located.


download file using an ajax request

Update April 27, 2015

Up and coming to the HTML5 scene is the download attribute. It's supported in Firefox and Chrome, and soon to come to IE11. Depending on your needs, you could use it instead of an AJAX request (or using window.location) so long as the file you want to download is on the same origin as your site.

You could always make the AJAX request/window.location a fallback by using some JavaScript to test if download is supported and if not, switching it to call window.location.

Original answer

You can't have an AJAX request open the download prompt since you physically have to navigate to the file to prompt for download. Instead, you could use a success function to navigate to download.php. This will open the download prompt but won't change the current page.

    url: 'download.php',
    type: 'POST',
    success: function() {
        window.location = 'download.php';

Even though this answers the question, it's better to just use window.location and avoid the AJAX request entirely.

Converting char[] to byte[]

You could make a method:

public byte[] toBytes(char[] data) {
byte[] toRet = new byte[data.length];
for(int i = 0; i < toRet.length; i++) {
toRet[i] = (byte) data[i];
return toRet;

Hope this helps

Cannot install node modules that require compilation on Windows 7 x64/VS2012

I had the same isuee and did all the magic above, the only thing that did the magic for me is from

"Because the --msvs_version=2013 is not passed to node-gyp when it's run by the build script. Set the GYP_MSVS_VERSION = 2013 env variable and it should work after."

Bang! it worked

Haversine Formula in Python (Bearing and Distance between two GPS points)

Here are two functions to calculate distance and bearing, which are based on the code in previous messages and (added tuple type for geographical points in lat, lon format for both functions for clarity). I tested both functions and they seem to work right.

from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrt, atan2, degrees

def haversine(pointA, pointB):

    if (type(pointA) != tuple) or (type(pointB) != tuple):
        raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments")

    lat1 = pointA[0]
    lon1 = pointA[1]

    lat2 = pointB[0]
    lon2 = pointB[1]

    # convert decimal degrees to radians 
    lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = map(radians, [lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2]) 

    # haversine formula 
    dlon = lon2 - lon1 
    dlat = lat2 - lat1 
    a = sin(dlat/2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon/2)**2
    c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a)) 
    r = 6371 # Radius of earth in kilometers. Use 3956 for miles
    return c * r

def initial_bearing(pointA, pointB):

    if (type(pointA) != tuple) or (type(pointB) != tuple):
        raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments")

    lat1 = radians(pointA[0])
    lat2 = radians(pointB[0])

    diffLong = radians(pointB[1] - pointA[1])

    x = sin(diffLong) * cos(lat2)
    y = cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - (sin(lat1)
            * cos(lat2) * cos(diffLong))

    initial_bearing = atan2(x, y)

    # Now we have the initial bearing but math.atan2 return values
    # from -180° to + 180° which is not what we want for a compass bearing
    # The solution is to normalize the initial bearing as shown below
    initial_bearing = degrees(initial_bearing)
    compass_bearing = (initial_bearing + 360) % 360

    return compass_bearing

pA = (46.2038,6.1530)
pB = (46.449, 30.690)

print haversine(pA, pB)

print initial_bearing(pA, pB)

How do I move focus to next input with jQuery?

The easiest way is to remove it from the tab index all together:

$('#control').find('input[readonly]').each(function () {
    $(this).attr('tabindex', '-1');

I already use this on a couple of forms.

Iframe transparent background

Set the background color of the src to none and allow transparencey.

<style type="text/css">
        background:none transparent;

<iframe src="#" allowtransparency="true">Error, iFrame failed to load.</iframe>

NOTE: I code my CSS a little different to how everyone else does.

Emulate Samsung Galaxy Tab

Go to this link ...

Save as xml file in your computer. Go on Android Studio => Tools => AVD Manager => + Create Virtual Device => Import Hardware Profiles ... choose the saved file and the device will be available on the tablet's section.

Happy Android developments guys!!!

How to get < span > value?

Pure javascript would be like this

var children = document.getElementById('test').children;

If you are using jQuery it would be like this


Run AVD Emulator without Android Studio

Firstly change the directory where your avd devices are listed; for me it is here:

cd ~/Android/Sdk/tools

Then run the emulator by following command:

./emulator -avd Your_avd_device_name

For me it is:

./emulator -avd Nexus_5X_API_27

That's all.

How can I properly handle 404 in ASP.NET MVC?

Here is another method using MVC tools which you can handle requests to bad controller names, bad route names, and any other criteria you see fit inside of an Action method. Personally, I prefer to avoid as many web.config settings as possible, because they do the 302 / 200 redirect and do not support ResponseRewrite (Server.Transfer) using Razor views. I'd prefer to return a 404 with a custom error page for SEO reasons.

Some of this is new take on cottsak's technique above.

This solution also uses minimal web.config settings favoring the MVC 3 Error Filters instead.


Just throw a HttpException from an action or custom ActionFilterAttribute.

Throw New HttpException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "[Custom Exception Message Here]")

Step 1

Add the following setting to your web.config. This is required to use MVC's HandleErrorAttribute.

<customErrors mode="On" redirectMode="ResponseRedirect" />

Step 2

Add a custom HandleHttpErrorAttribute similar to the MVC framework's HandleErrorAttribute, except for HTTP errors:

<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple:=True)>
Public Class HandleHttpErrorAttribute
    Inherits FilterAttribute
    Implements IExceptionFilter

    Private Const m_DefaultViewFormat As String = "ErrorHttp{0}"

    Private m_HttpCode As HttpStatusCode
    Private m_Master As String
    Private m_View As String

    Public Property HttpCode As HttpStatusCode
            If m_HttpCode = 0 Then
                Return HttpStatusCode.NotFound
            End If
            Return m_HttpCode
        End Get
        Set(value As HttpStatusCode)
            m_HttpCode = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Master As String
            Return If(m_Master, String.Empty)
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            m_Master = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property View As String
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_View) Then
                Return String.Format(m_DefaultViewFormat, Me.HttpCode)
            End If
            Return m_View
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            m_View = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Sub OnException(filterContext As System.Web.Mvc.ExceptionContext) Implements System.Web.Mvc.IExceptionFilter.OnException
        If filterContext Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentException("filterContext")

        If filterContext.IsChildAction Then
        End If

        If filterContext.ExceptionHandled OrElse Not filterContext.HttpContext.IsCustomErrorEnabled Then
        End If

        Dim ex As HttpException = TryCast(filterContext.Exception, HttpException)
        If ex Is Nothing OrElse ex.GetHttpCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError Then
        End If

        If ex.GetHttpCode <> Me.HttpCode Then
        End If

        Dim controllerName As String = filterContext.RouteData.Values("controller")
        Dim actionName As String = filterContext.RouteData.Values("action")
        Dim model As New HandleErrorInfo(filterContext.Exception, controllerName, actionName)

        filterContext.Result = New ViewResult With {
            .ViewName = Me.View,
            .MasterName = Me.Master,
            .ViewData = New ViewDataDictionary(Of HandleErrorInfo)(model),
            .TempData = filterContext.Controller.TempData
        filterContext.ExceptionHandled = True
        filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = Me.HttpCode
        filterContext.HttpContext.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = True
    End Sub
End Class

Step 3

Add Filters to the GlobalFilterCollection (GlobalFilters.Filters) in Global.asax. This example will route all InternalServerError (500) errors to the Error shared view (Views/Shared/Error.vbhtml). NotFound (404) errors will be sent to ErrorHttp404.vbhtml in the shared views as well. I've added a 401 error here to show you how this can be extended for additional HTTP error codes. Note that these must be shared views, and they all use the System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorInfo object as a the model.

filters.Add(New HandleHttpErrorAttribute With {.View = "ErrorHttp401", .HttpCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized})
filters.Add(New HandleHttpErrorAttribute With {.View = "ErrorHttp404", .HttpCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound})
filters.Add(New HandleErrorAttribute With {.View = "Error"})

Step 4

Create a base controller class and inherit from it in your controllers. This step allows us to handle unknown action names and raise the HTTP 404 error to our HandleHttpErrorAttribute.

Public Class BaseController
    Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller

    Protected Overrides Sub HandleUnknownAction(actionName As String)
        Me.ActionInvoker.InvokeAction(Me.ControllerContext, "Unknown")
    End Sub

    Public Function Unknown() As ActionResult
        Throw New HttpException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "The specified controller or action does not exist.")
        Return New EmptyResult
    End Function
End Class

Step 5

Create a ControllerFactory override, and override it in your Global.asax file in Application_Start. This step allows us to raise the HTTP 404 exception when an invalid controller name has been specified.

Public Class MyControllerFactory
    Inherits DefaultControllerFactory

    Protected Overrides Function GetControllerInstance(requestContext As System.Web.Routing.RequestContext, controllerType As System.Type) As System.Web.Mvc.IController
            Return MyBase.GetControllerInstance(requestContext, controllerType)
        Catch ex As HttpException
            Return DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(Of BaseController)()
        End Try
    End Function
End Class

'In Global.asax.vb Application_Start:

controllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(New MyControllerFactory)

Step 6

Include a special route in your RoutTable.Routes for the BaseController Unknown action. This will help us raise a 404 in the case where a user accesses an unknown controller, or unknown action.

routes.MapRoute( _
    "Unknown", "BaseController/{action}/{id}", _
    New With {.controller = "BaseController", .action = "Unknown", .id = UrlParameter.Optional} _


This example demonstrated how one can use the MVC framework to return 404 Http Error Codes to the browser without a redirect using filter attributes and shared error views. It also demonstrates showing the same custom error page when invalid controller names and action names are specified.

I'll add a screenshot of an invalid controller name, action name, and a custom 404 raised from the Home/TriggerNotFound action if I get enough votes to post one =). Fiddler returns a 404 message when I access the following URLs using this solution:


cottsak's post above and these articles were good references.

Android: How to turn screen on and off programmatically?

Simply add


or call


on parent view.

How do I find the index of a character in a string in Ruby?


str.index('c') #=> 2 #String matching approach
str=~/c/ #=> 2 #Regexp approach 
$~ #=> #<MatchData "c">

Hope it helps. :)

Function to Calculate Median in SQL Server

For your question, Jeff Atwood had already given the simple and effective solution. But, if you are looking for some alternative approach to calculate the median, below SQL code will help you.

create table employees(salary int);_x000D_
insert into employees values(8); insert into employees values(23); insert into employees values(45); insert into employees values(123); insert into employees values(93); insert into employees values(2342); insert into employees values(2238);_x000D_
select * from employees;_x000D_
declare @odd_even int; declare @cnt int; declare @middle_no int;_x000D_
set @cnt=(select count(*) from employees); set @middle_no=(@cnt/2)+1; select @odd_even=case when (@cnt%2=0) THEN -1 ELse 0 END ;_x000D_
 select AVG(tbl.salary) from  (select  salary,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by salary) as rno from employees group by salary) tbl  where tbl.rno=@middle_no or tbl.rno=@middle_no+@odd_even;

If you are looking to calculate median in MySQL, this github link will be useful.

How to generate a random alpha-numeric string

Yet another solution...

public static String generatePassword(int passwordLength) {
    int asciiFirst = 33;
    int asciiLast = 126;
    Integer[] exceptions = { 34, 39, 96 };

    List<Integer> exceptionsList = Arrays.asList(exceptions);
    SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i=0; i<passwordLength; i++) {
        int charIndex;

        do {
            charIndex = random.nextInt(asciiLast - asciiFirst + 1) + asciiFirst;
        while (exceptionsList.contains(charIndex));

        builder.append((char) charIndex);
    return builder.toString();

String to byte array in php

In PHP, strings are bytestreams. What exactly are you trying to do?

Re: edit

Ps. Why do I need this at all!? Well I need to send via fputs() bytearray to server written in java...

fputs takes a string as argument. Most likely, you just need to pass your string to it. On the Java side of things, you should decode the data in whatever encoding, you're using in php (the default is iso-8859-1).

Multiline strings in VB.NET

this was a really helpful article for me, but nobody mentioned how to concatenate in case you want to send some variables, which is what you need to do 99% of the time.

... <%= variable %> ...

Here's how you do it:

<SQL> SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE FirstName='<%= EnteredName %>' </SQL>.Value

How to call same method for a list of objects?

The approach

for item in all:

is simple, easy, readable, and concise. This is the main approach Python provides for this operation. You can certainly encapsulate it in a function if that helps something. Defining a special function for this for general use is likely to be less clear than just writing out the for loop.

How to format html table with inline styles to look like a rendered Excel table?

This is quick-and-dirty (and not formally valid HTML5), but it seems to work -- and it is inline as per the question:

<table border='1' style='border-collapse:collapse'>

No further styling of <tr>/<td> tags is required (for a basic table grid).

Find and replace Android studio

The shortcuts are

On Windows : Ctrl+Shift+R

On Mac : Cmd+Shift+R

How is Perl's @INC constructed? (aka What are all the ways of affecting where Perl modules are searched for?)

As it was said already @INC is an array and you're free to add anything you want.

My CGI REST script looks like:

use strict;
use warnings;
    push @INC, '';
use Modules::Rest;

Subroutine gone is exported by

Calculating the angle between the line defined by two points

with pygame:

dy = p1.y - p2.y
dX = p2.x - p1.x

rads = atan2(dy,dx)
degs = degrees(rads)
if degs < 0 :
   degs +=90

it work for me

Declare a dictionary inside a static class

The problem with your initial example was primarily due to the use of const rather than static; you can't create a non-null const reference in C#.

I believe this would also have worked:

public static class ErrorCode
    public static IDictionary<string, string> ErrorCodeDic
        = new Dictionary<string, string>()
            { {"1", "User name or password problem"} };

Also, as Y Low points out, adding readonly is a good idea as well, and none of the modifiers discussed here will prevent the dictionary itself from being modified.

How can I run a PHP script inside a HTML file?

You can't run PHP in an html page ending with .html. Unless the page is actually PHP and the extension was changed with .htaccess from .php to .html

What you mean is:

<?php echo "Hello world";?> //This is impossible

index.php //The file extension can be changed using htaccess, ex: its type stays php but will be visible to visitors as index.html

<?php echo "Hello world";?>

basic authorization command for curl

How do I set up the basic authorization?

All you need to do is use -u, --user USER[:PASSWORD]. Behind the scenes curl builds the Authorization header with base64 encoded credentials for you.


curl -u username:password -i -H 'Accept:application/json'

How to check if a std::thread is still running?

Surely have a mutex-wrapped variable initialised to false, that the thread sets to true as the last thing it does before exiting. Is that atomic enough for your needs?

SVN upgrade working copy

On MacOS:

  1. Get the latest compiled SVN client binaries from here.
  2. Install.
  3. Add binaries to path (the last installation screen explains how).
  4. Open terminal and run the following command on your project directory:

    svn upgrade


Just to update only the rows that match the conditions, and avoid updating nulls in the other rows:

update table_one set field_1 = 'ACTIVE' where exists 
(select 1 from table_two where table_one.customer = table_two.customer);

It works in a DB2/AIX64 9.7.8

Switch case with conditions

Switch case is every help full instead of if else statement :

     switch ($("[id*=btnSave]").val()) {
        case 'Search':
        case 'Update':
        case 'Delete':

Calculate average in java


you can't do this because result/count is not a String type, and System.out.println() only takes a String parameter. perhaps try:

double avg = (double)result / (double)args.length

How do Mockito matchers work?

Just a small addition to Jeff Bowman's excellent answer, as I found this question when searching for a solution to one of my own problems:

If a call to a method matches more than one mock's when trained calls, the order of the when calls is important, and should be from the most wider to the most specific. Starting from one of Jeff's examples:

when(foo.quux(anyInt(), anyInt())).thenReturn(true);
when(foo.quux(anyInt(), eq(5))).thenReturn(false);

is the order that ensures the (probably) desired result:

foo.quux(3 /*any int*/, 8 /*any other int than 5*/) //returns true
foo.quux(2 /*any int*/, 5) //returns false

If you inverse the when calls then the result would always be true.

Resolve absolute path from relative path and/or file name

stijn's solution works with subfolders under C:\Program Files (86)\,

@echo off
set projectDirMc=test.txt

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -Command "[System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath( '%projectDirMc%' )"') do @set resolvedPath=%%a

echo full path:    %resolvedPath%

Check if a process is running or not on Windows with Python

According to the ewerybody post:

Multiple problems can arise:

  • Multiple processes with the same name
  • Name of the long process

The 'ewerybody's' code will not work if the process name is long. So there is a problem with this line:


Because last_line will be shorter than the process name.

So if you just want to know if a process/processes is/are active:

from subprocess import check_output

def process_exists(process_name):
    call = 'TASKLIST', '/FI', 'imagename eq %s' % process_name
    if check_output(call).splitlines()[3:]:
        return True

Instead for all the information of a process/processes

from subprocess import check_output

def process_exists(process_name):
    call = 'TASKLIST', '/FI', 'imagename eq %s' % process_name
    processes = []
    for process in check_output(call).splitlines()[3:]:
        process = process.decode()
    return processes

Open Source HTML to PDF Renderer with Full CSS Support

It's not open source, but you can at least get a free personal use license to Prince, which really does a lovely job.

Standard concise way to copy a file in Java?

Available as standard in Java 7, path.copyTo:

I can't believe it took them so long to standardise something so common and simple as file copying :(

Android WSDL/SOAP service client

I’ve created a new SOAP client for the Android platform, it is use a JAX-WS generated interfaces, but it is only a proof-of-concept yet.

If you are interested, please try the example and/or watch the source:

Update: the version 0.0.4 is out with tutorial:

android on Text Change Listener

I wrote my own extension for this, very helpful for me. (Kotlin)

You can write only like that :

editText.customAfterTextChanged { editable -> 
    //You have accessed the editable object. 

My extension :

fun EditText.customAfterTextChanged(action: (Editable?)-> Unit){
    this.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher {
       override fun beforeTextChanged(p0: CharSequence?, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int) {}
       override fun onTextChanged(p0: CharSequence?, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int) {}
       override fun afterTextChanged(editable: Editable?) {

Copy rows from one table to another, ignoring duplicates

Have you tried SELECT DISTINCT ?


how to hide a vertical scroll bar when not needed

Add this class in .css class

.scrol  { 
font: bold 14px Arial; 
border:1px solid black; 
width:100% ; 

and use the class in div. like here.

<div> <p class = "scrol" id = "title">-</p></div>

I have attached image , you see the out put of the above code enter image description here

How do I fix 'Invalid character value for cast specification' on a date column in flat file?

In order to simulate the issue that you are facing, I created the following sample using SSIS 2008 R2 with SQL Server 2008 R2 backend. The example is based on what I gathered from your question. This example doesn't provide a solution but it might help you to identify where the problem could be in your case.

Created a simple CSV file with two columns namely order number and order date. As you had mentioned in your question, values of both the columns are qualified with double quotes (") and also the lines end with Line Feed (\n) with the date being the last column. The below screenshot was taken using Notepad++, which can display the special characters in a file. LF in the screenshot denotes Line Feed.

Orders file

Created a simple table named dbo.Destination in the SQL Server database to populate the CSV file data using SSIS package. Create script for the table is given below.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Destination](
    [OrderNumber] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [OrderDate] [date] NULL

On the SSIS package, I created two connection managers. SQLServer was created using the OLE DB Connection to connect to the SQL Server database. FlatFile is a flat file connection manager.


Flat file connection manager was configured to read the CSV file and the settings are shown below. The red arrows indicate the changes made.

Provided a name to the flat file connection manager. Browsed to the location of the CSV file and selected the file path. Entered the double quote (") as the text qualifier. Changed the Header row delimiter from {CR}{LF} to {LF}. This header row delimiter change also reflects on the Columns section.

Flat File General

No changes were made in the Columns section.

Flat File Columns

Changed the column name from Column0 to OrderNumber.

Advanced column OrderNumber

Changed the column name from Column1 to OrderDate and also changed the data type to date [DT_DATE]

Advanced column OrderDate

Preview of the data within the flat file connection manager looks good.

Data Preview

On the Control Flow tab of the SSIS package, placed a Data Flow Task.

Control Flow

Within the Data Flow Task, placed a Flat File Source and an OLE DB Destination.

Data Flow Task

The Flat File Source was configured to read the CSV file data using the FlatFile connection manager. Below three screenshots show how the flat file source component was configured.

Flat File Source Connection Manager

Flat File Source Columns

Flat File Source Error Output

The OLE DB Destination component was configured to accept the data from Flat File Source and insert it into SQL Server database table named dbo.Destination. Below three screenshots show how the OLE DB Destination component was configured.

OLE DB Destination Connection Manager

OLE DB Destination Mappings

OLE DB Destination Error Output

Using the steps mentioned in the below 5 screenshots, I added a data viewer on the flow between the Flat File Source and OLE DB Destination.

Right click

Data Flow Path Editor New

Configure Data Viewer

Data Flow Path Editor Added

Data Viewer visible

Before running the package, I verified the initial data present in the table. It is currently empty because I created this using the script provided at the beginning of this post.

Empty Table

Executed the package and the package execution temporarily paused to display the data flowing from Flat File Source to OLE DB Destination in the data viewer. I clicked on the run button to proceed with the execution.

Data Viewer Pause

The package executed successfully.

Successful execution

Flat file source data was inserted successfully into the table dbo.Destination.

Data in table

Here is the layout of the table dbo.Destination. As you can see, the field OrderDate is of data type date and the package still continued to insert the data correctly.

Destination layout

This post even though is not a solution. Hopefully helps you to find out where the problem could be in your scenario.

How to search in a List of Java object

If you always search based on value3, you could store the objects in a Map:

Map<String, List<Sample>> map = new HashMap <>();

You can then populate the map with key = value3 and value = list of Sample objects with that same value3 property.

You can then query the map:

List<Sample> allSamplesWhereValue3IsDog = map.get("Dog");

Note: if no 2 Sample instances can have the same value3, you can simply use a Map<String, Sample>.

Python: Removing spaces from list objects

replace() does not operate in-place, you need to assign its result to something. Also, for a more concise syntax, you could supplant your for loop with a one-liner: hello_no_spaces = map(lambda x: x.replace(' ', ''), hello)

Firebug-like debugger for Google Chrome

Just adding some talking points as someone who uses Firebug / Chrome Inspector every day:

  1. At the time of writing, there's only Google DOM inspector and no it doesn't have all the features of Firebug

  2. Inspector is a 'lite' version of Firebug: The interface is not as good IMO, element inspection in both recent versions is now clunky, but Firebug is still better; I find myself trying to find the love for Chrome (since it's a better, faster browser experience), but for development work, it still just sucks for me.

  3. Live preview / modification of DOM / CSS is still way better in Firebug; calculated CSS and box model view are better in Firebug;

  4. Somehow it's just easier to read/use Firebug maybe because of the ease of navigating, manipulating/modifying the document in several key areas? Who knows. I'm used to the interface and I think Chrome Inspector is not as good although this is a subjective thing I admit.

  5. The Cookies/Net tab are extremely useful to me in Firebug. Maybe Chrome Inspector has this now? Last time I checked it did not, because Chrome updates itself in the background without your intervention (gets your consent by default like all good overlords).

  6. Last point: The day that Google Chrome gets a fully-featured Firebug is the day Firefox basically dies for developers because Firefox had 3 years to make Firefox's layout engine Gecko as fast as WebKit and they didn't. Sorry to put it so bluntly but it's the truth.

You see, now everyone wants to move away from Flash in lieu of jQuery motivated by mobile accessibility and interactivity (iPhone, iPad, Android) and JavaScript is 'suddenly' a big deal (that's sarcasm), so that ship has sailed, Firefox. And that makes me sad, as a Mozilla fanperson. Chrome is simply a better browser until Firefox upgrades their JavaScript engine.

Select All distinct values in a column using LINQ

Interestingly enough I tried both of these in LinqPad and the variant using group from Dmitry Gribkov by appears to be quicker. (also the final distinct is not required as the result is already distinct.

My (somewhat simple) code was:

public class Pair 
    public int id {get;set;}
    public string Arb {get;set;}

void Main()

    var theList = new List<Pair>();
    var randomiser = new Random();
    for (int count = 1; count < 10000; count++)
        theList.Add(new Pair 
            id = randomiser.Next(1, 50),
            Arb = "not used"

    var timer = new Stopwatch();
    var distinct = theList.GroupBy(c => => p.First().id);

    var otherDistinct = theList.Select(p =>;

Set folder for classpath

Use the command as

java -classpath ".;C:\MyLibs\a\*;D:\MyLibs\b\*" <your-class-name>

The above command will set the mentioned paths to classpath only once for executing the class named TestClass.

If you want to execute more then one classes, then you can follow this

set classpath=".;C:\MyLibs\a\*;D:\MyLibs\b\*"

After this you can execute as many classes as you want just by simply typing

java <your-class-name>

The above command will work till you close the command prompt. But after closing the command prompt, if you will reopen the command prompt and try to execute some classes, then you have to again set the classpath with the help of any of the above two mentioned methods.(First method for executing one class and second one for executing more classes)

If you want to set the classpth only once so that it could work for everytime, then do as follows

1. Right click on "My Computer" icon
2. Go to the "properties"
3. Go to the "Advanced System Settings" or "Advance Settings"
4. Go to the "Environment Variable"
5. Create a new variable at the user variable by giving the information as below
    a.  Variable Name-     classpath
    b.  Variable Value-    .;C:\program files\jdk 1.6.0\bin;C:\MyLibs\a\';C:\MyLibs\b\*
6.Apply this and you are done.

Remember this will work every time. You don't need to explicitly set the classpath again and again.

NOTE: If you want to add some other libs after some day, then don't forget to add a semi-colon at the end of the "variable-value" of the "Environment Variable" and then type the path of your new libs after the semi-colon. Because semi-colon separates the paths of different directories.

Hope this will help you.

How to set border on jPanel?

Swing has no idea what the preferred, minimum and maximum sizes of the GoBoard should be as you have no components inside of it for it to calculate based on, so it picks a (probably wrong) default. Since you are doing custom drawing here, you should implement these methods

Dimension getPreferredSize()
Dimension getMinumumSize()
Dimension getMaximumSize()

or conversely, call the setters for these methods.

Google Map API v3 ~ Simply Close an infowindow?

Or you can share/reuse the same infoWindow object. See this google demo for reference.

Same code from demo

var Demo = { map: null,  infoWindow: null

 * Called when clicking anywhere on the map and closes the info window.
Demo.closeInfoWindow = function() {

 * Opens the shared info window, anchors it to the specified marker, and
 * displays the marker's position as its content.
Demo.openInfoWindow = function(marker) {
  var markerLatLng = marker.getPosition();
    '<b>Marker position is:</b><br/>',,
    ', ',
  ].join(''));, marker);

 * Called only once on initial page load to initialize the map.
Demo.init = function() {
  // Create single instance of a Google Map.
  var centerLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(37.789879, -122.390442); = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), {
    zoom: 13,
    center: centerLatLng,
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

  // Create a single instance of the InfoWindow object which will be shared
  // by all Map objects to display information to the user.
  Demo.infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

  // Make the info window close when clicking anywhere on the map.
  google.maps.event.addListener(, 'click', Demo.closeInfoWindow);

  // Add multiple markers in a few random locations around San Francisco.
  // First random marker
  var marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: centerLatLng

  // Register event listeners to each marker to open a shared info
  // window displaying the marker's position when clicked or dragged.
  google.maps.event.addListener(marker1, 'click', function() {

  // Second random marker
  var marker2 = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: new google.maps.LatLng(37.787814,-122.40764),
    draggable: true

  // Register event listeners to each marker to open a shared info
  // window displaying the marker's position when clicked or dragged.
  google.maps.event.addListener(marker2, 'click', function() {

  // Third random marker
  var marker3 = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: new google.maps.LatLng(37.767568,-122.391665),
    draggable: true

  // Register event listeners to each marker to open a shared info
  // window displaying the marker's position when clicked or dragged.
  google.maps.event.addListener(marker3, 'click', function() {

send checkbox value in PHP form

try changing this part,

<input type="checkbox" name="newsletter[]" value="newsletter" checked>i want to sign up   for newsletter

for this

<input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" value="newsletter" checked>i want to sign up   for newsletter

limit text length in php and provide 'Read more' link

This method will not truncate a word in the middle.

echo $output. ' ... <a href="#">Read more</a>';

How to pass table value parameters to stored procedure from .net code

Use this code to create suitable parameter from your type:

private SqlParameter GenerateTypedParameter(string name, object typedParameter)
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();

    var properties = typedParameter.GetType().GetProperties().ToList();
    properties.ForEach(p =>
        dt.Columns.Add(p.Name, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(p.PropertyType) ?? p.PropertyType);
    var row = dt.NewRow();
    properties.ForEach(p => { row[p.Name] = (p.GetValue(typedParameter) ?? DBNull.Value); });

    return new SqlParameter
        Direction = ParameterDirection.Input,
        ParameterName = name,
        Value = dt,
        SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured

Convert all data frame character columns to factors

The easiest way would be to use the code given below. It would automate the whole process of converting all the variables as factors in a dataframe in R. it worked perfectly fine for me. food_cat here is the dataset which I am using. Change it to the one which you are working on.

    for(i in 1:ncol(food_cat)){

food_cat[,i] <- as.factor(food_cat[,i])


How can I get the current date and time in the terminal and set a custom command in the terminal for it?

The command is date

To customise the output there are a myriad of options available, see date --help for a list.

For example, date '+%A %W %Y %X' gives Tuesday 34 2013 08:04:22 which is the name of the day of the week, the week number, the year and the time.

Parse JSON file using GSON

One thing that to be remembered while solving such problems is that in JSON file, a { indicates a JSONObject and a [ indicates JSONArray. If one could manage them properly, it would be very easy to accomplish the task of parsing the JSON file. The above code was really very helpful for me and I hope this content adds some meaning to the above code.

The Gson JsonReader documentation explains how to handle parsing of JsonObjects and JsonArrays:

  • Within array handling methods, first call beginArray() to consume the array's opening bracket. Then create a while loop that accumulates values, terminating when hasNext() is false. Finally, read the array's closing bracket by calling endArray().
  • Within object handling methods, first call beginObject() to consume the object's opening brace. Then create a while loop that assigns values to local variables based on their name. This loop should terminate when hasNext() is false. Finally, read the object's closing brace by calling endObject().

How to use @Nullable and @Nonnull annotations more effectively?

If you use Kotlin, it supports these nullability annotations in its compiler and will prevent you from passing a null to a java method that requires a non-null argument. Event though this question was originally targeted at Java, I mention this Kotlin feature because it is specifically targeted at these Java annotation and the question was "Is there a way to make these annotations more strictly enforced and/or propagate further?" and this feature does make these annotation more strictly enforced.

Java class using @NotNull annotation

public class MyJavaClazz {
    public void foo(@NotNull String myString) {
        // will result in an NPE if myString is null

Kotlin class calling Java class and passing null for the argument annotated with @NotNull

class MyKotlinClazz {
    fun foo() {

Kotlin compiler error enforcing the @NotNull annotation.

Error:(5, 27) Kotlin: Null can not be a value of a non-null type String


Android WebView not loading an HTTPS URL

Please visit this link:

Add this overriding method to your WebViewClient implementation. You'll need to compile it with Android SDK 2.2 (API level 8) or later. The method appears in the public SDK as of 2.2 (API level 8) but we've tested it on devices running 2.1, 1.6 and 1.5 and it works on those devices too (so obviously the behaviour has been there all along).

public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) {
    handler.proceed(); // Ignore SSL certificate errors

this will help you.

Auto insert date and time in form input field?

$("#startDate").val($.datepicker.formatDate("dd/mm/yy", new Date()));
$("#endDate").val($.datepicker.formatDate("dd/mm/yy", new Date()));

Add the above code at the end of the script. This is required because the datepicker plugin has no provision to set the date in the control while initializing.

How can I force Python's file.write() to use the same newline format in Windows as in Linux ("\r\n" vs. "\n")?

You need to open the file in binary mode i.e. wb instead of w. If you don't, the end of line characters are auto-converted to OS specific ones.

Here is an excerpt from Python reference about open().

The default is to use text mode, which may convert '\n' characters to a platform-specific representation on writing and back on reading.

Pandas - Get first row value of a given column

To access a single value you can use the method iat that is much faster than iloc:




Is there an easy way to attach source in Eclipse?

For those who are writing Eclipse plugins and want to include the source... in the feature ExportWizard there is an option for including the source: enter image description here

Get the string representation of a DOM node

Under FF you can use the XMLSerializer object to serialize XML into a string. IE gives you an xml property of a node. So you can do the following:

function xml2string(node) {
   if (typeof(XMLSerializer) !== 'undefined') {
      var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
      return serializer.serializeToString(node);
   } else if (node.xml) {
      return node.xml;

How to call jQuery function onclick?

Please have a look at

$("#submit").click(function () {
var url = $(location).attr('href');
$('#spn_url').html('<strong>' + url + '</strong>');

Can I use Class.newInstance() with constructor arguments?

myObject.getClass().getDeclaredConstructors(types list).newInstance(args list);

Edit: according to the comments seems like pointing class and method names is not enough for some users. For more info take a look at the documentation for getting constuctor and invoking it.

HTML5 - mp4 video does not play in IE9

use both format it works fine in all browser:

<video width="640" height="360" controls>
    <!-- MP4 must be first for iPad! -->
    <source src="unbelievable.mp4" type="video/mp4" /><!-- Safari / iOS video    -->
    <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg" /><!-- Firefox / Opera / Chrome10 -->

Display fullscreen mode on Tkinter

I think this is what you're looking for:

Tk.attributes("-fullscreen", True)  # substitute `Tk` for whatever your `Tk()` object is called

You can use wm_attributes instead of attributes, too.

Then just bind the escape key and add this to the handler:

Tk.attributes("-fullscreen", False)

An answer to another question alluded to this (with wm_attributes). So, that's how I found out. But, no one just directly went out and said it was the answer for some reason. So, I figured it was worth posting.

Here's a working example (tested on Xubuntu 14.04) that uses F11 to toggle fullscreen on and off and where escape will turn it off only:

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:  # Just checking your Python version to import Tkinter properly.
    from Tkinter import *
    from tkinter import *

class Fullscreen_Window:

    def __init__(self): = Tk()'-zoomed', True)  # This just maximizes it so we can see the window. It's nothing to do with fullscreen.
        self.frame = Frame(
        self.state = False"<F11>", self.toggle_fullscreen)"<Escape>", self.end_fullscreen)

    def toggle_fullscreen(self, event=None):
        self.state = not self.state  # Just toggling the boolean"-fullscreen", self.state)
        return "break"

    def end_fullscreen(self, event=None):
        self.state = False"-fullscreen", False)
        return "break"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    w = Fullscreen_Window()

If you want to hide a menu, too, there are only two ways I've found to do that. One is to destroy it. The other is to make a blank menu to switch between.  # self.blank_menu is a Menu object

Then switch it back to your menu when you want it to show up again.  # is your menu.

How can I get an object's absolute position on the page in Javascript?

I would definitely suggest using element.getBoundingClientRect().


Returns a text rectangle object that encloses a group of text rectangles.


var rectObject = object.getBoundingClientRect();


The returned value is a TextRectangle object which is the union of the rectangles returned by getClientRects() for the element, i.e., the CSS border-boxes associated with the element.

The returned value is a TextRectangle object, which contains read-only left, top, right and bottom properties describing the border-box, in pixels, with the top-left relative to the top-left of the viewport.

Here's a browser compatibility table taken from the linked MDN site:

|    Feature    | Chrome | Firefox (Gecko) | Internet Explorer | Opera | Safari |
| Basic support | 1.0    | 3.0 (1.9)       | 4.0               | (Yes) | 4.0    |

It's widely supported, and is really easy to use, not to mention that it's really fast. Here's a related article from John Resig:

You can use it like this:

var logo = document.getElementById('hlogo');
var logoTextRectangle = logo.getBoundingClientRect();

console.log("logo's left pos.:", logoTextRectangle.left);
console.log("logo's right pos.:", logoTextRectangle.right);

Here's a really simple example: (you can view and edit the code by clicking "Edit in JS Bin" in the upper right corner).

Or here's another one using Chrome's console: Using element.getBoundingClientRect() in Chrome


I have to mention that the width and height attributes of the getBoundingClientRect() method's return value are undefined in Internet Explorer 8. It works in Chrome 26.x, Firefox 20.x and Opera 12.x though. Workaround in IE8: for width, you could subtract the return value's right and left attributes, and for height, you could subtract bottom and top attributes (like this).

INSERT SELECT statement in Oracle 11G

Get rid of the values keyword and the parens. You can see an example here.

This is basic INSERT syntax:

INSERT INTO "table_name" ("column1", "column2", ...)
VALUES ("value1", "value2", ...);

This is the INSERT SELECT syntax:

INSERT INTO "table1" ("column1", "column2", ...)
SELECT "column3", "column4", ...
FROM "table2";

Html helper for <input type="file" />

This also works:


public class ViewModel
    public HttpPostedFileBase File{ get; set; }


@using (Html.BeginForm("Action", "Controller", FormMethod.Post, new 
                                       { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
    @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.File, new { type = "file" })       

Controller action:

public ActionResult Action(ViewModel model)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        var postedFile = Request.Files["File"];

       // now you can get and validate the file type:
        var isFileSupported= IsFileSupported(postedFile);


public bool IsFileSupported(HttpPostedFileBase file)
                var isSupported = false;

                switch (file.ContentType)

                    case ("image/gif"):
                        isSupported = true;

                    case ("image/jpeg"):
                        isSupported = true;

                    case ("image/png"):
                        isSupported = true;

                    case ("audio/mp3"):  
                        isSupported = true;

                    case ("audio/wav"):  
                        isSupported = true;

                return isSupported;

List of contentTypes

$ is not a function - jQuery error

In Wordpress jQuery.noConflict() is called on the jQuery file it includes (scroll to the bottom of the file it's including for jQuery to see this), which means $ doesn't work, but jQuery does, so your code should look like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
  jQuery(function($) {
    for(var i=0; i <= 20; i++) 
      $("ol li:nth-child(" + i + ")").addClass('olli' + i);

Bootstrap: wider input field

I made a wider input field by using either span4 or span6 as class.

<input type="text" class="span6 input-large search-query">

This way you don't need the additional custom css, mentioned earlier.

Flattening a shallow list in Python

Performance Results. Revised.

import itertools
def itertools_flatten( aList ):
    return list( itertools.chain(*aList) )

from operator import add
def reduce_flatten1( aList ):
    return reduce(add, map(lambda x: list(x), [mi for mi in aList]))

def reduce_flatten2( aList ):
    return reduce(list.__add__, map(list, aList))

def comprehension_flatten( aList ):
    return list(y for x in aList for y in x)

I flattened a 2-level list of 30 items 1000 times

itertools_flatten     0.00554
comprehension_flatten 0.00815
reduce_flatten2       0.01103
reduce_flatten1       0.01404

Reduce is always a poor choice.

No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional one here

I had the same issue today.While searching here for solution,I have did silly mistake that is instead of importing

import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

unknowingly i have imported

import javax.transaction.Transactional;

Afer changing it everything worked fine.

So thought of sharing,If somebody does same mistake .

Subscript out of range error in this Excel VBA script

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim Data As Object, Employee As Object

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Set Data = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")

    Set Employee = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Names")

    Data.Range("AK1").Value = "Lookup"

    Data.Range("AK2:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(E2,'Employee Names'!$A:$A,1,0)"

    Data.Range("AK2:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Value = Data.Range("AK2:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Value

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=37, Criteria1:="#N/A"

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    Data.AutoFilter.Range.Offset(1, 0).Rows.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Delete (xlShiftUp)


    Data.AutoFilterMode = False


    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:="="

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=12, Criteria1:="<>"

    Worksheets("Data").Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "DrfeeRequested"

    Set Dr = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DrfeeRequested")

    Dr.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Data.AutoFilterMode = False

    'DrfeeRequested.AutoFilterMode = False


    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "RateLockfollowup"
    Set Ratefolup = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("RateLockfollowup")

    Ratefolup.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Data.AutoFilterMode = False


    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=19, Criteria1:="="

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "Lockedlefollowup"
    Set Lockfolup = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lockedlefollowup")

    Lockfolup.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Data.AutoFilterMode = False


    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=19, Criteria1:="="

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "Hoifollowup"

    Set Hoifolup = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Hoifollowup")

    Hoifolup.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Data.AutoFilterMode = False


    TodayDT = Format(Now())

    Weekdy = Weekday(Now())

    If Weekdy = 2 Then
       LastTwoDays = Now() - Weekday(Now(), 3)
    ElseIf Weekdy = 3 Then
       LastTwoDays = Now() - Weekday(Now(), 3)
    ElseIf Weekdy = 4 Then
       LastTwoDays = Now() - Weekday(Now(), 3)
    ElseIf Weekdy = 5 Then
       LastTwoDays = Now() - Weekday(Now(), 3)
    ElseIf Weekdy = 6 Then
       LastTwoDays = Now() - Weekday(Now(), 3)
       MsgBox "Today Satuarday OR Sunday Data is not Available"
    End If

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=12, Criteria1:="="

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=11, Criteria1:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=11, Criteria1:=" TodayDT", Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="LastTwoDays"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "DRfeefollowup"

    Set Drfreefolup = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DRfeefollowup")

    Drfreefolup.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Data.AutoFilterMode = False

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=15, Criteria1:="yes"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=19, Criteria1:="x"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=12, Criteria1:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:="<>"

    'Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=14, criterial:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "Drworkblefiles"

    Set Drworkblefiles = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Drworkblefiles")

    Drworkblefiles.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False


   End Sub

 Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

    Sheets("Data").Range("A1:AJ" & Sheets("Data").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Clear

    MsgBox "Please paste new data in data sheet"

End Sub

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'id' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from `songs` where `id` = 5 limit 1)

protected $primaryKey = 'SongID';

After adding to my model to tell the primary key because it was taking id(SongID) by default

How can I use Guzzle to send a POST request in JSON?

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => '']);

$response = $client->post('/save', [
    'json' => [
        'name' => 'John Doe'

return $response->getBody();

Best way to save a trained model in PyTorch?

It depends on what you want to do.

Case # 1: Save the model to use it yourself for inference: You save the model, you restore it, and then you change the model to evaluation mode. This is done because you usually have BatchNorm and Dropout layers that by default are in train mode on construction:, filepath)

#Later to restore:

Case # 2: Save model to resume training later: If you need to keep training the model that you are about to save, you need to save more than just the model. You also need to save the state of the optimizer, epochs, score, etc. You would do it like this:

state = {
    'epoch': epoch,
    'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
    'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(),
}, filepath)

To resume training you would do things like: state = torch.load(filepath), and then, to restore the state of each individual object, something like this:


Since you are resuming training, DO NOT call model.eval() once you restore the states when loading.

Case # 3: Model to be used by someone else with no access to your code: In Tensorflow you can create a .pb file that defines both the architecture and the weights of the model. This is very handy, specially when using Tensorflow serve. The equivalent way to do this in Pytorch would be:, filepath)

# Then later:
model = torch.load(filepath)

This way is still not bullet proof and since pytorch is still undergoing a lot of changes, I wouldn't recommend it.

HashMap: One Key, multiple Values

Here is the code how to get extract the hashmap into arrays, hashmap that contains arraylist

Map<String, List<String>> country_hashmap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

//Creating two lists and inserting some data in it
List<String> list_1 = new ArrayList<String>();

List<String> list_2 = new ArrayList<String>();

//Inserting both the lists and key to the Map 
country_hashmap.put("Malaysia", list_1);
country_hashmap.put("Japanese", list_2);

for(Map.Entry<String, List<String>> hashmap_data : country_hashmap.entrySet()){
      String key = hashmap_data.getKey(); // contains the keys
      List<String> val = hashmap_data.getValue(); // contains arraylists
      // print all the key and values in the hashmap
      System.out.println(key + ": " +val);
      // using interator to get the specific values arraylists
      Iterator<String> itr = val.iterator();
      int i = 0;
      String[] data = new String[val.size()];
        while (itr.hasNext()){
            String array =;
            data[i] = array;
            System.out.println(data[i]); // GET THE VALUE

What is the difference between null and System.DBNull.Value?

DBNull.Value is annoying to have to deal with.

I use static methods that check if it's DBNull and then return the value.

SqlDataReader r = ...;
String firstName = getString(r[COL_Firstname]);

private static String getString(Object o) {
   if (o == DBNull.Value) return null;
   return (String) o;

Also, when inserting values into a DataRow, you can't use "null", you have to use DBNull.Value.

Have two representations of "null" is a bad design for no apparent benefit.

How can I clear console

Here is a simple way to do it:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout.flush(); // Flush the output stream
    system("clear"); // Clear the console with the "system" function

Convert HttpPostedFileBase to byte[]

As Darin says, you can read from the input stream - but I'd avoid relying on all the data being available in a single go. If you're using .NET 4 this is simple:

MemoryStream target = new MemoryStream();
byte[] data = target.ToArray();

It's easy enough to write the equivalent of CopyTo in .NET 3.5 if you want. The important part is that you read from HttpPostedFileBase.InputStream.

For efficient purposes you could check whether the stream returned is already a MemoryStream:

byte[] data;
using (Stream inputStream = model.File.InputStream)
    MemoryStream memoryStream = inputStream as MemoryStream;
    if (memoryStream == null)
        memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
    data = memoryStream.ToArray();

Iterating through directories with Python

The actual walk through the directories works as you have coded it. If you replace the contents of the inner loop with a simple print statement you can see that each file is found:

import os
rootdir = 'C:/Users/sid/Desktop/test'

for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
    for file in files:
        print os.path.join(subdir, file)

If you still get errors when running the above, please provide the error message.

Updated for Python3

import os
rootdir = 'C:/Users/sid/Desktop/test'

for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
    for file in files:
        print(os.path.join(subdir, file))

How to run only one task in ansible playbook?

FWIW with Ansible 2.2 one can use include_role:

playbook test.yml:

- name: test
  connection: local
    - include_role:
        name: test
        tasks_from: other

then in roles/test/tasks/other.yml:

- name: say something else
  shell: echo "I'm the other guy"

And invoke the playbook with: ansible-playbook test.yml to get:

TASK [test : say something else] *************
changed: []

python request with authentication (access_token)

Have you tried the uncurl package ( You can install it via pip, pip install uncurl. Your curl request returns:

>>> uncurl "curl --header \"Authorization:access_token myToken\""

        "Authorization": "access_token myToken"

How to import classes defined in

You just put them in

So with test/ being:

class A(object): pass
class B(object): pass

... and test/ being:

from classes import *

class Helper(object): pass

You can import test and have access to A, B and Helper

>>> import test
>>> test.A
<class 'test.classes.A'>
>>> test.B
<class 'test.classes.B'>
>>> test.Helper
<class 'test.Helper'>

How to replace comma with a dot in the number (or any replacement)

Per the docs, replace returns the new string - it does not modify the string you pass it.

var tt="88,9827";
tt = tt.replace(/,/g, '.');

Java: Multiple class declarations in one file

1.Is there a tidy name for this technique (analogous to inner, nested, anonymous)?

Multi-class single-file demo.

2.The JLS says the system may enforce the restriction that these secondary classes can't be referred to by code in other compilation units of the package, e.g., they can't be treated as package-private. Is that really something that changes between Java implementations?

I'm not aware of any which don't have that restriction - all the file based compilers won't allow you to refer to source code classes in files which are not named the same as the class name. ( if you compile a multi-class file, and put the classes on the class path, then any compiler will find them )

"UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment" after an if statement

FWIW: I got the same error for a different reason. I post the answer here not for the benefit of the OP, but for the benefit of those who may end up on this page due to its title... who might have made the same mistake I did.

I was confused why I was getting "local variable referenced before assignment" because I was calling a FUNCTION that I knew was already defined:

def job_fn(job):
  return job + ".job"

def do_something():
  a = 1
  b = 2
  job_fn = job_fn("foo")


This was giving:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'job_fn' referenced before assignment

Took me a while to see my obvious problem: I used a local variable named job_fn which masked the ability to see the prior function definition for job_fn.

How to fix error with xml2-config not found when installing PHP from sources?


"sudo zypper install libxml2-devel"

It will install any other dependencies or required packages/libraries

How to configure welcome file list in web.xml

You need to put the JSP file in /index.jsp instead of in /WEB-INF/jsp/index.jsp. This way the whole servlet is superflous by the way.

 |-- WEB-INF
 |    `-- web.xml
 `-- index.jsp

If you're absolutely positive that you need to invoke a servlet this strange way, then you should map it on an URL pattern of /index.jsp instead of /index. You only need to change it to get the request dispatcher from request instead of from config and get rid of the whole init() method.

In case you actually intend to have a "home page servlet" (and thus not a welcome file — which has an entirely different purpose; namely the default file which sould be served when a folder is being requested, which is thus not specifically the root folder), then you should be mapping the servlet on the empty string URL pattern.


See also Difference between / and /* in servlet mapping url pattern.

LINQ query to select top five

Just thinking you might be feel unfamiliar of the sequence From->Where->Select, as in sql script, it is like Select->From->Where.

But you may not know that inside Sql Engine, it is also parse in the sequence of 'From->Where->Select', To validate it, you can try a simple script

select id as i from table where i=3

and it will not work, the reason is engine will parse Where before Select, so it won't know alias i in the where. To make this work, you can try

select * from (select id as i from table) as t where i = 3

Selenium and xpath: finding a div with a class/id and verifying text inside

To account for leading and trailing whitespace, you probably want to use normalize-space()

//div[contains(@class, 'Caption') and normalize-space(.)='Model saved']


//div[@id='alertLabel' and normalize-space(.)='Save to server successful']

Note that //div[contains(@class, 'Caption') and normalize-space(.//text())='Model saved'] also works.

Android: Unable to add window. Permission denied for this window type

try this code working perfectly

int layout_parms;

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) 

         layout_parms = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY;


     else {

            layout_parms = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_PHONE;


    yourparams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(       
            WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE,

PHP cURL, extract an XML response

Just add header('Content-type: application/xml'); before your echo of the XML response and you will see an XML page.

How to change navigation bar color in iOS 7 or 6?

    you can add bellow code in appdelegate.m .if your app is navigation based

    // for background color
   [nav.navigationBar setBarTintColor:[UIColor blueColor]];

    // for change navigation title and button color
    [[UINavigationBar appearance] setTitleTextAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[UIColor whiteColor],
    [UIFont fontWithName:@"FontNAme" size:20],
    NSFontAttributeName, nil]];
    [[UINavigationBar appearance] setTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];

getDate with Jquery Datepicker

You can format the jquery date with this line:


Same font except its weight seems different on different browsers

I have many sites with this issue & finally found a fix to firefox fonts being thicker than chrome.

You need this line next to your -webkit fix -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

    text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
   -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;
   -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
   -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

Solution to "subquery returns more than 1 row" error

use MAX in your SELECT to return on value.. EXAMPLE

INSERT INTO school_year_studentid (student_id,syr_id) VALUES
((SELECT MAX(student_id) FROM student), (SELECT MAX(syr_id) FROM school_year))

instead of

INSERT INTO school_year_studentid (student_id,syr_id) VALUES
((SELECT (student_id) FROM student), (SELECT (syr_id) FROM school_year))

try it without MAX it will more than one value

Comparing two integer arrays in Java

You can check array equality with the Apache Commons ArrayUtils#isEquals() method.

jQuery Data vs Attr?

If you are passing data to a DOM element from the server, you should set the data on the element:

<a id="foo" data-foo="bar" href="#">foo!</a>

The data can then be accessed using .data() in jQuery:

console.log( $('#foo').data('foo') );
//outputs "bar"

However when you store data on a DOM node in jQuery using data, the variables are stored on the node object. This is to accommodate complex objects and references as storing the data on the node element as an attribute will only accommodate string values.

Continuing my example from above:
$('#foo').data('foo', 'baz');

console.log( $('#foo').attr('data-foo') );
//outputs "bar" as the attribute was never changed

console.log( $('#foo').data('foo') );
//outputs "baz" as the value has been updated on the object

Also, the naming convention for data attributes has a bit of a hidden "gotcha":

<a id="bar" data-foo-bar-baz="fizz-buzz" href="#">fizz buzz!</a>
console.log( $('#bar').data('fooBarBaz') );
//outputs "fizz-buzz" as hyphens are automatically camelCase'd

The hyphenated key will still work:

<a id="bar" data-foo-bar-baz="fizz-buzz" href="#">fizz buzz!</a>
console.log( $('#bar').data('foo-bar-baz') );
//still outputs "fizz-buzz"

However the object returned by .data() will not have the hyphenated key set:

$('#bar').data().fooBarBaz; //works
$('#bar').data()['fooBarBaz']; //works
$('#bar').data()['foo-bar-baz']; //does not work

It's for this reason I suggest avoiding the hyphenated key in javascript.

For HTML, keep using the hyphenated form. HTML attributes are supposed to get ASCII-lowercased automatically, so <div data-foobar></div>, <DIV DATA-FOOBAR></DIV>, and <dIv DaTa-FoObAr></DiV> are supposed to be treated as identical, but for the best compatibility the lower case form should be preferred.

The .data() method will also perform some basic auto-casting if the value matches a recognized pattern:

<a id="foo"
$('#foo').data('str');  //`"bar"`
$('#foo').data('bool'); //`true`
$('#foo').data('num');  //`15`
$('#foo').data('json'); //`{fizz:['buzz']}`

This auto-casting ability is very convenient for instantiating widgets & plugins:

$('.widget').each(function () {

If you absolutely must have the original value as a string, then you'll need to use .attr():

<a id="foo" href="#" data-color="ABC123"></a>
<a id="bar" href="#" data-color="654321"></a>
$('#foo').data('color').length; //6
$('#bar').data('color').length; //undefined, length isn't a property of numbers

$('#foo').attr('data-color').length; //6
$('#bar').attr('data-color').length; //6

This was a contrived example. For storing color values, I used to use numeric hex notation (i.e. 0xABC123), but it's worth noting that hex was parsed incorrectly in jQuery versions before 1.7.2, and is no longer parsed into a Number as of jQuery 1.8 rc 1.

jQuery 1.8 rc 1 changed the behavior of auto-casting. Before, any format that was a valid representation of a Number would be cast to Number. Now, values that are numeric are only auto-cast if their representation stays the same. This is best illustrated with an example.

<a id="foo"
                              // pre 1.8    post 1.8
$('#foo').data('int');        //    1000        1000
$('#foo').data('decimal');    //    1000   "1000.00"
$('#foo').data('scientific'); //    1000       "1e3"
$('#foo').data('hex');        //    1000     "0x03e8"

If you plan on using alternative numeric syntaxes to access numeric values, be sure to cast the value to a Number first, such as with a unary + operator.

JS (cont.):
+$('#foo').data('hex'); // 1000

How to get the query string by javascript?

You can easily build a dictionary style collection...

function getQueryStrings() { 
  var assoc  = {};
  var decode = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, " ")); };
  var queryString =; 
  var keyValues = queryString.split('&'); 

  for(var i in keyValues) { 
    var key = keyValues[i].split('=');
    if (key.length > 1) {
      assoc[decode(key[0])] = decode(key[1]);

  return assoc; 

And use it like this...

var qs = getQueryStrings();
var myParam = qs["myParam"]; 

Is it possible to clone html element objects in JavaScript / JQuery?

It's actually very easy in jQuery:


Change .appendTo() of course...

How to correctly link php-fpm and Nginx Docker containers?

New Answer

Docker Compose has been updated. They now have a version 2 file format.

Version 2 files are supported by Compose 1.6.0+ and require a Docker Engine of version 1.10.0+.

They now support the networking feature of Docker which when run sets up a default network called myapp_default

From their documentation your file would look something like the below:

version: '2'

    build: .
      - "8000:8000"
    image: phpfpm
    image: nginx

As these containers are automatically added to the default myapp_default network they would be able to talk to each other. You would then have in the Nginx config:

fastcgi_pass fpm:9000;

Also as mentioned by @treeface in the comments remember to ensure PHP-FPM is listening on port 9000, this can be done by editing /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf where you will need listen = 9000.

Old Answer

I have kept the below here for those using older version of Docker/Docker compose and would like the information.

I kept stumbling upon this question on google when trying to find an answer to this question but it was not quite what I was looking for due to the Q/A emphasis on docker-compose (which at the time of writing only has experimental support for docker networking features). So here is my take on what I have learnt.

Docker has recently deprecated its link feature in favour of its networks feature

Therefore using the Docker Networks feature you can link containers by following these steps. For full explanations on options read up on the docs linked previously.

First create your network

docker network create --driver bridge mynetwork

Next run your PHP-FPM container ensuring you open up port 9000 and assign to your new network (mynetwork).

docker run -d -p 9000 --net mynetwork --name php-fpm php:fpm

The important bit here is the --name php-fpm at the end of the command which is the name, we will need this later.

Next run your Nginx container again assign to the network you created.

docker run --net mynetwork --name nginx -d -p 80:80 nginx:latest

For the PHP and Nginx containers you can also add in --volumes-from commands etc as required.

Now comes the Nginx configuration. Which should look something similar to this:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    root /path/to/my/webroot;

    index index.html index.htm index.php;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
        fastcgi_pass php-fpm:9000; 
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        include fastcgi_params;

Notice the fastcgi_pass php-fpm:9000; in the location block. Thats saying contact container php-fpm on port 9000. When you add containers to a Docker bridge network they all automatically get a hosts file update which puts in their container name against their IP address. So when Nginx sees that it will know to contact the PHP-FPM container you named php-fpm earlier and assigned to your mynetwork Docker network.

You can add that Nginx config either during the build process of your Docker container or afterwards its up to you.

Background color of text in SVG

Instead of using a <text> tag, the <foreignObject> tag can be used, which allows for XHTML content with CSS.

Get the difference between two dates both In Months and days in sql

  dt1, dt2,
  trunc( months_between(dt2,dt1) ) mths, 
  dt2 - add_months( dt1, trunc(months_between(dt2,dt1)) ) days
    select date '2012-01-01' dt1, date '2012-03-25' dt2 from dual union all
    select date '2012-01-01' dt1, date '2013-01-01' dt2 from dual union all
    select date '2012-01-01' dt1, date '2012-01-01' dt2 from dual union all
    select date '2012-02-28' dt1, date '2012-03-01' dt2 from dual union all
    select date '2013-02-28' dt1, date '2013-03-01' dt2 from dual union all
    select date '2013-02-28' dt1, date '2013-04-01' dt2 from dual union all
    select trunc(sysdate-1)  dt1, sysdate               from dual
) sample_data


|                        DT1 |                       DT2 | MTHS |     DAYS |
|  January, 01 2012 00:00:00 |   March, 25 2012 00:00:00 |    2 |       24 |
|  January, 01 2012 00:00:00 | January, 01 2013 00:00:00 |   12 |        0 |
|  January, 01 2012 00:00:00 | January, 01 2012 00:00:00 |    0 |        0 |
| February, 28 2012 00:00:00 |   March, 01 2012 00:00:00 |    0 |        2 |
| February, 28 2013 00:00:00 |   March, 01 2013 00:00:00 |    0 |        1 |
| February, 28 2013 00:00:00 |   April, 01 2013 00:00:00 |    1 |        1 |
|   August, 14 2013 00:00:00 |  August, 15 2013 05:47:26 |    0 | 1.241273 |

Link to test: SQLFiddle

Backup/Restore a dockerized PostgreSQL database

Backup Database

generate sql:

  • docker exec -t your-db-container pg_dumpall -c -U your-db-user > dump_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S).sql

to reduce the size of the sql you can generate a compress:

  • docker exec -t your-db-container pg_dumpall -c -U your-db-user | gzip > ./dump_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S").gz

Restore Database

  • cat your_dump.sql | docker exec -i your-db-container psql -U your-db-user -d your-db-name

to restore a compressed sql:

  • gunzip < your_dump.sql.gz | docker exec -i your-db-container psql -U your-db-user -d your-db-name

PD: this is a compilation of what worked for me, and what I got from here and elsewhere. I am beginning to make contributions, any feedback will be appreciated.

Cassandra port usage - how are the ports used?

Ports 57311 and 57312 are randomly assigned ports used for RMI communication. These ports change each time Cassandra starts up, but need to be open in the firewall, along with 8080/7199 (depending on version), to allow for remote JMX access. Something that doesn't appear to be particularly well documented, but has tripped me up in the past.

pandas: filter rows of DataFrame with operator chaining

The answer from @lodagro is great. I would extend it by generalizing the mask function as:

def mask(df, f):
  return df[f(df)]

Then you can do stuff like:

df.mask(lambda x: x[0] < 0).mask(lambda x: x[1] > 0)

How to search in array of object in mongodb

Use $elemMatch to find the array of particular object

db.users.findOne({"_id": id},{awards: {$elemMatch: {award:'Turing Award', year:1977}}})

How does bitshifting work in Java?

When you shift right 2 bits you drop the 2 least significant bits. So:

x = 00101011

x >> 2

// now (notice the 2 new 0's on the left of the byte)
x = 00001010

This is essentially the same thing as dividing an int by 2, 2 times.

In Java

byte b = (byte) 16;
b = b >> 2;
// prints 4

Select multiple value in DropDownList using ASP.NET and C#

Dropdown list wont allows multiple item select in dropdown.

If you need , you can use listbox control..

ASP.NET List Box

How to install pip in CentOS 7?

The CentOS 7 yum package for python34 does include the ensurepip module, but for some reason is missing the setuptools and pip files that should be a part of that module. To fix, download the latest wheels from PyPI into the module's _bundled directory (/lib64/python3.4/ensurepip/_bundled/):


then edit to match the downloaded versions:

_PIP_VERSION = "7.1.2"

after which python3.4 -m ensurepip works as intended. Ensurepip is invoked automatically every time you create a virtual environment, for example:

pyvenv-3.4 py3
source py3/bin/activate

Hopefully RH will fix the broken Python3.4 yum package so that manual patching isn't needed.

How to get multiline input from user

In Python 3.x the raw_input() of Python 2.x has been replaced by input() function. However in both the cases you cannot input multi-line strings, for that purpose you would need to get input from the user line by line and then .join() them using \n, or you can also take various lines and concatenate them using + operator separated by \n

To get multi-line input from the user you can go like:

no_of_lines = 5
lines = ""
for i in xrange(no_of_lines):



lines = []
while True:
    line = input()
    if line:
text = '\n'.join(lines)

What does -1 mean in numpy reshape?

Used to reshape an array.

Say we have a 3 dimensional array of dimensions 2 x 10 x 10:

r = numpy.random.rand(2, 10, 10) 

Now we want to reshape to 5 X 5 x 8:

numpy.reshape(r, shape=(5, 5, 8)) 

will do the job.

Note that, once you fix first dim = 5 and second dim = 5, you don't need to determine third dimension. To assist your laziness, python gives the option of -1:

numpy.reshape(r, shape=(5, 5, -1)) 

will give you an array of shape = (5, 5, 8).


numpy.reshape(r, shape=(50, -1)) 

will give you an array of shape = (50, 4)

You can

Docker how to change repository name or rename image?

As a shorthand you can run:

docker tag d58 myname/server:latest

Where d58 represents the first 3 characters of the IMAGE ID,in this case, that's all you need.

Finally, you can remove the old image as follows:

docker rmi server

How to not wrap contents of a div?

If you don't care about a minimum width for the div and really just don't want the div to expand across the whole container, you can float it left -- floated divs by default expand to support their contents, like so:

    <div style="float: left; background-color: blue">
        <input type="button" name="blah" value="lots and lots of characters"/>
        <input type="button" name="blah2" value="some characters"/>

How to center content in a bootstrap column?

This is a simple way.

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-6 mx-auto">
    <p>My text</p>

The number 6 controls the width of the column.

How do I clone a job in Jenkins?

if you want to copy in same Jenkins but in different subfolders, create new item -> use copy from. new Job will be cloned in same directory. Then use move option to move it in desired directory

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlopen'

For python 3, try something like this:

import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve('', "video_name.avi")

It will download the video to the current working directory

I got help from HERE

Expected response code 220 but got code "", with message "" in Laravel

In my case I had to set the

MAIL_PORT=465           <<<<<<<------------------------- (FOCUS THIS)
MAIL_USERNAME=<<your email address>>
MAIL_PASSWORD=<<app password>>

MAIL_ENCRYPTION= ssl    <<<<<<<------------------------- (FOCUS THIS)

to work it.. Might be useful. Rest of the code was same as @Sid said.

And I think that editing both environment file and app/config/mail.php is unnecessary. Just use one method.

Edit as per the comment by @Zan

If you need to enable tls protection use following settings.


See here for some other gmail settings

How do you create a Distinct query in HQL

You can also use Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY with Hibernate HQL query as well.


Query query = getSession().createQuery("from java_pojo_name");
return query.list();

what is the multicast doing on

Those look much like Bonjour / mDNS requests to me. Those packets use multicast IP address and port 5353.

The most likely source for this is Apple iTunes, which comes pre-installed on Mac computers (and is a popular install on Windows machines as well). Apple iTunes uses it to discover other iTunes-compatible devices in the same WiFi network.

mDNS is also used (primarily by Apple's Mac and iOS devices) to discover mDNS-compatible devices such as printers on the same network.

If this is a Linux box instead, it's probably the Avahi daemon then. Avahi is ZeroConf/Bonjour compatible and installed by default, but if you don't use DNS-SD or mDNS, it can be disabled.

Getting list of items inside div using Selenium Webdriver

I'm not sure if your findElements statement gets you all the divs. I would try the following:

List<WebElement> elementsRoot = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@class=\"facetContainerDiv\"]/div));

for(int i = 0; i < elementsRoot.size(); ++i) {
     WebElement checkbox = elementsRoot.get(i).findElement(By.xpath("./label/input"));;
     blah blah blah

The idea here is that you get the root element then use another a 'sub' xpath or any selector you like to find the node element. Of course the xpath or selector may need to be adjusted to properly find the element you want.

How to pass variables from one php page to another without form?

use the get method in the url. If you want to pass over a variable called 'phone' as 0001112222:

<a href='whatever.php?phone=0001112222'>click</a>

then on the next page (whatever.php) you can access this var via:


ASP.NET Background image

If you want to set image as background for whole page, use this:

    background-image: url('Image URL');

Javascript variable access in HTML

It is also possible to use span tag instead of a tag:

   var simpleText = "hello_world";
   var finalSplitText = simpleText.split("_");
   var splitText = finalSplitText[0];

   document.getElementById('someId').InnerHTML = splitText;

  <span id="someId"></span>


It worked well for me

Rounding up to next power of 2

next = pow(2, ceil(log(x)/log(2)));

This works by finding the number you'd have raise 2 by to get x (take the log of the number, and divide by the log of the desired base, see wikipedia for more). Then round that up with ceil to get the nearest whole number power.

This is a more general purpose (i.e. slower!) method than the bitwise methods linked elsewhere, but good to know the maths, eh?

How to allow http content within an iframe on a https site

Try to use protocol relative links.

Your link is, use:

<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>

In this way, you can leave the scheme free (do not indicate the protocol in the links) and trust that the browser uses the protocol of the embedded Web page. If your users visit the HTTP version of your Web page, the script will be loaded over http:// and if your users visit the HTTPS version of your Web site, the script will be loaded over https://.

Seen in:

How to force JS to do math instead of putting two strings together

parseInt() should do the trick

var number = "25";
var sum = parseInt(number, 10) + 10;
var pin = number + 10;

Gives you

sum == 35
pin == "2510"

Note: The 10 in parseInt(number, 10) specifies decimal (base-10). Without this some browsers may not interpret the string correctly. See MDN: parseInt.

React Error: Target Container is not a DOM Element

webpack solution

If you got this error while working in React with webpack and HMR.

You need to create template index.html and save it in src folder:

       <div id="root"></root>

Now when we have template with id="root" we need to tell webpack to generate index.html which will mirror our index.html file.

To do that:

plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
        title: "Application name",
        template: './src/index.html'

template property will tell webpack how to build index.html file.

Set the absolute position of a view

Just to add to Andy Zhang's answer above, if you want to, you can give param to rl.addView, then make changes to it later, so:

params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(30, 40);
params.leftMargin = 50;
params.topMargin = 60;
rl.addView(iv, params);

Could equally well be written as:

params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(30, 40);
rl.addView(iv, params);
params.leftMargin = 50;
params.topMargin = 60;

So if you retain the params variable, you can change the layout of iv at any time after adding it to rl.

Non-resolvable parent POM for Could not find artifact and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM

Give the relative path URL value to the pom.xml file

Are duplicate keys allowed in the definition of binary search trees?

Those three things you said are all true.

  • Keys are unique
  • To the left are keys less than this one
  • To the right are keys greater than this one

I suppose you could reverse your tree and put the smaller keys on the right, but really the "left" and "right" concept is just that: a visual concept to help us think about a data structure which doesn't really have a left or right, so it doesn't really matter.

How to display images from a folder using php - PHP

You had a mistake on the statement below. Use . not ,

echo '<img src="', $dir, '/', $file, '" alt="', $file, $


echo '<img src="'. $dir. '/'. $file. '" alt="'. $file. $


echo 'Directory \'', $dir, '\' not found!';


echo 'Directory \''. $dir. '\' not found!';

Add a column in a table in HIVE QL

You cannot add a column with a default value in Hive. You have the right syntax for adding the column ALTER TABLE test1 ADD COLUMNS (access_count1 int);, you just need to get rid of default sum(max_count). No changes to that files backing your table will happen as a result of adding the column. Hive handles the "missing" data by interpreting NULL as the value for every cell in that column.

So now your have the problem of needing to populate the column. Unfortunately in Hive you essentially need to rewrite the whole table, this time with the column populated. It may be easier to rerun your original query with the new column. Or you could add the column to the table you have now, then select all of its columns plus value for the new column.

You also have the option to always COALESCE the column to your desired default and leave it NULL for now. This option fails when you want NULL to have a meaning distinct from your desired default. It also requires you to depend on always remembering to COALESCE.

If you are very confident in your abilities to deal with the files backing Hive, you could also directly alter them to add your default. In general I would recommend against this because most of the time it will be slower and more dangerous. There might be some case where it makes sense though, so I've included this option for completeness.

Angular - res.json() is not a function

You can remove the entire line below:

 .map((res: Response) => res.json());

No need to use the map method at all.

What does "The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library was not found" mean?

If you don't have Tomcat Native library install it with:

sudo apt-get install libtcnative-1

and if it's still there an old version upgrade it with:

sudo apt-get upgrade libtcnative-1

How to add a button dynamically using jquery

the $("body").append(r) statement should be within the test function, also there was misplaced " in the test method

function test() {
    var r=$('<input/>').attr({
        type: "button",
        id: "field",
        value: 'new'

Demo: Fiddle

In that case try a more jQuery-ish solution

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
              $('#mybutton').one('click', function(){
                  var r=$('<input/>').attr({
                      type: "button",
                      id: "field",
                      value: 'new'
        <button id="mybutton">Insert after</button> 

Demo: Plunker

How to check for an empty object in an AngularJS view

I have met a similar problem when checking emptiness in a component. In this case, the controller must define a method that actually performs the test and the view uses it:

function FormNumericFieldController(/*$scope, $element, $attrs*/ ) {
    var ctrl = this;

    ctrl.isEmptyObject = function(object) {
        return angular.equals(object, {});

<!-- any validation error will trigger an error highlight -->
<span ng-class="{'has-error': !$ctrl.isEmptyObject($ctrl.formFieldErrorRef) }">
    <!-- validated control here -->

jQuery animated number counter from zero to value

Your thisdoesn't refer to the element in the step callback, instead you want to keep a reference to it at the beginning of your function (wrapped in $thisin my example):

$('.Count').each(function () {
  var $this = $(this);
  jQuery({ Counter: 0 }).animate({ Counter: $this.text() }, {
    duration: 1000,
    easing: 'swing',
    step: function () {

Update: If you want to display decimal numbers, then instead of rounding the value with Math.ceil you can round up to 2 decimals for instance with value.toFixed(2):

step: function () {

How to get last N records with activerecord?

For Rails 4 and above version:

You can try something like this If you want first oldest entry

YourModel.order(id: :asc).limit(5).each do |d|

You can try something like this if you want last latest entries..

YourModel.order(id: :desc).limit(5).each do |d|

How to check if a string "StartsWith" another string?

Here is a minor improvement to CMS's solution:

    String.prototype.startsWith = function (str) {
        return !this.indexOf(str);

"Hello World!".startsWith("He"); // true

 var data = "Hello world";
 var input = 'He';
 data.startsWith(input); // true

Checking whether the function already exists in case a future browser implements it in native code or if it is implemented by another library. For example, the Prototype Library implements this function already.

Using ! is slightly faster and more concise than === 0 though not as readable.

How to always show scrollbar

Style your scroll bar Visibility, Color and Thickness like this:


        <!--Show Scroll Bar-->

        <!--Scroll Bar thickness-->

        <!--Scroll Bar Color-->

Hope it help save some time.

npm not working after clearing cache

I solved this issue by running cmd as an administrator. before that, I was trying to run in vs code.

run it in Power Shell or Cmd with administrative privilege. I hope that it will help.

npm install –g @angular/cli@latest

Splitting a continuous variable into equal sized groups

You can also use the bin function with method = "content" from the OneR package for that:

das$wt_2 <- as.numeric(bin(das$wt, nbins = 3, method = "content"))
##    anim    wt wt_2
## 1     1 181.0    1
## 2     2 179.0    1
## 3     3 180.5    1
## 4     4 201.0    2
## 5     5 201.5    2
## 6     6 245.0    2
## 7     7 246.4    3
## 8     8 189.3    1
## 9     9 301.0    3
## 10   10 354.0    3
## 11   11 369.0    3
## 12   12 205.0    2
## 13   13 199.0    1
## 14   14 394.0    3
## 15   15 231.3    2

Writing a new line to file in PHP (line feed)

PHP_EOL is a predefined constant in PHP since PHP 4.3.10 and PHP 5.0.2. See the manual posting:

Using this will save you extra coding on cross platform developments.


$data = 'some data'.PHP_EOL;
$fp = fopen('somefile', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $data);

If you looped through this twice you would see in 'somefile':

some data
some data

How to import or copy images to the "res" folder in Android Studio?

To import files from OS X Finder into Android Studio, just drag the relevant files to your resource folder.

  • Drag & Drop by default moves files to your project (not what you always want)
  • Pressing ? (Alt) while dragging copies files

Don't find a permanent config option for this, but this is the workaround I'm using

Is there shorthand for returning a default value if None in Python?

You've got the ternary syntax x if x else '' - is that what you're after?

Using group by and having clause

The semantics of Having

To better understand having, you need to see it from a theoretical point of view.

A group by is a query that takes a table and summarizes it into another table. You summarize the original table by grouping the original table into subsets (based upon the attributes that you specify in the group by). Each of these groups will yield one tuple.

The Having is simply equivalent to a WHERE clause after the group by has executed and before the select part of the query is computed.

Lets say your query is:

select a, b, count(*) 
from Table 
where c > 100 
group by a, b 
having count(*) > 10;

The evaluation of this query can be seen as the following steps:

  1. Perform the WHERE, eliminating rows that do not satisfy it.
  2. Group the table into subsets based upon the values of a and b (each tuple in each subset has the same values of a and b).
  3. Eliminate subsets that do not satisfy the HAVING condition
  4. Process each subset outputting the values as indicated in the SELECT part of the query. This creates one output tuple per subset left after step 3.

You can extend this to any complex query there Table can be any complex query that return a table (a cross product, a join, a UNION, etc).

In fact, having is syntactic sugar and does not extend the power of SQL. Any given query:

SELECT list 
FROM table
GROUP BY attrList
HAVING condition;

can be rewritten as:

SELECT list from (
   SELECT listatt 
   FROM table 
   GROUP BY attrList) as Name
WHERE condition;

The listatt is a list that includes the GROUP BY attributes and the expressions used in list and condition. It might be necessary to name some expressions in this list (with AS). For instance, the example query above can be rewritten as:

select a, b, count 
from (select a, b, count(*) as count
      from Table 
      where c > 100
      group by a, b) as someName
where count > 10;

The solution you need

Your solution seems to be correct:

SELECT s.sid,
FROM Supplier s, Supplies su, Project pr
WHERE s.sid = su.sid AND su.jid = pr.jid
GROUP BY s.sid,

You join the three tables, then using sid as a grouping attribute (sname is functionally dependent on it, so it does not have an impact on the number of groups, but you must include it, otherwise it cannot be part of the select part of the statement). Then you are removing those that do not satisfy your condition: the satisfy pr.jid is >= 2, which is that you wanted originally.

Best solution to your problem

I personally prefer a simpler cleaner solution:

  1. You need to only group by Supplies (sid, pid, jid**, quantity) to find the sid of those that supply at least to two projects.
  2. Then join it to the Suppliers table to get the supplier same.

 SELECT sid, sname from
    (SELECT sid from supplies 
    GROUP BY sid, pid 
    HAVING count(DISTINCT jid) >= 2
    ) AS T1

It will also be faster to execute, because the join is only done when needed, not all the times.


AngularJS open modal on button click

Hope this will help you .

Here is Html code:-

    <div ng-controller="MyController" class="container">
      <h1>Modal example</h1>
      <button ng-click="open()" class="btn btn-primary">Test Modal</button>

      <modal title="Login form" visible="showModal">
        <form role="form">


AngularJs code:-

var mymodal = angular.module('mymodal', []);

mymodal.controller('MyController', function ($scope) {
    $scope.showModal = false;
    $ = function(){
    $scope.showModal = !$scope.showModal;

mymodal.directive('modal', function () {
    return {
      template: '<div class="modal fade">' + 
          '<div class="modal-dialog">' + 
            '<div class="modal-content">' + 
              '<div class="modal-header">' + 
                '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + 
                '<h4 class="modal-title">{{ title }}</h4>' + 
              '</div>' + 
              '<div class="modal-body" ng-transclude></div>' + 
            '</div>' + 
          '</div>' + 
      restrict: 'E',
      transclude: true,
      link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
        scope.title = attrs.title;

        scope.$watch(attrs.visible, function(value){
          if(value == true)

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = true;

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = false;

Check this--jsfiddle

Solving "DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application." for Pygame

It could be due to the architecture of your OS. Is your OS 64 Bit and have you installed 64 bit version of Python? It may help to install both 32 bit version Python 3.1 and Pygame, which is available officially only in 32 bit and you won't face this problem.

I see that 64 bit pygame is maintained here, you might also want to try uninstalling Pygame only and install the 64 bit version on your existing python3.1, if not choose go for both 32-bit version.

jquery onclick change css background image

You need to use background-image instead of backgroundImage. For example:

$(function() {
  $('.home').click(function() {
    $(this).css('background-image', 'url(images/tabs3.png)');

How to add item to the beginning of List<T>?

Update: a better idea, set the "AppendDataBoundItems" property to true, then declare the "Choose item" declaratively. The databinding operation will add to the statically declared item.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl" runat="server" AppendDataBoundItems="true">
    <asp:ListItem Value="0" Text="Please choose..."></asp:ListItem>


Using async/await for multiple tasks

Since the API you're calling is async, the Parallel.ForEach version doesn't make much sense. You shouldnt use .Wait in the WaitAll version since that would lose the parallelism Another alternative if the caller is async is using Task.WhenAll after doing Select and ToArray to generate the array of tasks. A second alternative is using Rx 2.0

What causes java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError?

Another situation where this error can appear is with Emma Code Coverage.

This happens when assigning an Object to an interface. I guess this has something to do with the Object being instrumented and not binary compatible anymore.

Fortunately this problem doesn't happen with Cobertura, so I've added cobertura-maven-plugin in my reporting plugins of my pom.xml

Format timedelta to string

One liner. Since timedeltas do not offer datetime's strftime, bring the timedelta back to a datetime, and use stftime.

This can not only achieve the OP's requested format Hours:Minutes, now you can leverage the full formatting power of datetime's strftime, should your requirements change to another representation.

import datetime
td = datetime.timedelta(hours=2, minutes=10, seconds=5)
print(datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.strptime(str(td), "%H:%M:%S"), "%H:%M"))


This also solves the annoyance that timedeltas are formatted into strings as H:MM:SS rather than HH:MM:SS, which lead me to this problem, and the solution I've shared.

Could not find method compile() for arguments Gradle

compile is a configuration that is usually introduced by a plugin (most likely the java plugin) Have a look at the gradle userguide for details about configurations. For now adding the java plugin on top of your build script should do the trick:

apply plugin:'java'

How to get filename without extension from file path in Ruby

Jonathon's answer is better, but to let you know somelist[-1] is one of the LastIndexOf notations available.

As mentioned somelist.last apparently is too.

irb(main):003:0* f = 'C:\\path\\file.txt'
irb(main):007:0> f.split('\\')
=> ["C:", "path", "file.txt"]
irb(main):008:0> f.split('\\')[-1]
=> "file.txt"

Creating a ZIP archive in memory using System.IO.Compression

Working solution for MVC

    public ActionResult Index()
        string fileName = "test.pdf";
        string fileName1 = "test.vsix";
        string fileNameZip = "Export_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ".zip";

        byte[] fileBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\test\test.pdf");
        byte[] fileBytes1 = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\test\test.vsix");
        byte[] compressedBytes;
        using (var outStream = new MemoryStream())
            using (var archive = new ZipArchive(outStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
                var fileInArchive = archive.CreateEntry(fileName, CompressionLevel.Optimal);
                using (var entryStream = fileInArchive.Open())
                using (var fileToCompressStream = new MemoryStream(fileBytes))

                var fileInArchive1 = archive.CreateEntry(fileName1, CompressionLevel.Optimal);
                using (var entryStream = fileInArchive1.Open())
                using (var fileToCompressStream = new MemoryStream(fileBytes1))

            compressedBytes = outStream.ToArray();
        return File(compressedBytes, "application/zip", fileNameZip);

Pandas groupby month and year

Why not keep it simple?!


giving you,

        abc  xyz
2013 6   80  250
     8   40   -5
2014 1   25   15
     2   60   80

and then you can plot like asked using,


How to create a link to another PHP page

Use like this

<a href="index.php">Index Page</a>
<a href="page2.php">Page 2</a>

Get method arguments using Spring AOP?

You have a few options:

First, you can use the JoinPoint#getArgs() method which returns an Object[] containing all the arguments of the advised method. You might have to do some casting depending on what you want to do with them.

Second, you can use the args pointcut expression like so:

// use '..' in the args expression if you have zero or more parameters at that point
@Before("execution(* && args(yourString,..)")

then your method can instead be defined as

public void logBefore(JoinPoint joinPoint, String yourString) 

How to get PID of process by specifying process name and store it in a variable to use further?

Another possibility would be to use pidof it usually comes with most distributions. It will return you the PID of a given process by using it's name.

pidof process_name

This way you could store that information in a variable and execute kill -9 on it.

pid=`pidof process_name`
kill -9 $pid

How to execute python file in linux

If you have python 3 installed then add this line to the top of the file:

 #!/usr/bin/env python3

You should also check the file have the right to be execute. chmod +x

For more details, follow the official forum:

jquery data selector

At the moment I'm selecting like this:


Which seems to work just fine, but it would be nice if jQuery was able to select by that attribute without the 'data-' prefix.

I haven't tested this with data added to elements via jQuery dynamically, so that could be the downfall of this method.

How to perform element-wise multiplication of two lists?

you can multiplication using lambda

l=map(lambda x,y:x*y,foo,bar)

MySQL - length() vs char_length()

LENGTH() returns the length of the string measured in bytes.
CHAR_LENGTH() returns the length of the string measured in characters.

This is especially relevant for Unicode, in which most characters are encoded in two bytes. Or UTF-8, where the number of bytes varies. For example:

select length(_utf8 '€'), char_length(_utf8 '€')
--> 3, 1

As you can see the Euro sign occupies 3 bytes (it's encoded as 0xE282AC in UTF-8) even though it's only one character.

Difference between Return and Break statements

In this code i is iterated till 3 then the loop ends;

int function (void)
    for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
      if (i == 3)

In this code i is iterated till 3 but with an output;

int function (void)
    for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
      if (i == 3)
         return i;

HTTP error 403 in Python 3 Web Scraping

Based on the previous answer,

from urllib.request import Request, urlopen       
#specify url
url = 'https://xyz/xyz'
req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'XYZ/3.0'})
response = urlopen(req, timeout=20).read()

This worked for me by extending the timeout.

PHP/Apache: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

In case anyone else faces this, it's a case of PHP not having access to the mysql client libraries. Having a MySQL server on the system is not the correct fix. Fix for ubuntu (and PHP 5):

sudo apt-get install php5-mysql

After installing the client, the webserver should be restarted. In case you're using apache, the following should work:

sudo service apache2 restart

get jquery `$(this)` id

this is the DOM element on which the event was hooked. is its ID. No need to wrap it in a jQuery instance to get it, the id property reflects the attribute reliably on all browsers.

$("select").change(function() {    
    alert("Changed: " +;

Live example

You're not doing this in your code sample, but if you were watching a container with several form elements, that would give you the ID of the container. If you want the ID of the element that triggered the event, you could get that from the event object's target property:

$("#container").change(function(event) {
    alert("Field " + + " changed");

Live example

(jQuery ensures that the change event bubbles, even on IE where it doesn't natively.)

Get the current user, within an ApiController action, without passing the userID as a parameter

You can also access the principal using the User property on ApiController.

So the following two statements are basically the same:

string id;
id = User.Identity.GetUserId();
id = RequestContext.Principal.Identity.GetUserId();

How to use 'find' to search for files created on a specific date?

It's two steps but I like to do it this way:

First create a file with a particular date/time. In this case, the file is 2008-10-01 at midnight

touch -t 0810010000 /tmp/t

Now we can find all files that are newer or older than the above file (going by file modified date. You can also use -anewer for accessed and -cnewer file status changed).

find / -newer /tmp/t
find / -not -newer /tmp/t

You could also look at files between certain dates by creating two files with touch

touch -t 0810010000 /tmp/t1
touch -t 0810011000 /tmp/t2

This will find files between the two dates & times

find / -newer /tmp/t1 -and -not -newer /tmp/t2

Could not open ServletContext resource

Mark sure propertie file is in "/WEB-INF/classes" try to use

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="location">

Javascript Iframe innerHTML

Conroy's answer was right. In the case you need only stuff from body tag, just use:


How do I diff the same file between two different commits on the same branch?

Here is a Perl script that prints out Git diff commands for a given file as found in a Git log command.


git log pom.xml | perl 3 pom.xml


git diff 5cc287:pom.xml e8e420:pom.xml
git diff 3aa914:pom.xml 7476e1:pom.xml
git diff 422bfd:pom.xml f92ad8:pom.xml

which could then be cut and pasted in a shell window session or piped to /bin/sh.


  1. the number (3 in this case) specifies how many lines to print
  2. the file (pom.xml in this case) must agree in both places (you could wrap it in a shell function to provide the same file in both places) or put it in a binary directory as a shell script


use strict;

my $max  = shift;
my $file = shift;

die "not a number" unless $max =~ m/\d+/;
die "not a file"   unless -f $file;

my $count;
my @lines;

while (<>) {
    next unless s/^commit\s+(.*)//;
    my $commit = $1;
    push @lines, sprintf "%s:%s", substr($commit,0,6),$file;
    if (@lines == 2) {
        printf "git diff %s %s\n", @lines;
        @lines = ();
    last if ++$count >= $max *2;

Properties file with a list as the value for an individual key

If this is for some configuration file processing, consider using Apache configuration. It has way to multiple values to single key- The format is bit different though

key=value1,value2,valu3 gives three values against same key.

How to compile .c file with OpenSSL includes?

For this gcc error, you should reference to to the gcc document about Search Path.

In short:

1) If you use angle brackets(<>) with #include, gcc will search header file firstly from system path such as /usr/local/include and /usr/include, etc.

2) The path specified by -Ldir command-line option, will be searched before the default directories.

3)If you use quotation("") with #include as #include "file", the directory containing the current file will be searched firstly.

so, the answer to your question is as following:

1) If you want to use header files in your source code folder, replace <> with "" in #include directive.

2) if you want to use -I command line option, add it to your compile command line.(if set CFLAGS in environment variables, It will not referenced automatically)

3) About package configuration(openssl.pc), I do not think it will be referenced without explicitly declared in build configuration.

CentOS 64 bit bad ELF interpreter


$ yum provides
$ yum update
$ yum install glibc.i686

Hope this clears out.

Excel to CSV with UTF8 encoding

You can do this on a modern Windows machine without third party software. This method is reliable and it will handle data that includes quoted commas, quoted tab characters, CJK characters, etc.

1. Save from Excel

In Excel, save the data to file.txt using the type Unicode Text (*.txt).

2. Start PowerShell

Run powershell from the Start menu.

3. Load the file in PowerShell

$data = Import-Csv C:\path\to\file.txt -Delimiter "`t" -Encoding BigEndianUnicode

4. Save the data as CSV

$data | Export-Csv file.csv -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation

JavaScript: SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

You got an extra } to many as seen below:

var nav = document.getElementsByClassName('nav-coll');
for (var i = 0; i < button.length; i++) {
        } // <-- REMOVE THIS :)
    }, false);

A very good tool for those things is jsFiddle. I have created a fiddle with your invalid code and when clicking the TidyUp button it formats your code which makes it clearer if there are any possible mistakes with missing braces.

DEMO - Your code in a fiddle, have a play :)

Convert CString to const char*

Generic Conversion Macros (TN059 Other Considerations section is important):

A2CW     (LPCSTR)  -> (LPCWSTR)  
A2W      (LPCSTR)  -> (LPWSTR)  
W2CA     (LPCWSTR) -> (LPCSTR)  
W2A      (LPCWSTR) -> (LPSTR) 

How to redirect in a servlet filter?

Your response object is declared as a ServletResponse. To use the sendRedirect() method, you have to cast it to HttpServletResponse. This is an extended interface that adds methods related to the HTTP protocol.

INSERT INTO @TABLE EXEC @query with SQL Server 2000

DECLARE @q nvarchar(4000)
SET @q = 'DECLARE @tmp TABLE (code VARCHAR(50), mount MONEY)
SELECT coa_code,
FROM   T_Ledger_detail

FROM   @tmp'

EXEC sp_executesql @q

If you want in dynamic query

How to set session variable in jquery?

You could try using HTML5s sessionStorage it lasts for the duration on the page session. A page session lasts for as long as the browser is open and survives over page reloads and restores. Opening a page in a new tab or window will cause a new session to be initiated.

sessionStorage.setItem("username", "John");

Browser Compatibility compatible with every A-grade browser, included iPhone or Android.

Shuffle an array with python, randomize array item order with python

Alternative way to do this using sklearn

from sklearn.utils import shuffle
y = ['one', 'two', 'three']
X, y = shuffle(X, y, random_state=0)


[2, 1, 3]
['two', 'one', 'three']

Advantage: You can random multiple arrays simultaneously without disrupting the mapping. And 'random_state' can control the shuffling for reproducible behavior.

Spring MVC Missing URI template variable

This error may happen when mapping variables you defined in REST definition do not match with @PathVariable names.

Example: Suppose you defined in the REST definition

@GetMapping(value = "/{appId}", produces = "application/json", consumes = "application/json")

Then during the definition of the function, it should be

public ResponseEntity<List> getData(@PathVariable String appId)

This error may occur when you use any other variable other than defined in the REST controller definition with @PathVariable. Like, the below code will raise the error as ID is different than appId variable name:

public ResponseEntity<List> getData(@PathVariable String ID)

How to convert dataframe into time series?

With library fpp, you can easily create time series with date format: time_ser=ts(data,frequency=4,start=c(1954,2))

here we start at the 2nd quarter of 1954 with quarter fequency.

How can I detect window size with jQuery?

You can get the values for the width and height of the browser using the following:


To get notified when the browser is resized, use this bind callback:

$(window).resize(function() {
    // Do something

How to copy Java Collections list

Why dont you just use addAll method:

    List a = new ArrayList();

    List b = b.addAll(listA);

//b will be 1, abc

even if you have existing items in b or you want to pend some elements after it, such as:

List a = new ArrayList();

List b = new ArrayList();

//b will be x, 1, abc, Y