Programs & Examples On #Msr

MSR (Model-Specific Registers) are registers inside the CPU that provide direct access to advanced CPU features.

Changing directory in Google colab (breaking out of the python interpreter)


%cd SwitchFrequencyAnalysis

to change the current working directory for the notebook environment (and not just the subshell that runs your ! command).

you can confirm it worked with the pwd command like this:


further information about jupyter / ipython magics:

Property 'json' does not exist on type 'Object'

The other way to tackle it is to use this code snippet:


This feels so wrong but it works

VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for both all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DISABLED)

In Virtual Box "Settings" > System Settings > Processor > Enable the PAE/NX option. It resolved my issue.

The target principal name is incorrect. Cannot generate SSPI context

I had this problem when trying to connect to my SQL Server 2017 instance via L2TP VPN on a domain-joined Windows 10 machine.

The problem ended up being in my VPN settings. In the security settings, in Authentication, using EAP-MSCHAPv2 and in the Properties dialog, I had selected Automatically use my Windows logon name and password (and domain if any).

Location of the option to turn off

I turned this off and then re-connected my VPN and then I was able to connect to SQL Server successfully.

I believe this was causing my SQL login (with Windows account security) to use Kerberos instead of NTLM, causing the SSPI error.

VERR_VMX_MSR_VMXON_DISABLED when starting an image from Oracle virtual box

Recently I had this same problem on windows 10 - after installing Hyper-V & other windows features like:

Windows Projected File System, Windows Sandbox, Windows Subsystem for Linux, Work Folders Client,

And it stopped working for me;(

  1. Step uninstall Hyper-V -check if ti stared to work for you - no in my case
  2. Step uninstall other windows features mentioned above! - I worked for me;) enter image description here

Styling JQuery UI Autocomplete

Based on @md-nazrul-islam reply, This is what I did with SCSS:

ul.ui-autocomplete {
    position: absolute;
    top: 100%;
    left: 0;
    z-index: 1000;
    float: left;
    display: none;
    min-width: 160px;
    margin: 0 0 10px 25px;
    list-style: none;
    background-color: #ffffff;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    //@include border-radius(5px);
    @include box-shadow( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0 5px 10px );
    @include background-clip(padding-box);
    *border-right-width: 2px;
    *border-bottom-width: 2px;

        padding:0 .5em;
            background: #F7F7F7;


Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4)

To send an mms for Android 4.0 api 14 or higher without permission to write apn settings, you can use this library: Retrieve mnc and mcc codes from android, then call

Carrier c = Carrier.getCarrier(mcc, mnc);
if (c != null) {
    APN a = c.getAPN();
    if (a != null) {
        String mmsc = a.mmsc;
        String mmsproxy = a.proxy; //"" if none
        int mmsport = a.port; //0 if none

To use this, add Jsoup and droid prism jar to the build path, and import com.droidprism.*;

How can change width of dropdown list?

This worked for me:

ul.dropdown-menu > li {
    max-width: 144px;

in Chromium and Firefox.

Jquery and HTML FormData returns "Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation"

I had the same problem

I fixed that by using two options

contentType: false
processData: false

Actually I Added these two command to my $.ajax({}) function

"Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation" in Chrome

In your code you are assigning a native method to a property of custom object. When you call support.animationFrame(function () {}) , it is executed in the context of current object (ie support). For the native requestAnimationFrame function to work properly, it must be executed in the context of window.

So the correct usage here is, function() {});.

The same happens with alert too:

var myObj = {
  myAlert : alert //copying native alert to an object

myObj.myAlert('this is an alert'); //is illegal, 'this is an alert'); // executing in context of window 

Another option is to use Function.prototype.bind() which is part of ES5 standard and available in all modern browsers.

var _raf = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
        window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
        window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
        window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||

var support = {
   animationFrame: _raf ? _raf.bind(window) : null

m2eclipse error

I had the same problem but with an other cause. The solution was to deactivate Avira Browser Protection (in german Browser-Schutz). I took the solusion from m2e cannot transfer metadata from nexus, but maven command line can. It can be activated again ones maven has the needed plugin.

Oracle SQL: Use sequence in insert with Select Statement

Assuming that you want to group the data before you generate the key with the sequence, it sounds like you want something like

SELECT MY_SEQ.nextval,
  FROM (SELECT '2010' year,
               '12' month,
               'ALL' make,
               'ALL' model,
               sum(AVG_MSRP*COUNT)/sum(COUNT) avg_msrp,
               sum(cnt) cnt
         WHERE YEAR = '2010' 
           AND MONTH = '12'
           AND MAKE != 'ALL' 

Looping through list items with jquery

Try this:

listItems = $("#productList").find("li").each(function(){
   var product = $(this);
   // rest of code.

error LNK2005: xxx already defined in MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR100.dll) C:\something\LIBCMT.lib(setlocal.obj)

Some readers will have another issue and need this fix. read the links below. the same problem occured with visual studio 2015 with the advent of windows sdk 10 which brings up libucrt. ucrt is the windows implementation of C Runtime (CRT) aka the posix runtime library. You most likely have code that was ported from unix... Welcome to the drawback

How to get cumulative sum

Try this:

 [name] varchar NULL,
 [val] [int] NULL,
 [ID] [int] NULL

insert into #t (id,name,val) values
 (1,'A',10), (2,'B',20), (3,'C',30)

select, t1.val, SUM(t2.val) as cumSum
 from #t t1 inner join #t t2 on >=
 group by, t1.val order by

Error 0x80005000 and DirectoryServices

I had the same again and again and nothing seemed to help.

Changing the path from ldap:// to LDAP:// did the trick.

What's causing my Connection reset?

In my case, this was because my Tomcat was set with an insufficient maxHttpHeaderSize for a particularly complicated SOLR query.

Hope this helps someone out there!

Working with INTERVAL and CURDATE in MySQL

As suggested by A Star, I always use something along the lines of:


Similarly you can do:

"2013-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 10 DAY

and so on. Much easier than typing DATE_ADD or DATE_SUB all the time :)!

What is external linkage and internal linkage?

Linkage determines whether identifiers that have identical names refer to the same object, function, or other entity, even if those identifiers appear in different translation units. The linkage of an identifier depends on how it was declared. There are three types of linkages:

  1. Internal linkage : identifiers can only be seen within a translation unit.
  2. External linkage : identifiers can be seen (and referred to) in other translation units.
  3. No linkage : identifiers can only be seen in the scope in which they are defined. Linkage does not affect scoping

C++ only : You can also have linkage between C++ and non-C++ code fragments, which is called language linkage.

Source :IBM Program Linkage

Using a scanner to accept String input and storing in a String Array

//go through this code I have made several changes in it//

import java.util.Scanner;

public class addContact {
public static void main(String [] args){

//declare arrays
String [] contactName = new String [12];
String [] contactPhone = new String [12];
String [] contactAdd1 = new String [12];
String [] contactAdd2 = new String [12];
int i=0;
String name = "0";
String phone = "0";
String add1 = "0";
String add2 = "0";
//method of taken input
Scanner input = new Scanner(;

//while name field is empty display prompt etc.
while (i<11)
System.out.println("Enter contacts name: "+ i);
name = input.nextLine();
name += contactName[i];

while (i<12)
System.out.println("Enter contacts addressline1:");
add1 = input.nextLine();
add1 += contactAdd1[i];

while (i<12)
System.out.println("Enter contacts addressline2:");
add2 = input.nextLine();
add2 += contactAdd2[i];

while (i<12)
System.out.println("Enter contact phone number: ");
phone = input.nextLine();
phone += contactPhone[i];


What's the difference between `raw_input()` and `input()` in Python 3?

If You want to ensure, that your code is running with python2 and python3, use function input () in your script and add this to begin of your script:

from sys import version_info
if version_info.major == 3:
elif version_info.major == 2:
        input = raw_input
    except NameError:
    print ("Unknown python version - input function not safe")

How to split (chunk) a Ruby array into parts of X elements?

Take a look at Enumerable#each_slice:

#=> [["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"], ["7", "8", "9"], ["10"]]

Why can't Visual Studio find my DLL?

I've experienced same problem with same lib, found a solution here on SO:

Search MSDN for "How to: Set Environment Variables for Projects". (It's Project>Properties>Configuration Properties>Debugging "Environment" and "Merge Environment" properties for those who are in a rush.)

The syntax is NAME=VALUE and macros can be used (for example, $(OutDir)).

For example, to prepend C:\Windows\Temp to the PATH:


Similarly, to append $(TargetDir)\DLLS to the PATH:


(answered by Multicollinearity here: How do I set a path in visual studio?

How can I get the behavior of GNU's readlink -f on a Mac?

You may be interested in realpath(3), or Python's os.path.realpath. The two aren't exactly the same; the C library call requires that intermediary path components exist, while the Python version does not.

$ pwd
$ ls -l
total 16
-rw-r--r--  1 miles    wheel  0 Jul 11 21:08 a
lrwxr-xr-x  1 miles    wheel  1 Jul 11 20:49 b -> a
lrwxr-xr-x  1 miles    wheel  1 Jul 11 20:49 c -> b
$ python -c 'import os,sys;print(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]))' c

I know you said you'd prefer something more lightweight than another scripting language, but just in case compiling a binary is insufferable, you can use Python and ctypes (available on Mac OS X 10.5) to wrap the library call:


import ctypes, sys

libc = ctypes.CDLL('libc.dylib')
libc.realpath.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
libc.__error.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
libc.strerror.restype = ctypes.c_char_p

def realpath(path):
    buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024) # PATH_MAX
    if libc.realpath(path, buffer):
        return buffer.value
        errno = libc.__error().contents.value
        raise OSError(errno, "%s: %s" % (libc.strerror(errno), buffer.value))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print realpath(sys.argv[1])

Ironically, the C version of this script ought to be shorter. :)

symfony 2 twig limit the length of the text and put three dots

Another one is:

{{ myentity.text[:50] ~ '...' }}

Strings and character with printf

The thing is that the printf function needs a pointer as parameter. However a char is a variable that you have directly acces. A string is a pointer on the first char of the string, so you don't have to add the * because * is the identifier for the pointer of a variable.

Best way to detect Mac OS X or Windows computers with JavaScript or jQuery

Is this what you are looking for? Otherwise, let me know and I will remove this post.

Try this jQuery plugin:


This is based on quirksmode BrowserDetect a wrap for jQuery browser/os detection plugin.

For keen readers:

And more code around the plugin resides here:

Test if characters are in a string

You want grepl:

> chars <- "test"
> value <- "es"
> grepl(value, chars)
[1] TRUE
> chars <- "test"
> value <- "et"
> grepl(value, chars)

How does the Spring @ResponseBody annotation work?

Further to this, the return type is determined by

  1. What the HTTP Request says it wants - in its Accept header. Try looking at the initial request as see what Accept is set to.

  2. What HttpMessageConverters Spring sets up. Spring MVC will setup converters for XML (using JAXB) and JSON if Jackson libraries are on he classpath.

If there is a choice it picks one - in this example, it happens to be JSON.

This is covered in the course notes. Look for the notes on Message Convertors and Content Negotiation.

Delete all local git branches

Based on a combination of a number of answers here - if you want to keep all branches that exist on remote but delete the rest, the following oneliner will do the trick:

git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short)' refs/heads | grep -Ev `git ls-remote --quiet --heads origin | awk '{print substr($2, 12)}'| paste -sd "|" -` | xargs git branch -D

How do I set headers using python's urllib?

adding HTTP headers using urllib2:

from the docs:

import urllib2
req = urllib2.Request('')
req.add_header('Referer', '')
resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
content =

Send text to specific contact programmatically (whatsapp)

 private void openWhatsApp() {
       //without '+'
        try {
            Intent sendIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.MAIN");

            //sendIntent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.whatsapp", "com.whatsapp.Conversation"));
        } catch(Exception e) {
            Toast.makeText(this, "Error/n" + e.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            Log.e("Error",e+"")    ;    }

Add Items to Columns in a WPF ListView

Solution With Less XAML and More C#

If you define the ListView in XAML:

<ListView x:Name="listView"/>

Then you can add columns and populate it in C#:

public Window()
    // Initialize

    // Add columns
    var gridView = new GridView();
    this.listView.View = gridView;
    gridView.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn { 
        Header = "Id", DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Id") });
    gridView.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn { 
        Header = "Name", DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Name") });

    // Populate list
    this.listView.Items.Add(new MyItem { Id = 1, Name = "David" });

See definition of MyItem below.

Solution With More XAML and less C#

However, it's easier to define the columns in XAML (inside the ListView definition):

<ListView x:Name="listView">
            <GridViewColumn Header="Id" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Id}"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Name" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Name}"/>

And then just populate the list in C#:

public Window()
    // Initialize

    // Populate list
    this.listView.Items.Add(new MyItem { Id = 1, Name = "David" });

See definition of MyItem below.

MyItem Definition

MyItem is defined like this:

public class MyItem
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

Check if event exists on element

$('body').click(function(){ alert('test' )})

var foo = $.data( $('body').get(0), 'events' ).click
// you can query $.data( object, 'events' ) and get an object back, then see what events are attached to it.

$.each( foo, function(i,o) {
    alert(i) // guid of the event
    alert(o) // the function definition of the event handler

You can inspect by feeding the object reference ( not the jQuery object though ) to $.data, and for the second argument feed 'events' and that will return an object populated with all the events such as 'click'. You can loop through that object and see what the event handler does.

How to Convert unsigned char* to std::string in C++?

BYTE is nothing but typedef unsigned char BYTE;

You can easily use any of below constructors

string ( const char * s, size_t n );
string ( const char * s );

How do I add a project as a dependency of another project?

Assuming the MyEjbProject is not another Maven Project you own or want to build with maven, you could use system dependencies to link to the existing jar file of the project like so


That said it is usually the better (and preferred way) to install the package to the repository either by making it a maven project and building it or installing it the way you already seem to do.

If they are, however, dependent on each other, you can always create a separate parent project (has to be a "pom" project) declaring the two other projects as its "modules". (The child projects would not have to declare the third project as their parent). As a consequence you'd get a new directory for the new parent project, where you'd also quite probably put the two independent projects like this:

|- pom.xml
|- MyEJBProject
|   `- pom.xml
`- MyWarProject
    `- pom.xml

The parent project would get a "modules" section to name all the child modules. The aggregator would then use the dependencies in the child modules to actually find out the order in which the projects are to be built)



That way the projects can relate to each other but (once they are installed in the local repository) still be used independently as artifacts in other projects

Finally, if your projects are not in related directories, you might try to give them as relative modules:

 |- mywarproject
 |   `pom.xml
 |- myejbproject
 |   `pom.xml
 `- parent

now you could just do this (worked in maven 2, just tried it):


Comparing boxed Long values 127 and 128

num1 and num2 are Long objects. You should be using equals() to compare them. == comparison might work sometimes because of the way JVM boxes primitives, but don't depend on it.

if (num1.equals(num1))

How to find Port number of IP address?

Port numbers are defined by convention. HTTP servers generally listen on port 80, ssh servers listen on 22. But there are no requirements that they do.

Failed to install *.apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF

Wipe Data and restart the virtual device again fix the issue in my case.

enter image description here

How to make an ng-click event conditional?

It is not good to manipulate with DOM (including checking of attributes) in any place except directives. You can add into scope some value indicating if link should be disabled.

But other problem is that ngDisabled does not work on anything except form controls, so you can't use it with <a>, but you can use it with <button> and style it as link.

Another way is to use lazy evaluation of expressions like isDisabled || action() so action wouold not be called if isDisabled is true.

Here goes both solutions:

How do I get list of methods in a Python class?

Note that you need to consider whether you want methods from base classes which are inherited (but not overridden) included in the result. The dir() and inspect.getmembers() operations do include base class methods, but use of the __dict__ attribute does not.

Subtract two dates in Java

Edit 2018-05-28 I have changed the example to use Java 8's Time API:

LocalDate d1 = LocalDate.parse("2018-05-26", DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE);
LocalDate d2 = LocalDate.parse("2018-05-28", DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE);
Duration diff = Duration.between(d1.atStartOfDay(), d2.atStartOfDay());
long diffDays = diff.toDays();

how to run the command mvn eclipse:eclipse

The m2e plugin uses it's own distribution of Maven, packaged with the plugin.

In order to use Maven from command line, you need to have it installed as a standalone application. Here is an instruction explaining how to do it in Windows

Once Maven is properly installed (i.e. be sure that MAVEN_HOME, JAVA_HOME and PATH variables are set correctly): you must run mvn eclipse:eclipse from the directory containing the pom.xml.

What does "-ne" mean in bash?

This is one of those things that can be difficult to search for if you don't already know where to look.

[ is actually a command, not part of the bash shell syntax as you might expect. It happens to be a Bash built-in command, so it's documented in the Bash manual.

There's also an external command that does the same thing; on many systems, it's provided by the GNU Coreutils package.

[ is equivalent to the test command, except that [ requires ] as its last argument, and test does not.

Assuming the bash documentation is installed on your system, if you type info bash and search for 'test' or '[' (the apostrophes are part of the search), you'll find the documentation for the [ command, also known as the test command. If you use man bash instead of info bash, search for ^ *test (the word test at the beginning of a line, following some number of spaces).

Following the reference to "Bash Conditional Expressions" will lead you to the description of -ne, which is the numeric inequality operator ("ne" stands for "not equal). By contrast, != is the string inequality operator.

You can also find bash documentation on the web.

The official definition of the test command is the POSIX standard (to which the bash implementation should conform reasonably well, perhaps with some extensions).

What is the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile?

The accepted answer is fabulous in explaining the history. I find this table explain it very well from official doc on 'how CMD and ENTRYPOINT interact': enter image description here

What is the difference between HAVING and WHERE in SQL?

The HAVING clause was added to SQL because the WHERE keyword could not be used with aggregate functions.

Check out this w3schools link for more information


SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name
HAVING aggregate_function(column_name) operator value

A query such as this:

SELECT column_name, COUNT( column_name ) AS column_name_tally
  FROM table_name
 WHERE column_name < 3
    BY column_name
HAVING COUNT( column_name ) >= 3;

...may be rewritten using a derived table (and omitting the HAVING) like this:

SELECT column_name, column_name_tally
  FROM (
        SELECT column_name, COUNT(column_name) AS column_name_tally
          FROM table_name
         WHERE column_name < 3
            BY column_name
       ) pointless_range_variable_required_here
 WHERE column_name_tally >= 3;

In PHP how can you clear a WSDL cache?

if you already deployed the code or can't change any configuration, you could remove all temp files from wsdl:

rm /tmp/wsdl-*

JPA Native Query select and cast object

When your native query is based on joins, in that case you can get the result as list of objects and process it.

one simple example.

EntityManager em;

    String nativeQuery = "select name,age from users where id=?";   
    Query query = em.createNativeQuery(nativeQuery);

    List<Object[]> list = query.getResultList();

    for(Object[] q1 : list){

        String name = q1[0].toString();
        //do something more on 

How to upgrade Git on Windows to the latest version?

If you are using MacOS

To check the version

git --version

To Upgrade the version

brew upgrade git

How to see full absolute path of a symlink

realpath isn't available on all linux flavors, but readlink should be.

readlink -f symlinkName

The above should do the trick.

Alternatively, if you don't have either of the above installed, you can do the following if you have python 2.6 (or later) installed

python -c 'import os.path; print(os.path.realpath("symlinkName"))'

"E: Unable to locate package python-pip" on Ubuntu 18.04

To solve the problem of:

E: Unable to locate package python-pip

you should do this. This works with the python2.7 and you not going to get disappointed by it. follow the steps that are mention below. go to and copy all the code from it.
open the terminal using CTRL + ALT +T


paste the copied code here and then exit from the vi editor by pressing

ESC then :wq => press Enter

lastly, now run the code and see the magic

sudo python

It automatically adds the pip command in your Linux.
you can see the output of my machine

Return date as ddmmyyyy in SQL Server

I've been doing it like this for years;

print convert(char,getdate(),103)

How to get height of <div> in px dimension

There is a built-in method to get the bounding rectangle: Element.getBoundingClientRect.

The result is the smallest rectangle which contains the entire element, with the read-only left, top, right, bottom, x, y, width, and height properties.

See the example below:

let innerBox = document.getElementById("myDiv").getBoundingClientRect().height;_x000D_
document.getElementById("data_box").innerHTML = "height: " + innerBox;
body {_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
.relative {_x000D_
  width: 220px;_x000D_
  height: 180px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  background-color: purple;_x000D_
.absolute {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 30px;_x000D_
  left: 20px;_x000D_
  background-color: orange;_x000D_
  padding: 30px;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
#myDiv {_x000D_
  margin: 20px;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  color: red;_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
  background-color: yellow;_x000D_
#data_box {_x000D_
  font: 30px arial, sans-serif;_x000D_
Get height of <mark>myDiv</mark> in px dimension:_x000D_
<div id="data_box"></div>_x000D_
<div class="relative">_x000D_
  <div class="absolute">_x000D_
    <div id="myDiv">myDiv</div>_x000D_

ng: command not found while creating new project using angular-cli

For me (on MacOSX) I had to do:

nvm install stable
npm install -g angular-cli

This installed ng into:


But npm did not put a link to ng into


Which was why it was not part of the %PATH and therefore available from the command line except via an absolute address.

So I used the following the create a link to ng:

sudo ln -sf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/\@angular/cli/bin/ng /usr/local/bin/ng

Determine a string's encoding in C#

The code below has the following features:

  1. Detection or attempted detection of UTF-7, UTF-8/16/32 (bom, no bom, little & big endian)
  2. Falls back to the local default codepage if no Unicode encoding was found.
  3. Detects (with high probability) unicode files with the BOM/signature missing
  4. Searches for charset=xyz and encoding=xyz inside file to help determine encoding.
  5. To save processing, you can 'taste' the file (definable number of bytes).
  6. The encoding and decoded text file is returned.
  7. Purely byte-based solution for efficiency

As others have said, no solution can be perfect (and certainly one can't easily differentiate between the various 8-bit extended ASCII encodings in use worldwide), but we can get 'good enough' especially if the developer also presents to the user a list of alternative encodings as shown here: What is the most common encoding of each language?

A full list of Encodings can be found using Encoding.GetEncodings();

// Function to detect the encoding for UTF-7, UTF-8/16/32 (bom, no bom, little
// & big endian), and local default codepage, and potentially other codepages.
// 'taster' = number of bytes to check of the file (to save processing). Higher
// value is slower, but more reliable (especially UTF-8 with special characters
// later on may appear to be ASCII initially). If taster = 0, then taster
// becomes the length of the file (for maximum reliability). 'text' is simply
// the string with the discovered encoding applied to the file.
public Encoding detectTextEncoding(string filename, out String text, int taster = 1000)
    byte[] b = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);

    //////////////// First check the low hanging fruit by checking if a
    //////////////// BOM/signature exists (sourced from
    if (b.Length >= 4 && b[0] == 0x00 && b[1] == 0x00 && b[2] == 0xFE && b[3] == 0xFF) { text = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-32BE").GetString(b, 4, b.Length - 4); return Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-32BE"); }  // UTF-32, big-endian 
    else if (b.Length >= 4 && b[0] == 0xFF && b[1] == 0xFE && b[2] == 0x00 && b[3] == 0x00) { text = Encoding.UTF32.GetString(b, 4, b.Length - 4); return Encoding.UTF32; }    // UTF-32, little-endian
    else if (b.Length >= 2 && b[0] == 0xFE && b[1] == 0xFF) { text = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(b, 2, b.Length - 2); return Encoding.BigEndianUnicode; }     // UTF-16, big-endian
    else if (b.Length >= 2 && b[0] == 0xFF && b[1] == 0xFE) { text = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(b, 2, b.Length - 2); return Encoding.Unicode; }              // UTF-16, little-endian
    else if (b.Length >= 3 && b[0] == 0xEF && b[1] == 0xBB && b[2] == 0xBF) { text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(b, 3, b.Length - 3); return Encoding.UTF8; } // UTF-8
    else if (b.Length >= 3 && b[0] == 0x2b && b[1] == 0x2f && b[2] == 0x76) { text = Encoding.UTF7.GetString(b,3,b.Length-3); return Encoding.UTF7; } // UTF-7

    //////////// If the code reaches here, no BOM/signature was found, so now
    //////////// we need to 'taste' the file to see if can manually discover
    //////////// the encoding. A high taster value is desired for UTF-8
    if (taster == 0 || taster > b.Length) taster = b.Length;    // Taster size can't be bigger than the filesize obviously.

    // Some text files are encoded in UTF8, but have no BOM/signature. Hence
    // the below manually checks for a UTF8 pattern. This code is based off
    // the top answer at:
    // For our purposes, an unnecessarily strict (and terser/slower)
    // implementation is shown at:
    // For the below, false positives should be exceedingly rare (and would
    // be either slightly malformed UTF-8 (which would suit our purposes
    // anyway) or 8-bit extended ASCII/UTF-16/32 at a vanishingly long shot).
    int i = 0;
    bool utf8 = false;
    while (i < taster - 4)
        if (b[i] <= 0x7F) { i += 1; continue; }     // If all characters are below 0x80, then it is valid UTF8, but UTF8 is not 'required' (and therefore the text is more desirable to be treated as the default codepage of the computer). Hence, there's no "utf8 = true;" code unlike the next three checks.
        if (b[i] >= 0xC2 && b[i] <= 0xDF && b[i + 1] >= 0x80 && b[i + 1] < 0xC0) { i += 2; utf8 = true; continue; }
        if (b[i] >= 0xE0 && b[i] <= 0xF0 && b[i + 1] >= 0x80 && b[i + 1] < 0xC0 && b[i + 2] >= 0x80 && b[i + 2] < 0xC0) { i += 3; utf8 = true; continue; }
        if (b[i] >= 0xF0 && b[i] <= 0xF4 && b[i + 1] >= 0x80 && b[i + 1] < 0xC0 && b[i + 2] >= 0x80 && b[i + 2] < 0xC0 && b[i + 3] >= 0x80 && b[i + 3] < 0xC0) { i += 4; utf8 = true; continue; }
        utf8 = false; break;
    if (utf8 == true) {
        text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(b);
        return Encoding.UTF8;

    // The next check is a heuristic attempt to detect UTF-16 without a BOM.
    // We simply look for zeroes in odd or even byte places, and if a certain
    // threshold is reached, the code is 'probably' UF-16.          
    double threshold = 0.1; // proportion of chars step 2 which must be zeroed to be diagnosed as utf-16. 0.1 = 10%
    int count = 0;
    for (int n = 0; n < taster; n += 2) if (b[n] == 0) count++;
    if (((double)count) / taster > threshold) { text = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(b); return Encoding.BigEndianUnicode; }
    count = 0;
    for (int n = 1; n < taster; n += 2) if (b[n] == 0) count++;
    if (((double)count) / taster > threshold) { text = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(b); return Encoding.Unicode; } // (little-endian)

    // Finally, a long shot - let's see if we can find "charset=xyz" or
    // "encoding=xyz" to identify the encoding:
    for (int n = 0; n < taster-9; n++)
        if (
            ((b[n + 0] == 'c' || b[n + 0] == 'C') && (b[n + 1] == 'h' || b[n + 1] == 'H') && (b[n + 2] == 'a' || b[n + 2] == 'A') && (b[n + 3] == 'r' || b[n + 3] == 'R') && (b[n + 4] == 's' || b[n + 4] == 'S') && (b[n + 5] == 'e' || b[n + 5] == 'E') && (b[n + 6] == 't' || b[n + 6] == 'T') && (b[n + 7] == '=')) ||
            ((b[n + 0] == 'e' || b[n + 0] == 'E') && (b[n + 1] == 'n' || b[n + 1] == 'N') && (b[n + 2] == 'c' || b[n + 2] == 'C') && (b[n + 3] == 'o' || b[n + 3] == 'O') && (b[n + 4] == 'd' || b[n + 4] == 'D') && (b[n + 5] == 'i' || b[n + 5] == 'I') && (b[n + 6] == 'n' || b[n + 6] == 'N') && (b[n + 7] == 'g' || b[n + 7] == 'G') && (b[n + 8] == '='))
            if (b[n + 0] == 'c' || b[n + 0] == 'C') n += 8; else n += 9;
            if (b[n] == '"' || b[n] == '\'') n++;
            int oldn = n;
            while (n < taster && (b[n] == '_' || b[n] == '-' || (b[n] >= '0' && b[n] <= '9') || (b[n] >= 'a' && b[n] <= 'z') || (b[n] >= 'A' && b[n] <= 'Z')))
            { n++; }
            byte[] nb = new byte[n-oldn];
            Array.Copy(b, oldn, nb, 0, n-oldn);
            try {
                string internalEnc = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(nb);
                text = Encoding.GetEncoding(internalEnc).GetString(b);
                return Encoding.GetEncoding(internalEnc);
            catch { break; }    // If C# doesn't recognize the name of the encoding, break.

    // If all else fails, the encoding is probably (though certainly not
    // definitely) the user's local codepage! One might present to the user a
    // list of alternative encodings as shown here:
    // A full list can be found using Encoding.GetEncodings();
    text = Encoding.Default.GetString(b);
    return Encoding.Default;

Using Rsync include and exclude options to include directory and file by pattern

Add -m to the recommended answer above to prune empty directories.

How to use pip on windows behind an authenticating proxy

Try to encode backslash between domain and user

pip --proxy https://domain%5Cuser:password@proxy:port install -r requirements.txt

How do I make a transparent border with CSS?

Yep, you can use border: 1px solid transparent

Another solution is to use outline on hover (and set the border to 0) which doesn't affect the document flow:

    outline:1px solid #FC0;

NB. You can only set the outline as a sharthand property, not for individual sides. It's only meant to be used for debugging but it works nicely.

Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment

Activity involved is completely unaware of the DialogFragment.

Fragment class:

public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
int mStackLevel = 0;
public static final int DIALOG_FRAGMENT = 1;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        mStackLevel = savedInstanceState.getInt("level");

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    outState.putInt("level", mStackLevel);

void showDialog(int type) {


    FragmentTransaction ft = getActivity().getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
    Fragment prev = getActivity().getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("dialog");
    if (prev != null) {

    switch (type) {

        case DIALOG_FRAGMENT:

            DialogFragment dialogFrag = MyDialogFragment.newInstance(123);
            dialogFrag.setTargetFragment(this, DIALOG_FRAGMENT);
  , "dialog");


public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        switch(requestCode) {
            case DIALOG_FRAGMENT:

                if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
                    // After Ok code.
                } else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED){
                    // After Cancel code.



DialogFragment class:

public class MyDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {

public static MyDialogFragment newInstance(int num){

    MyDialogFragment dialogFragment = new MyDialogFragment();
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putInt("num", num);

    return dialogFragment;


public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    return new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity())
                    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
                            getTargetFragment().onActivityResult(getTargetRequestCode(), Activity.RESULT_OK, getActivity().getIntent());
            .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel_button, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
                    getTargetFragment().onActivityResult(getTargetRequestCode(), Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, getActivity().getIntent());

What is the regular expression to allow uppercase/lowercase (alphabetical characters), periods, spaces and dashes only?

The regex you're looking for is ^[A-Za-z.\s_-]+$

  • ^ asserts that the regular expression must match at the beginning of the subject
  • [] is a character class - any character that matches inside this expression is allowed
  • A-Z allows a range of uppercase characters
  • a-z allows a range of lowercase characters
  • . matches a period rather than a range of characters
  • \s matches whitespace (spaces and tabs)
  • _ matches an underscore
  • - matches a dash (hyphen); we have it as the last character in the character class so it doesn't get interpreted as being part of a character range. We could also escape it (\-) instead and put it anywhere in the character class, but that's less clear
  • + asserts that the preceding expression (in our case, the character class) must match one or more times
  • $ Finally, this asserts that we're now at the end of the subject

When you're testing regular expressions, you'll likely find a tool like regexpal helpful. This allows you to see your regular expression match (or fail to match) your sample data in real time as you write it.

Using Javamail to connect to Gmail smtp server ignores specified port and tries to use 25

Maybe useful for anyone else running into this issue: When setting the port on the properties:

props.put("mail.smtp.port", smtpPort);

..make sure to use a string object. Using a numeric (ie Long) object will cause this statement to seemingly have no effect.

No Persistence provider for EntityManager named

Make sure that the persistence.xml file is in the directory: <webroot>/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF

com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: UnknownHostKey

You can also simply do

session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");

It's not secure and it's a workaround not suitable for live environment as it will disable globally known host keys checking.

IndentationError expected an indented block

This error also occurs if you have a block with no statements in it

For example:

def my_function():
    for i in range(1,10):

def say_hello():
    return "hello"

Notice that the for block is empty. You can use the pass statement if you want to test the remaining code in the module.

Return value using String result=Command.ExecuteScalar() error occurs when result returns null

You can use like the following

string result = null;
object value = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
 if (value != null)
    result = value.ToString();
return result;

Python Linked List

Linked List Class

class LinkedStack:
# Nested Node Class
class Node:
    def __init__(self, element, next):
        self.__element = element
        self.__next = next

    def get_next(self):
        return self.__next

    def get_element(self):
        return self.__element

def __init__(self):
    self.head = None
    self.size = 0 = []

def __len__(self):
    return self.size

def __str__(self):
    return str(

def is_empty(self):
    return self.size == 0

def push(self, e):
    newest = self.Node(e, self.head)
    self.head = newest
    self.size += 1

def top(self):
    if self.is_empty():
        raise Empty('Stack is empty')
    return self.head.__element

def pop(self):
    if self.is_empty():
        raise Empty('Stack is empty')
    answer = self.head.element
    self.head =
    self.size -= 1
    return answer


from LinkedStack import LinkedStack

x = LinkedStack()


for i in range(x.size - 1, -1, -1):

    print '|',[i].get_element(), '|' ,
    #next object

    if[i].get_next() == None:
        print '--> None'
        print[i].get_next().get_element(), '-|---->  ',


| 55 | 25 -|---->   | 25 | 10 -|---->   | 10 | --> None

How to get Device Information in Android

You may want to take a look at those pages : and (the getProperty() method might do the job).

For instance :

System.getProperty("os.version"); // OS version
android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK      // API Level
android.os.Build.DEVICE           // Device
android.os.Build.MODEL            // Model 
android.os.Build.PRODUCT          // Product


Normalize data in pandas

If you don't mind importing the sklearn library, I would recommend the method talked on this blog.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn import preprocessing

data = {'score': [234,24,14,27,-74,46,73,-18,59,160]}
cols = data.columns
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
np_scaled = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(df)
df_normalized = pd.DataFrame(np_scaled, columns = cols)

Unable to call the built in mb_internal_encoding method?

For OpenSUse (zypper package manager):

zypper install php5-mbstring


zyper install php7-mbstring

In the other hand, you can search them through YaST Software manager.

Note that, you must restart apache http server:

systemctl restart apache2.service

Trim Whitespaces (New Line and Tab space) in a String in Oracle

TRIM(BOTH chr(13)||chr(10)||' ' FROM str)

List of All Folders and Sub-folders

As well as find listed in other answers, better shells allow both recurvsive globs and filtering of glob matches, so in zsh for example...

ls -lad **/*(/)

...lists all directories while keeping all the "-l" details that you want, which you'd otherwise need to recreate using something like...

find . -type d -exec ls -ld {} \;

(not quite as easy as the other answers suggest)

The benefit of find is that it's more independent of the shell - more portable, even for system() calls from within a C/C++ program etc..

Alternative Windows shells, besides CMD.EXE?

Try Clink. It's awesome, especially if you are used to bash keybindings and features.

(As already pointed out - there is a similar question: Is there a better Windows Console Window?)

Controlling Spacing Between Table Cells

Use border-collapse and border-spacing to get spaces between the table cells. I would not recommend using floating cells as suggested by QQping.


AngularJS multiple filter with custom filter function

Hope below answer in this link will help, Multiple Value Filter

And take a look into the fiddle with example

arrayOfObjectswithKeys | filterMultiple:{key1:['value1','value2','value3',...etc],key2:'value4',key3:[value5,value6,...etc]}


How to get date representing the first day of a month?


How to create a Rectangle object in Java using g.fillRect method

Try this:

public void paint (Graphics g) {    
    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(xPos,yPos,width,height);
    g.fillRect(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight());  


// With explicit casting
public void paint (Graphics g) {    
        Rectangle r = new Rectangle(xPos, yPos, width, height);

UPDATE multiple tables in MySQL using LEFT JOIN

UPDATE `Table A` a
SET a.`text`=(
        SELECT group_concat(b.`B-num`,' from ',b.`date` SEPARATOR ' / ') 
        FROM `Table B` b WHERE (a.`A-num`=b.`A-num`)

what is numeric(18, 0) in sql server 2008 r2

The first value is the precision and the second is the scale, so 18,0 is essentially 18 digits with 0 digits after the decimal place. If you had 18,2 for example, you would have 18 digits, two of which would come after the decimal...

example of 18,2: 1234567890123456.12

There is no functional difference between numeric and decimal, other that the name and I think I recall that numeric came first, as in an earlier version.

And to answer, "can I add (-10) in that column?" - Yes, you can.

BAT file to open CMD in current directory

The simplest command to do this:

You can always run this in command line to open new command line window in the same location. Or you can place it in your .bat file.

Web colors in an Android color xml resource file

If you are just looking for the available colors that already exist with


then you need to look in android.jar >> android >> R.class >> R >> color.

Here is the list that come with Android 4.4W I'm using:


Sorting A ListView By Column

I sort using column name to set any sorting specifics that may need to be handled based on data type stored in the column and or if the column has already been sorted on(asc/desc). Here's a snippet from my ColumnClick event handler.

private void listView_ColumnClick(object sender, ColumnClickEventArgs e)
        ListViewItemComparer sorter = GetListViewSorter(e.Column);

        listView.ListViewItemSorter = sorter;

    private ListViewItemComparer GetListViewSorter(int columnIndex)
        ListViewItemComparer sorter = (ListViewItemComparer)listView.ListViewItemSorter;
        if (sorter == null)
            sorter = new ListViewItemComparer();

        sorter.ColumnIndex = columnIndex;

        string columnName = packagedEstimateListView.Columns[columnIndex].Name;
        switch (columnName)
            case ApplicationModel.DisplayColumns.DateCreated:
            case ApplicationModel.DisplayColumns.DateUpdated:
                sorter.ColumnType = ColumnDataType.DateTime;
            case ApplicationModel.DisplayColumns.NetTotal:
            case ApplicationModel.DisplayColumns.GrossTotal:
                sorter.ColumnType = ColumnDataType.Decimal;
                sorter.ColumnType = ColumnDataType.String;

        if (sorter.SortDirection == SortOrder.Ascending)
            sorter.SortDirection = SortOrder.Descending;
            sorter.SortDirection = SortOrder.Ascending;

        return sorter;

Below is my ListViewItemComparer

public class ListViewItemComparer : IComparer
    private int _columnIndex;
    public int ColumnIndex
            return _columnIndex;
            _columnIndex = value;

    private SortOrder _sortDirection;
    public SortOrder SortDirection
            return _sortDirection;
            _sortDirection = value;

    private ColumnDataType _columnType;
    public ColumnDataType ColumnType
            return _columnType;
            _columnType = value;

    public ListViewItemComparer()
        _sortDirection = SortOrder.None;

    public int Compare(object x, object y)
        ListViewItem lviX = x as ListViewItem;
        ListViewItem lviY = y as ListViewItem;

        int result;

        if (lviX == null && lviY == null)
            result = 0;
        else if (lviX == null)
            result = -1;

        else if (lviY == null)
            result = 1;

        switch (ColumnType)
            case ColumnDataType.DateTime:
                DateTime xDt = DataParseUtility.ParseDate(lviX.SubItems[ColumnIndex].Text);
                DateTime yDt = DataParseUtility.ParseDate(lviY.SubItems[ColumnIndex].Text);
                result = DateTime.Compare(xDt, yDt);

            case ColumnDataType.Decimal:
                Decimal xD = DataParseUtility.ParseDecimal(lviX.SubItems[ColumnIndex].Text.Replace("$", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty));
                Decimal yD = DataParseUtility.ParseDecimal(lviY.SubItems[ColumnIndex].Text.Replace("$", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty));
                result = Decimal.Compare(xD, yD);
            case ColumnDataType.Short:
                short xShort = DataParseUtility.ParseShort(lviX.SubItems[ColumnIndex].Text);
                short yShort = DataParseUtility.ParseShort(lviY.SubItems[ColumnIndex].Text);
                result = xShort.CompareTo(yShort);
            case ColumnDataType.Int:
                int xInt = DataParseUtility.ParseInt(lviX.SubItems[ColumnIndex].Text);
                int yInt = DataParseUtility.ParseInt(lviY.SubItems[ColumnIndex].Text);
                return xInt.CompareTo(yInt);
            case ColumnDataType.Long:
                long xLong = DataParseUtility.ParseLong(lviX.SubItems[ColumnIndex].Text);
                long yLong = DataParseUtility.ParseLong(lviY.SubItems[ColumnIndex].Text);
                return xLong.CompareTo(yLong);

                result = string.Compare(


        if (SortDirection == SortOrder.Descending)
            return -result;
            return result;

Do we need to execute Commit statement after Update in SQL Server

Sql server unlike oracle does not need commits unless you are using transactions.
Immediatly after your update statement the table will be commited, don't use the commit command in this scenario.

If WorkSheet("wsName") Exists

Another version of the function without error handling. This time it is not case sensitive and a little bit more efficient.

Function WorksheetExists(wsName As String) As Boolean
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim ret As Boolean        
    wsName = UCase(wsName)
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
        If UCase(ws.Name) = wsName Then
            ret = True
            Exit For
        End If
    WorksheetExists = ret
End Function

How to create an Observable from static data similar to http one in Angular?

Things seem to have changed since Angular 2.0.0

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Subscriber } from 'rxjs/Subscriber';
// ...
public fetchModel(uuid: string = undefined): Observable<string> {
  if(!uuid) {
    return new Observable<TestModel>((subscriber: Subscriber<TestModel>) => TestModel())).map(o => JSON.stringify(o));
  else {
    return this.http.get("http://localhost:8080/myapp/api/model/" + uuid)
            .map(res => res.text());

The .next() function will be called on your subscriber.

Speed tradeoff of Java's -Xms and -Xmx options

The -Xmx argument defines the max memory size that the heap can reach for the JVM. You must know your program well and see how it performs under load and set this parameter accordingly. A low value can cause OutOfMemoryExceptions or a very poor performance if your program's heap memory is reaching the maximum heap size. If your program is running in dedicated server you can set this parameter higher because it wont affect other programs.

The -Xms argument sets the initial heap memory size for the JVM. This means that when you start your program the JVM will allocate this amount of memory instantly. This is useful if your program will consume a large amount of heap memory right from the start. This avoids the JVM to be constantly increasing the heap and can gain some performance there. If you don't know if this parameter is going to help you, don't use it.

In summary, this is a compromise that you have to decide based only in the memory behavior of your program.

Python: Select subset from list based on index set

You could just use list comprehension:

property_asel = [val for is_good, val in zip(good_objects, property_a) if is_good]


property_asel = [property_a[i] for i in good_indices]

The latter one is faster because there are fewer good_indices than the length of property_a, assuming good_indices are precomputed instead of generated on-the-fly.

Edit: The first option is equivalent to itertools.compress available since Python 2.7/3.1. See @Gary Kerr's answer.

property_asel = list(itertools.compress(property_a, good_objects))

Git - Pushing code to two remotes

To send to both remote with one command, you can create a alias for it:

git config alias.pushall '!git push origin devel && git push github devel'

With this, when you use the command git pushall, it will update both repositories.

Submit button doesn't work

Hello from the future.

For clarity, I just wanted to add (as this was pretty high up in google) - we can now use

<button type="submit">Upload Stuff</button>

And to reset a form

<button type="reset" value="Reset">Reset</button>

Check out button types

We can also attach buttons to submit forms like this:

<button type="submit" form="myform" value="Submit">Submit</button>

Round to 5 (or other number) in Python

You can “trick” int() into rounding off instead of rounding down by adding 0.5 to the number you pass to int().

Allow only numbers and dot in script

 <script type="text/Javascript">
        function checkDecimal(inputVal) {
            var ex = /^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$/;
            if (ex.test(inputVal.value) == false) {
                inputVal.value = inputVal.value.substring(0, inputVal.value.length - 1);

Span inside anchor or anchor inside span or doesn't matter?

Semantically I think makes more sense as is a container for a single element and if you need to nest them then that suggests more than element will be inside of the outer one.

Determine the type of an object?

In many practical cases instead of using type or isinstance you can also use @functools.singledispatch, which is used to define generic functions (function composed of multiple functions implementing the same operation for different types).

In other words, you would want to use it when you have a code like the following:

def do_something(arg):
    if isinstance(arg, int):
        ... # some code specific to processing integers
    if isinstance(arg, str):
        ... # some code specific to processing strings
    if isinstance(arg, list):
        ... # some code specific to processing lists
    ...  # etc

Here is a small example of how it works:

from functools import singledispatch

def say_type(arg):
    raise NotImplementedError(f"I don't work with {type(arg)}")

def _(arg: int):
    print(f"{arg} is an integer")

def _(arg: bool):
    print(f"{arg} is a boolean")
>>> say_type(0)
0 is an integer
>>> say_type(False)
False is a boolean
>>> say_type(dict())
# long error traceback ending with:
NotImplementedError: I don't work with <class 'dict'>

Additionaly we can use abstract classes to cover several types at once:

from import Sequence

def _(arg: Sequence):
    print(f"{arg} is a sequence!")
>>> say_type([0, 1, 2])
[0, 1, 2] is a sequence!
>>> say_type((1, 2, 3))
(1, 2, 3) is a sequence!

How to check for a Null value in VB.NET

You have to check to ensure editTransactionRow is not null and pay_id is not null.

Cross-Origin Request Headers(CORS) with PHP headers

I got the same error, and fixed it with the following PHP in my back-end script:

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');

header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST');

header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Requested-With");

Tainted canvases may not be exported

In the img tag set crossorigin to Anonymous.

<img crossorigin="anonymous"></img>

How to merge multiple dicts with same key or different key?

From blubb answer:

You can also directly form the tuple using values from each list

ds = [d1, d2]
d = {}
for k in d1.keys():
  d[k] = (d1[k], d2[k])

This might be useful if you had a specific ordering for your tuples

ds = [d1, d2, d3, d4]
d = {}
for k in d1.keys():
  d[k] = (d3[k], d1[k], d4[k], d2[k]) #if you wanted tuple in order of d3, d1, d4, d2

HTML5 validation when the input type is not "submit"

2019 update: Reporting validation errors is now made easier than a the time of the accepted answer by the use of HTMLFormElement.reportValidity() which not only checks validity like checkValidity() but also reports validation errors to the user.

The HTMLFormElement.reportValidity() method returns true if the element's child controls satisfy their validation constraints. When false is returned, cancelable invalid events are fired for each invalid child and validation problems are reported to the user.

Updated solution snippet:

function submitform() {
  var f = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0];
  if(f.reportValidity()) {

How to cast or convert an unsigned int to int in C?

Some explain from C++Primer 5th Page 35

If we assign an out-of-range value to an object of unsigned type, the result is the remainder of the value modulo the number of values the target type can hold.

For example, an 8-bit unsigned char can hold values from 0 through 255, inclusive. If we assign a value outside the range, the compiler assigns the remainder of that value modulo 256.

unsigned char c = -1; // assuming 8-bit chars, c has value 255

If we assign an out-of-range value to an object of signed type, the result is undefined. The program might appear to work, it might crash, or it might produce garbage values.

Page 160: If any operand is an unsigned type, the type to which the operands are converted depends on the relative sizes of the integral types on the machine.

... When the signedness differs and the type of the unsigned operand is the same as or larger than that of the signed operand, the signed operand is converted to unsigned.

The remaining case is when the signed operand has a larger type than the unsigned operand. In this case, the result is machine dependent. If all values in the unsigned type fit in the large type, then the unsigned operand is converted to the signed type. If the values don't fit, then the signed operand is converted to the unsigned type.

For example, if the operands are long and unsigned int, and int and long have the same size, the length will be converted to unsigned int. If the long type has more bits, then the unsigned int will be converted to long.

I found reading this book is very helpful.

popup form using html/javascript/css

But the problem with this code is that, I cannot change the content popup content from "Please enter your name" to my html form.

Umm. Just change the string passed to the prompt() function.

While searching, I found that there we CANNOT change the content of popup Prompt Box

You can't change the title. You can change the content, it is the first argument passed to the prompt() function.

Convert time fields to strings in Excel

Easy. To change a time value like: 1:00:15 to text, you can use the 'TEXT' function. Example, if your time value (1:00:15) is contained in cell 'A1', you can convert it into a text by doing: Text(A1, "h:mm:ss"). The result still looks the same: 1:00:15. But notice that this time round, it has become a text value.

jQuery remove selected option from this

This is a simpler one


Versioning SQL Server database

You might want to look at Liquibase ( Even if you don't use the tool itself it handles the concepts of database change management or refactoring pretty well.

How to remove all ListBox items?

isn't the same as the Winform and Webform way?


Thread pooling in C++11

Edit: This now requires C++17 and concepts. (As of 9/12/16, only g++ 6.0+ is sufficient.)

The template deduction is a lot more accurate because of it, though, so it's worth the effort of getting a newer compiler. I've not yet found a function that requires explicit template arguments.

It also now takes any appropriate callable object (and is still statically typesafe!!!).

It also now includes an optional green threading priority thread pool using the same API. This class is POSIX only, though. It uses the ucontext_t API for userspace task switching.

I created a simple library for this. An example of usage is given below. (I'm answering this because it was one of the things I found before I decided it was necessary to write it myself.)

bool is_prime(int n){
  // Determine if n is prime.

int main(){
  thread_pool pool(8); // 8 threads

  list<future<bool>> results;
  for(int n = 2;n < 10000;n++){
    // Submit a job to the pool.
    results.emplace_back(pool.async(is_prime, n));

  int n = 2;
  for(auto i = results.begin();i != results.end();i++, n++){
    // i is an iterator pointing to a future representing the result of is_prime(n)
    cout << n << " ";
    bool prime = i->get(); // Wait for the task is_prime(n) to finish and get the result.
      cout << "is prime";
      cout << "is not prime";
    cout << endl;

You can pass async any function with any (or void) return value and any (or no) arguments and it will return a corresponding std::future. To get the result (or just wait until a task has completed) you call get() on the future.

Here's the github:

Best way to convert text files between character sets?

With ruby:

ruby -e "File.write('output.txt','input.txt').encode('UTF-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: ''))"


JQuery - $ is not defined

I have the same issue and no case resolve me the problem. The only thing that works for me, it's put on the of the Site.master file, the next:

<script src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script>

With src="<%= ResolveUrl("")... the load of jQuery in the Content Pages is correct.

Setting background-image using jQuery CSS property

Don't forget that the jQuery css function allows objects to be passed which allows you to set multiple items at the same time. The answered code would then look like this:

$(this).css({'background-image':'url(' + imageUrl + ')'})

System.drawing namespace not found under console application

You need to add a reference to System.Drawing.dll.

As mentioned in the comments below this can be done as follows: In your Solution Explorer (Where all the files are shown with your project), right click the "References" folder and find System.Drawing on the .NET Tab.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on null

You can try/catch PDOExceptions (your configs could differ but the important part is the try/catch):

try {
        $dbh = new PDO(
            DB_TYPE . ':host=' . DB_HOST . ';dbname=' . DB_NAME . ';charset=' . DB_CHARSET,
                PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT            => true,
                PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE               => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION,

    } catch ( PDOException $e ) {
        echo 'ERROR!';
        print_r( $e );

The print_r( $e ); line will show you everything you need, for example I had a recent case where the error message was like unknown database 'my_db'.

How to revert initial git commit?

All what you have to do is to revert the commit.

git revert {commit_id}'

Then push it

git push origin -f

When is assembly faster than C?

Point one which is not the answer.
Even if you never program in it, I find it useful to know at least one assembler instruction set. This is part of the programmers never-ending quest to know more and therefore be better. Also useful when stepping into frameworks you don't have the source code to and having at least a rough idea what is going on. It also helps you to understand JavaByteCode and .Net IL as they are both similar to assembler.

To answer the question when you have a small amount of code or a large amount of time. Most useful for use in embedded chips, where low chip complexity and poor competition in compilers targeting these chips can tip the balance in favour of humans. Also for restricted devices you are often trading off code size/memory size/performance in a way that would be hard to instruct a compiler to do. e.g. I know this user action is not called often so I will have small code size and poor performance, but this other function that look similar is used every second so I will have a larger code size and faster performance. That is the sort of trade off a skilled assembly programmer can use.

I would also like to add there is a lot of middle ground where you can code in C compile and examine the Assembly produced, then either change you C code or tweak and maintain as assembly.

My friend works on micro controllers, currently chips for controlling small electric motors. He works in a combination of low level c and Assembly. He once told me of a good day at work where he reduced the main loop from 48 instructions to 43. He is also faced with choices like the code has grown to fill the 256k chip and the business is wanting a new feature, do you

  1. Remove an existing feature
  2. Reduce the size of some or all of the existing features maybe at the cost of performance.
  3. Advocate moving to a larger chip with a higher cost, higher power consumption and larger form factor.

I would like to add as a commercial developer with quite a portfolio or languages, platforms, types of applications I have never once felt the need to dive into writing assembly. I have how ever always appreciated the knowledge I gained about it. And sometimes debugged into it.

I know I have far more answered the question "why should I learn assembler" but I feel it is a more important question then when is it faster.

so lets try once more You should be thinking about assembly

  • working on low level operating system function
  • Working on a compiler.
  • Working on an extremely limited chip, embedded system etc

Remember to compare your assembly to compiler generated to see which is faster/smaller/better.


Calling async method on button click

use below code

 Task.WaitAll(Task.Run(async () => await GetResponse<MyObject>("my url")));

How to save a BufferedImage as a File

The answer lies within the Java Documentation's Tutorial for Writing/Saving an Image.

The Image I/O class provides the following method for saving an image:

static boolean ImageIO.write(RenderedImage im, String formatName, File output)  throws IOException

The tutorial explains that

The BufferedImage class implements the RenderedImage interface.

so it's able to be used in the method.

For example,

try {
    BufferedImage bi = getMyImage();  // retrieve image
    File outputfile = new File("saved.png");
    ImageIO.write(bi, "png", outputfile);
} catch (IOException e) {
    // handle exception

It's important to surround the write call with a try block because, as per the API, the method throws an IOException "if an error occurs during writing"

Also explained are the method's objective, parameters, returns, and throws, in more detail:

Writes an image using an arbitrary ImageWriter that supports the given format to a File. If there is already a File present, its contents are discarded.


im - a RenderedImage to be written.

formatName - a String containg the informal name of the format.

output - a File to be written to.


false if no appropriate writer is found.


IllegalArgumentException - if any parameter is null.

IOException - if an error occurs during writing.

However, formatName may still seem rather vague and ambiguous; the tutorial clears it up a bit:

The ImageIO.write method calls the code that implements PNG writing a “PNG writer plug-in”. The term plug-in is used since Image I/O is extensible and can support a wide range of formats.

But the following standard image format plugins : JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and WBMP are always be present.

For most applications it is sufficient to use one of these standard plugins. They have the advantage of being readily available.

There are, however, additional formats you can use:

The Image I/O class provides a way to plug in support for additional formats which can be used, and many such plug-ins exist. If you are interested in what file formats are available to load or save in your system, you may use the getReaderFormatNames and getWriterFormatNames methods of the ImageIO class. These methods return an array of strings listing all of the formats supported in this JRE.

String writerNames[] = ImageIO.getWriterFormatNames();

The returned array of names will include any additional plug-ins that are installed and any of these names may be used as a format name to select an image writer.

For a full and practical example, one can refer to Oracle's example.

Best practice multi language website

Database work:

Create Language Table ‘languages’:


language_id(primary and auto increamented)






Create a table in database ‘content’:


content_id(primary and auto incremented)






language_id(foreign key: referenced to languages table)





Front End Work:

When user selects any language from dropdown or any area then save selected language id in session like,


Now fetch data from database table ‘content’ based on language id stored in session.

Detail may found here

Remove all newlines from inside a string

strip only removes characters from the beginning and end of a string. You want to use replace:

str2 = str.replace("\n", "")
re.sub('\s{2,}', ' ', str) # To remove more than one space 

Excel VBA - Sum up a column

I think you are misinterpreting the source of the error; rExternalTotal appears to be equal to a single cell. rReportData.offset(0,0) is equal to rReportData
rReportData.offset(261,0).end(xlUp) is likely also equal to rReportData, as you offset by 261 rows and then use the .end(xlUp) function which selects the top of a contiguous data range.
If you are interested in the sum of just a column, you can just refer to the whole column:

dExternalTotal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(columns("A:A"))


dExternalTotal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(columns((rReportData.column))

The worksheet function sum will correctly ignore blank spaces.

Let me know if this helps!

Chrome Extension - Get DOM content

You don't have to use the message passing to obtain or modify DOM. I used chrome.tabs.executeScriptinstead. In my example I am using only activeTab permission, therefore the script is executed only on the active tab.

part of manifest.json

"browser_action": {
    "default_title": "Test",
    "default_popup": "index.html"
"permissions": [


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <button id="test">TEST!</button>
    <script src="test.js"></script>


document.getElementById("test").addEventListener('click', () => {
    console.log("Popup DOM fully loaded and parsed");

    function modifyDOM() {
        //You can play with your DOM here or check URL against your regex
        console.log('Tab script:');
        return document.body.innerHTML;

    //We have permission to access the activeTab, so we can call chrome.tabs.executeScript:
        code: '(' + modifyDOM + ')();' //argument here is a string but function.toString() returns function's code
    }, (results) => {
        //Here we have just the innerHTML and not DOM structure
        console.log('Popup script:')

What is the correct syntax for 'else if'?

since olden times, the correct syntax for if/else if in Python is elif. By the way, you can use dictionary if you have alot of if/

if not a in d: print("3a")
else: print (d[a])

For msw, example of executing functions using dictionary.

def print_one(arg=None):
    print "one"

def print_two(num):
    print "two %s" % num

execfunctions = { 1 : (print_one, ['**arg'] ) , 2 : (print_two , ['**arg'] )}
except KeyError,e:
    print "Invalid option: ",e

except KeyError,e:
    print "Invalid option: ",e


this.Invoke(delegate) make sure that you are calling the delegate the argument to this.Invoke() on main thread/created thread.

I can say a Thumb rule don't access your form controls except from main thread.

May be the following lines make sense for using Invoke()

    private void SetText(string text)
        // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
        // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
        // If these threads are different, it returns true.
        if (this.textBox1.InvokeRequired)
            SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(SetText);
            this.Invoke(d, new object[] { text });
            this.textBox1.Text = text;

There are situations though you create a Threadpool thread(i.e worker thread) it will run on main thread. It won't create a new thread coz main thread is available for processing further instructions. So First investigate whether the current running thread is main thread using this.InvokeRequired if returns true the current code is running on worker thread so call this.Invoke(d, new object[] { text });

else directly update the UI control(Here you are guaranteed that you are running the code on main thread.)

Removing trailing newline character from fgets() input

size_t ln = strlen(name) - 1;
if (*name && name[ln] == '\n') 
    name[ln] = '\0';

show more/Less text with just HTML and JavaScript

 <script type="text/javascript">
     function showml(divId,inhtmText) 
        var x = document.getElementById(divId).style.display; 

          document.getElementById(divId).style.display = "none";
          document.getElementById(inhtmText).innerHTML="Show More...";
          document.getElementById(divId).style.display = "block";
          document.getElementById(inhtmText).innerHTML="Show Less";

 <p id="show_more1" onclick="showml('content1','show_more1')" onmouseover="'pointer'">Show More...</p>

 <div id="content1" style="display: none; padding: 16px 20px 4px; margin-bottom: 15px; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);">

if more div use like this change only 1 to 2

<p id="show_more2" onclick="showml('content2','show_more2')" onmouseover="'pointer'">Show More...</p>

 <div id="content2" style="display: none; padding: 16px 20px 4px; margin-bottom: 15px; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);">

demo jsfiddle

Create table with jQuery - append

Or static HTML without the loop for creating some links (or whatever). Place the <div id="menu"> on any page to reproduce the HTML.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="">
        <title>HTML Masterpage</title>
        <script src="//"></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
            function nav() {
                var menuHTML= '<ul><li><a href="#">link 1</a></li></ul><ul><li><a href="#">link 2</a></li></ul>';

        <style type="text/css">
    <body onload="nav()">
        <div id="menu"></div>

jquery how to catch enter key and change event to tab

This works perfect!

 $('input').keydown( function(e) {
        var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0;
        if(key == 13) {
            var inputs = $(this).closest('form').find(':input:visible');
            inputs.eq( inputs.index(this)+ 1 ).focus();

Declaring and initializing arrays in C

There is no such particular way in which you can initialize the array after declaring it once.

There are three options only:

1.) initialize them in different lines :

int array[SIZE];

array[0] = 1;
array[1] = 2;
array[2] = 3;
array[3] = 4;

But thats not what you want i guess.

2.) Initialize them using a for or while loop:

for (i = 0; i < MAX ; i++)  {
    array[i] = i;

This is the BEST WAY by the way to achieve your goal.

3.) In case your requirement is to initialize the array in one line itself, you have to define at-least an array with initialization. And then copy it to your destination array, but I think that there is no benefit of doing so, in that case you should define and initialize your array in one line itself.

And can I ask you why specifically you want to do so???

How to create a notification with NotificationCompat.Builder?

Notification in depth


Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this,0,intent,0);

NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder =
                new NotificationCompat.Builder(context)
                        .setContentTitle("Notification Title")
                        .setContentText("Notification ")
                        .setContentIntent(pendingIntent );

NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

Depth knowledge

Notification can be build using Notification. Builder or NotificationCompat.Builder classes.
But if you want backward compatibility you should use NotificationCompat.Builder class as it is part of v4 Support library as it takes care of heavy lifting for providing consistent look and functionalities of Notification for API 4 and above.

Core Notification Properties

A notification has 4 core properties (3 Basic display properties + 1 click action property)

  • Small icon
  • Title
  • Text
  • Button click event (Click event when you tap the notification )

Button click event is made optional on Android 3.0 and above. It means that you can build your notification using only display properties if your minSdk targets Android 3.0 or above. But if you want your notification to run on older devices than Android 3.0 then you must provide Click event otherwise you will see IllegalArgumentException.

Notification Display

Notification are displayed by calling notify() method of NotificationManger class

notify() parameters

There are two variants available for notify method

notify(String tag, int id, Notification notification)


notify(int id, Notification notification)

notify method takes an integer id to uniquely identify your notification. However, you can also provide an optional String tag for further identification of your notification in case of conflict.

This type of conflict is rare but say, you have created some library and other developers are using your library. Now they create their own notification and somehow your notification and other dev's notification id is same then you will face conflict.

Notification after API 11 (More control)

API 11 provides additional control on Notification behavior

  • Notification Dismissal
    By default, if a user taps on notification then it performs the assigned click event but it does not clear away the notification. If you want your notification to get cleared when then you should add this


  • Prevent user from dismissing notification
    A user may also dismiss the notification by swiping it. You can disable this default behavior by adding this while building your notification


  • Positioning of notification
    You can set the relative priority to your notification by

    mBuilder.setOngoing(int pri);

If your app runs on lower API than 11 then your notification will work without above mentioned additional features. This is the advantage to choosing NotificationCompat.Builder over Notification.Builder

Notification after API 16 (More informative)

With the introduction of API 16, notifications were given so many new features
Notification can be so much more informative.
You can add a bigPicture to your logo. Say you get a message from a person now with the mBuilder.setLargeIcon(Bitmap bitmap) you can show that person's photo. So in the statusbar you will see the icon when you scroll you will see the person photo in place of the icon. There are other features too

  • Add a counter in the notification
  • Ticker message when you see the notification for the first time
  • Expandable notification
  • Multiline notification and so on

How do I remove objects from an array in Java?

Something about the make a list of it then remove then back to an array strikes me as wrong. Haven't tested, but I think the following will perform better. Yes I'm probably unduly pre-optimizing.

boolean [] deleteItem = new boolean[arr.length];
int size=0;
for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i==){
String[] newArr=new String[size];
int index=0;
for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++){

How to go from one page to another page using javascript?

Try this,


Here sample.html is a next page. It will go to the next page.

How to pass an object from one activity to another on Android

In my experience there are three main solutions, each with their disadvantages and advantages:

  1. Implementing Parcelable

  2. Implementing Serializable

  3. Using a light-weight event bus library of some sort (for example, Greenrobot's EventBus or Square's Otto)

Parcelable - fast and Android standard, but it has lots of boilerplate code and requires hard-coded strings for reference when pulling values out the intent (non-strongly typed).

Serializable - close to zero boilerplate, but it is the slowest approach and also requires hard-coded strings when pulling values out the intent (non-strongly typed).

Event Bus - zero boilerplate, fastest approach, and does not require hard-coded strings, but it does require an additional dependency (although usually lightweight, ~40 KB)

I posted a very detailed comparison around these three approaches, including efficiency benchmarks.

'0000-00-00 00:00:00' can not be represented as java.sql.Timestamp error

just cast the field as char

Eg: cast(updatedate) as char as updatedate

subsampling every nth entry in a numpy array

You can use numpy's slicing, simply start:stop:step.

>>> xs
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> xs[1::4]
array([2, 2, 2])

This creates a view of the the original data, so it's constant time. It'll also reflect changes to the original array and keep the whole original array in memory:

>>> a
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> b = a[::2]         # O(1), constant time
>>> b[:] = 0           # modifying the view changes original array
>>> a                  # original array is modified
array([0, 2, 0, 4, 0])

so if either of the above things are a problem, you can make a copy explicitly:

>>> a
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> b = a[::2].copy()  # explicit copy, O(n)
>>> b[:] = 0           # modifying the copy
>>> a                  # original is intact
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

This isn't constant time, but the result isn't tied to the original array. The copy also contiguous in memory, which can make some operations on it faster.

Eclipse IDE for Java - Full Dark Theme

There is pretty simple and easy solution to this problem) Just few simple steps that will transform your ugly Eclipse into fully darked beast)

example of full darked Eclipse

No heavy work or manually editing files required!

At least this works with the last Eclipse (Mars 2) on Ubuntu 14.04 (though i think such process should work on all OS's)


  1. Download some dark GTK theme

    for example, you can grab few from

  2. To apply your newly installed theme you will need Unity tweak tool

    sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
    sudo apt-get install unity-webapps-service
  3. Launch Unity tweak - Appearance - Theme - apply your dark theme

  4. Open Eclipse; in preferences choose GTK theme

  5. In Eclipse, open Marketplace and install Color Theme - you will be able to change editor background and highlight colors to match your dark theme

  6. Close Eclipse

  7. Go to Eclipe folder:


    in that folder rename or delete 'css' folder

  8. Open and enjoy fully darked Eclipse!

PS: install a few dark themes and try which will suit you more

How do you receive a url parameter with a spring controller mapping

You have a lot of variants for using @RequestParam with additional optional elements, e.g.

@RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "someValue", value="someAttr") String someAttr

If you don't put required = false - param will be required by default.

defaultValue = "someValue" - the default value to use as a fallback when the request parameter is not provided or has an empty value.

If request and method param are the same - you don't need value = "someAttr"

when I run mockito test occurs WrongTypeOfReturnValue Exception

I recently encountered this issue while mocking a function in a Kotlin data class. For some unknown reason one of my test runs ended up in a frozen state. When I ran the tests again some of my tests that had previously passed started to fail with the WrongTypeOfReturnValue exception.

I ensured I was using org.mockito:mockito-inline to avoid the issues with final classes (mentioned by Arvidaa), but the problem remained. What solved it for me was to kill the process and restart Android Studio. This terminated my frozen test run and the following test runs passed without issues.

What is the difference between RTP or RTSP in a streaming server?

You are getting something wrong... RTSP is a realtime streaming protocol. Meaning, you can stream whatever you want in real time. So you can use it to stream LIVE content (no matter what it is, video, audio, text, presentation...). RTP is a transport protocol which is used to transport media data which is negotiated over RTSP.

You use RTSP to control media transmission over RTP. You use it to setup, play, pause, teardown the stream...

So, if you want your server to just start streaming when the URL is requested, you can implement some sort of RTP-only server. But if you want more control and if you are streaming live video, you must use RTSP, because it transmits SDP and other important decoding data.

Read the documents I linked here, they are a good starting point.

Create SQLite database in android

To understand how to use sqlite database in android with best practices see - Android with sqlite database

There are few classes about which you should know and those will help you model your tables and models i.e android.provider.BaseColumns

Below is an example of a table

public class ProductTable implements BaseColumns {
  public static final String NAME = "name";
  public static final String PRICE = "price";
  public static final String TABLE_NAME = "products";

  public static final String CREATE_QUERY = "create table " + TABLE_NAME + " (" +
      _ID + " INTEGER, " +
      NAME + " TEXT, " +
      PRICE + " INTEGER)";

  public static final String DROP_QUERY = "drop table " + TABLE_NAME;
  public static final String SElECT_QUERY = "select * from " + TABLE_NAME;

Setting a system environment variable from a Windows batch file?

If you set a variable via SETX, you cannot use this variable or its changes immediately. You have to restart the processes that want to use it.

Use the following sequence to directly set it in the setting process too (works for me perfectly in scripts that do some init stuff after setting global variables):

SET XYZ=test

How to implement endless list with RecyclerView?

For me, it's very simple:

     private boolean mLoading = false;

     mList.setOnScrollListener(new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {

        public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) {
            super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy);

            int totalItem = mLinearLayoutManager.getItemCount();
            int lastVisibleItem = mLinearLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition();

            if (!mLoading && lastVisibleItem == totalItem - 1) {
                mLoading = true;
                // Scrolled to bottom. Do something here.
                mLoading = false;

Be careful with asynchronous jobs: mLoading must be changed at the end of the asynchronous jobs. Hope it will be helpful!

UILabel - Wordwrap text

In Swift you would do it like this:

    label.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping
    label.numberOfLines = 0

(Note that the way the lineBreakMode constant works is different to in ObjC)

Random record from MongoDB

If you're using mongoid, the document-to-object wrapper, you can do the following in Ruby. (Assuming your model is User)


In my .irbrc, I have

def rando klass

so in rails console, I can do, for example,

rando User
rando Article

to get documents randomly from any collection.

How to remove all files from directory without removing directory in Node.js

There is package called rimraf that is very handy. It is the UNIX command rm -rf for node.

Nevertheless, it can be too powerful too because you can delete folders very easily using it. The following commands will delete the files inside the folder. If you remove the *, you will remove the log folder.

const rimraf = require('rimraf');
rimraf('./log/*', function () { console.log('done'); });

Plotting 4 curves in a single plot, with 3 y-axes

I know of plotyy that allows you to have two y-axes, but no "plotyyy"!

Perhaps you can normalize the y values to have the same scale (min/max normalization, zscore standardization, etc..), then you can just easily plot them using normal plot, hold sequence.

Here's an example:

%# random data
y = [randn(20,1)*1 + 0 , randn(20,1)*5 + 10 , randn(20,1)*0.3 + 50];

%# plotyy
plotyy(x,y(:,1), x,y(:,3))

%# orginial
subplot(221), plot(x,y(:,1), x,y(:,2), x,y(:,3))
title('original'), legend({'y1' 'y2' 'y3'})

%# normalize: (y-min)/(max-min) ==> [0,1]
yy = bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@minus,y,min(y)), 1./range(y));
subplot(222), plot(x,yy(:,1), x,yy(:,2), x,yy(:,3))

%# standarize: (y - mean) / std ==> N(0,1)
yy = zscore(y);
subplot(223), plot(x,yy(:,1), x,yy(:,2), x,yy(:,3))

%# softmax normalization with logistic sigmoid ==> [0,1]
yy = 1 ./ ( 1 + exp( -zscore(y) ) );
subplot(224), plot(x,yy(:,1), x,yy(:,2), x,yy(:,3))

plotyy normalization

Django URLs TypeError: view must be a callable or a list/tuple in the case of include()

Django 1.10 no longer allows you to specify views as a string (e.g. 'myapp.views.home') in your URL patterns.

The solution is to update your to include the view callable. This means that you have to import the view in your If your URL patterns don't have names, then now is a good time to add one, because reversing with the dotted python path no longer works.

from django.conf.urls import include, url

from django.contrib.auth.views import login
from myapp.views import home, contact

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', home, name='home'),
    url(r'^contact/$', contact, name='contact'),
    url(r'^login/$', login, name='login'),

If there are many views, then importing them individually can be inconvenient. An alternative is to import the views module from your app.

from django.conf.urls import include, url

from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views
from myapp import views as myapp_views

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', myapp_views.home, name='home'),
    url(r'^contact/$',, name='contact'),
    url(r'^login/$', auth_views.login, name='login'),

Note that we have used as myapp_views and as auth_views, which allows us to import the from multiple apps without them clashing.

See the Django URL dispatcher docs for more information about urlpatterns.

Rename multiple files by replacing a particular pattern in the filenames using a shell script

An example to help you get off the ground.

for f in *.jpg; do mv "$f" "$(echo "$f" | sed s/IMG/VACATION/)"; done

In this example, I am assuming that all your image files contain the string IMG and you want to replace IMG with VACATION.

The shell automatically evaluates *.jpg to all the matching files.

The second argument of mv (the new name of the file) is the output of the sed command that replaces IMG with VACATION.

If your filenames include whitespace pay careful attention to the "$f" notation. You need the double-quotes to preserve the whitespace.

Cell color changing in Excel using C#

For text:

[RangeObject].Font.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Red);

For cell background

[RangeObject].Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Red);

Transform hexadecimal information to binary using a Linux command

As @user786653 suggested, use the xxd(1) program:

xxd -r -p input.txt output.bin

Python check if website exists

from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, HTTPError, URLError

user_agent = 'Mozilla/20.0.1 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'
headers = { 'User-Agent':user_agent }
link = ""
req = Request(link, headers = headers)
        page_open = urlopen(req)
except HTTPError, e:
        print e.code
except URLError, e:
        print e.reason
        print 'ok'

To answer the comment of unutbu:

Because the default handlers handle redirects (codes in the 300 range), and codes in the 100-299 range indicate success, you will usually only see error codes in the 400-599 range. Source

What JSON library to use in Scala?

Number 7 on the list is Jackson, not using Jerkson. It has support for Scala objects, (case classes etc).

Below is an example of how I use it.

object MyJacksonMapper extends JacksonMapper
val jsonString = MyJacksonMapper.serializeJson(myObject)
val myNewObject = MyJacksonMapper.deserializeJson[MyCaseClass](jsonString)

This makes it very simple. In addition is the XmlSerializer and support for JAXB Annotations is very handy.

This blog post describes it's use with JAXB Annotations and the Play Framework.

Here is my current JacksonMapper.

trait JacksonMapper {

  def jsonSerializer = {
    val m = new ObjectMapper()

  def xmlSerializer = {
    val m = new XmlMapper()

  def deserializeJson[T: Manifest](value: String): T = jsonSerializer.readValue(value, typeReference[T])
  def serializeJson(value: Any) = jsonSerializer.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(value)
  def deserializeXml[T: Manifest](value: String): T = xmlSerializer.readValue(value, typeReference[T])
  def serializeXml(value: Any) = xmlSerializer.writeValueAsString(value)

  private[this] def typeReference[T: Manifest] = new TypeReference[T] {
    override def getType = typeFromManifest(manifest[T])

  private[this] def typeFromManifest(m: Manifest[_]): Type = {
     if (m.typeArguments.isEmpty) { m.erasure }
     else new ParameterizedType {
       def getRawType = m.erasure

       def getActualTypeArguments =

       def getOwnerType = null

Connect to SQL Server 2012 Database with C# (Visual Studio 2012)

In your connection string replace server=localhost with "server = Paul-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;"

What is the difference between '/' and '//' when used for division?

5.0//2 results in 2.0, and not 2 because the return type of the return value from // operator follows python coercion (type casting) rules.

Python promotes conversion of lower datatype (integer) to higher data type (float) to avoid data loss.

Python "extend" for a dictionary


Will add keys and values from b to a, overwriting if there's already a value for a key.

Regular Expressions- Match Anything

(.*?) matches anything - I've been using it for years.

Difference between "move" and "li" in MIPS assembly language

The move instruction copies a value from one register to another. The li instruction loads a specific numeric value into that register.

For the specific case of zero, you can use either the constant zero or the zero register to get that:

move $s0, $zero
li   $s0, 0

There's no register that generates a value other than zero, though, so you'd have to use li if you wanted some other number, like:

li $s0, 12345678

What is the difference between MySQL, MySQLi and PDO?

Those are different APIs to access a MySQL backend

  • The mysql is the historical API
  • The mysqli is a new version of the historical API. It should perform better and have a better set of function. Also, the API is object-oriented.
  • PDO_MySQL, is the MySQL for PDO. PDO has been introduced in PHP, and the project aims to make a common API for all the databases access, so in theory you should be able to migrate between RDMS without changing any code (if you don't use specific RDBM function in your queries), also object-oriented.

So it depends on what kind of code you want to produce. If you prefer object-oriented layers or plain functions...

My advice would be

  1. PDO
  2. MySQLi
  3. mysql

Also my feeling, the mysql API would probably being deleted in future releases of PHP.

Typescript import/as vs import/require?

These are mostly equivalent, but import * has some restrictions that import ... = require doesn't.

import * as creates an identifier that is a module object, emphasis on object. According to the ES6 spec, this object is never callable or newable - it only has properties. If you're trying to import a function or class, you should use

import express = require('express');

or (depending on your module loader)

import express from 'express';

Attempting to use import * as express and then invoking express() is always illegal according to the ES6 spec. In some runtime+transpilation environments this might happen to work anyway, but it might break at any point in the future without warning, which will make you sad.

SQL select max(date) and corresponding value

Ah yes, that is how it is intended in SQL. You get the Max of every column seperately. It seems like you want to return values from the row with the max date, so you have to select the row with the max date. I prefer to do this with a subselect, as the queries keep compact easy to read.

SELECT TrainingID, CompletedDate, Notes
FROM HR_EmployeeTrainings ET 
WHERE (ET.AvantiRecID IS NULL OR ET.AvantiRecID = @avantiRecID) 
AND CompletedDate in 
   (Select Max(CompletedDate) from HR_EmployeeTrainings B
    where B.TrainingID = ET.TrainingID)

If you also want to match by AntiRecID you should include that in the subselect as well.

Parsing XML with namespace in Python via 'ElementTree'

Note: This is an answer useful for Python's ElementTree standard library without using hardcoded namespaces.

To extract namespace's prefixes and URI from XML data you can use ElementTree.iterparse function, parsing only namespace start events (start-ns):

>>> from io import StringIO
>>> from xml.etree import ElementTree
>>> my_schema = u'''<rdf:RDF xml:base=""
...     xmlns:rdf=""
...     xmlns:owl=""
...     xmlns:xsd=""
...     xmlns:rdfs=""
...     xmlns="">
...     <owl:Class rdf:about="">
...         <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">basketball league</rdfs:label>
...         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">
...           a group of sports teams that compete against each other
...           in Basketball
...         </rdfs:comment>
...     </owl:Class>
... </rdf:RDF>'''
>>> my_namespaces = dict([
...     node for _, node in ElementTree.iterparse(
...         StringIO(my_schema), events=['start-ns']
...     )
... ])
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(my_namespaces)
{'': '',
 'owl': '',
 'rdf': '',
 'rdfs': '',
 'xsd': ''}

Then the dictionary can be passed as argument to the search functions:

root.findall('owl:Class', my_namespaces)

Get the item doubleclick event of listview

i see this subject is high on google, there is my simple and working sample :)


    <ListView Name="MainTCList" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" MinHeight="440" Height="Auto" Margin="10,10,5.115,4" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" MinWidth="500" Width="Auto" Grid.Column="0" MouseDoubleClick="MainTCList_MouseDoubleClick" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True">
                <GridViewColumn Header="UserTID" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding UserTID}" Width="80"/>
                <GridViewColumn Header="Title" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Title}" Width="410" />


    private void MainTCList_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            TC item = (TC)MainTCList.Items.CurrentItem;
            Wyswietlacz.Content = item.UserTID;  

Wyswietlacz is a test Label to see item content :) I add here in this last line a method to Load Page with data from item.

How to set top position using jquery

You could also do

   var x = $('#element').height();   // or any changing value

   $('selector').css({'top' : x + 'px'});


You can use directly

$('#element').css( "height" )

The difference between .css( "height" ) and .height() is that the latter returns a unit-less pixel value (for example, 400) while the former returns a value with units intact (for example, 400px). The .height() method is recommended when an element's height needs to be used in a mathematical calculation. jquery doc

How to gzip all files in all sub-directories into one compressed file in bash

tar -zcvf compressFileName.tar.gz folderToCompress

everything in folderToCompress will go to compressFileName

Edit: After review and comments I realized that people may get confused with compressFileName without an extension. If you want you can use .tar.gz extension(as suggested) with the compressFileName

Javascript Audio Play on click

While several answers are similar, I still had an issue - the user would click the button several times, playing the audio over itself (either it was clicked by accident or they were just 'playing'....)

An easy fix:

var music = new Audio();
function playMusic(file) {
    music = new Audio(file);;

Setting up the audio on load allowed 'music' to be paused every time the function is called - effectively stopping the 'noise' even if they user clicks the button several times (and there is also no need to turn off the button, though for user experience it may be something you want to do).

pandas: filter rows of DataFrame with operator chaining

This is unappealing as it requires I assign df to a variable before being able to filter on its values.

df[df["column_name"] != 5].groupby("other_column_name")

seems to work: you can nest the [] operator as well. Maybe they added it since you asked the question.

How to use Selenium with Python?

There are a lot of sources for selenium - here is good one for simple use Selenium, and here is a example snippet too Selenium Examples

You can find a lot of good sources to use selenium, it's not too hard to get it set up and start using it.

Locate the nginx.conf file my nginx is actually using

which nginx

will give you the path of the nginx being used

EDIT (2017-Jan-18)

Thanks to Will Palmer's comment on this answer, I have added the following...

If you've installed nginx via a package manager such as HomeBrew...

which nginx

may not give you the EXACT path to the nginx being used. You can however find it using

realpath $(which nginx)

and as mentioned by @Daniel Li

you can get configuration of nginx via his method

alternatively you can use this:

nginx -V

Selenium -- How to wait until page is completely loaded

There are two different ways to use delay in selenium one which is most commonly in use. Please try this:

driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

second one which you can use that is simply try catch method by using that method you can get your desire result.if you want example code feel free to contact me defiantly I will provide related code

Android: Cancel Async Task

How to cancel AsyncTask

Full answer is here - Android AsyncTask Example

AsyncTask provides a better cancellation strategy, to terminate currently running task.

cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfitRunning)

myTask.cancel(false)- It makes isCancelled returns true. Helps to cancel the task.

myTask.cancel(true) – It also makes isCancelled() returns true, interrupt the background thread and relieves resources .

It is considered as an arrogant way, If there is any thread.sleep() method performing in background thread, cancel(true) will interrupt background thread at that time. But cancel(false) will wait for it and cancel task when that method completes.

If you invoke cancel() and doInBackground() hasn’t begun execute yet. onCancelled() will invoke.

After invoking cancel(…) you should check value returned by isCancelled() on doInbackground() periodically. just like shown below.

protected Object doInBackground(Params… params)  { 
 while (condition)
if (isCancelled()) 
return null; 

Which ORM should I use for Node.js and MySQL?

First off, please note that I haven't used either of them (but have used Node.js).

Both libraries are documented quite well and have a stable API. However, persistence.js seems to be used in more projects. I don't know if all of them still use it, though.

The developer of sequelize sometimes blogs about it at When you'd like to use primary keys as foreign keys, you'll need the patch that's described in this blog post. If you'd like help for persistence.js there is a google group devoted to it.

From the examples I gather that sequelize is a bit more JavaScript-like (more sugar) than persistance.js but has support for fewer datastores (only MySQL, while persistance.js can even use in-browser stores).

I think that sequelize might be the way to go for you, as you only need MySQL support. However, if you need some convenient features (for instance search) or want to use a different database later on you'd need to use persistence.js.

What is the recommended way to delete a large number of items from DynamoDB?

The answer of this question depends on the number of items and their size and your budget. Depends on that we have following 3 cases:

1- The number of items and size of items in the table are not very much. then as Steffen Opel said you can Use Query rather than Scan to retrieve all items for user_id and then loop over all returned items and either facilitate DeleteItem or BatchWriteItem. But keep in mind you may burn a lot of throughput capacity here. For example, consider a situation where you need delete 1000 items from a DynamoDB table. Assume that each item is 1 KB in size, resulting in Around 1MB of data. This bulk-deleting task will require a total of 2000 write capacity units for query and delete. To perform this data load within 10 seconds (which is not even considered as fast in some applications), you would need to set the provisioned write throughput of the table to 200 write capacity units. As you can see its doable to use this way if its for less number of items or small size items.

2- We have a lot of items or very large items in the table and we can store them according to the time into different tables. Then as jonathan Said you can just delete the table. this is much better but I don't think it is matched with your case. As you want to delete all of users data no matter what is the time of creation of logs, so in this case you can't delete a particular table. if you wanna have a separate table for each user then I guess if number of users are high then its so expensive and it is not practical for your case.

3- If you have a lot of data and you can't divide your hot and cold data into different tables and you need to do large scale delete frequently then unfortunately DynamoDB is not a good option for you at all. It may become more expensive or very slow(depends on your budget). In these cases I recommend to find another database for your data.

An App ID with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string

I had same problem and the quick fix is:

  1. Remove bundle id from General tab of Xcode
  2. Go to info.plist file and put bundle id for the Bundle identifier field.

Clean and run. That's it. has not been called yet

Some action, very possibly not represented in the visible code, has closed the interactive screen device. It could be done either by a "click" on a close-button. (Could also be done by an extra when plotting to a file-graphics device. This may happen if you paste in a mult-line plotting command that has a dev,off() at the end of it but errors out at the opening of the external device but then has hte on a separate line so it accidentally closes the interactive device).

Some (most?) R implementations will start up a screen graphics device open automatically, but if you close it down, you then need to re-initialize it. On Windows that might be window(); on a Mac, quartz(); and on a linux box, x11(). You also may need to issue a command. I just follow orders. When I get that error I issue and if I don't see a plot window, I issue quartz() as well. I then start over from the beginning with a new plot(., ., ...) command and any further additions to that plot screen image.

Less than or equal to

There is no => for if.
Use if %energy% GEQ %m2enc%

See if /? for some other details.

Get current working directory in a Qt application

I'm running Qt 5.5 under Windows and the default constructor of QDir appears to pick up the current working directory, not the application directory.

I'm not sure if the getenv PWD will work cross-platform and I think it is set to the current working directory when the shell launched the application and doesn't include any working directory changes done by the app itself (which might be why the OP is seeing this behavior).

So I thought I'd add some other ways that should give you the current working directory (not the application's binary location):

// using where a relative filename will end up
QFileInfo fi("temp");
cout << fi.absolutePath() << endl;

// explicitly using the relative name of the current working directory
QDir dir(".");
cout << dir.absolutePath() << endl;

TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON in nodejs

JSON doesn't accept circular objects - objects which reference themselves. JSON.stringify() will throw an error if it comes across one of these.

The request (req) object is circular by nature - Node does that.

In this case, because you just need to log it to the console, you can use the console's native stringifying and avoid using JSON:

console.log("Request data:");

What is the difference between SAX and DOM?

I will provide general Q&A-oriented answer for this question:

Answer to Questions

Why do we need XML parser?

We need XML parser because we do not want to do everything in our application from scratch, and we need some "helper" programs or libraries to do something very low-level but very necessary to us. These low-level but necessary things include checking the well-formedness, validating the document against its DTD or schema (just for validating parsers), resolving character reference, understanding CDATA sections, and so on. XML parsers are just such "helper" programs and they will do all these jobs. With XML parser, we are shielded from a lot of these complexities and we could concentrate ourselves on just programming at high-level through the API's implemented by the parsers, and thus gain programming efficiency.

Which one is better, SAX or DOM ?

Both SAX and DOM parser have their advantages and disadvantages. Which one is better should depend on the characteristics of your application (please refer to some questions below).

Which parser can get better speed, DOM or SAX parsers?

SAX parser can get better speed.

What's the difference between tree-based API and event-based API?

A tree-based API is centered around a tree structure and therefore provides interfaces on components of a tree (which is a DOM document) such as Document interface,Node interface, NodeList interface, Element interface, Attr interface and so on. By contrast, however, an event-based API provides interfaces on handlers. There are four handler interfaces, ContentHandler interface, DTDHandler interface, EntityResolver interface and ErrorHandler interface.

What is the difference between a DOM Parser and a SAX Parser?

DOM parsers and SAX parsers work in different ways:

  • A DOM parser creates a tree structure in memory from the input document and then waits for requests from client. But a SAX parser does not create any internal structure. Instead, it takes the occurrences of components of a input document as events, and tells the client what it reads as it reads through the input document. A

  • DOM parser always serves the client application with the entire document no matter how much is actually needed by the client. But a SAX parser serves the client application always only with pieces of the document at any given time.

  • With DOM parser, method calls in client application have to be explicit and forms a kind of chain. But with SAX, some certain methods (usually overriden by the cient) will be invoked automatically (implicitly) in a way which is called "callback" when some certain events occur. These methods do not have to be called explicitly by the client, though we could call them explicitly.

How do we decide on which parser is good?

Ideally a good parser should be fast (time efficient),space efficient, rich in functionality and easy to use. But in reality, none of the main parsers have all these features at the same time. For example, a DOM Parser is rich in functionality (because it creates a DOM tree in memory and allows you to access any part of the document repeatedly and allows you to modify the DOM tree), but it is space inefficient when the document is huge, and it takes a little bit long to learn how to work with it. A SAX Parser, however, is much more space efficient in case of big input document (because it creates no internal structure). What's more, it runs faster and is easier to learn than DOM Parser because its API is really simple. But from the functionality point of view, it provides less functions which mean that the users themselves have to take care of more, such as creating their own data structures. By the way, what is a good parser? I think the answer really depends on the characteristics of your application.

What are some real world applications where using SAX parser is advantageous than using DOM parser and vice versa? What are the usual application for a DOM parser and for a SAX parser?

In the following cases, using SAX parser is advantageous than using DOM parser.

  • The input document is too big for available memory (actually in this case SAX is your only choice)
  • You can process the document in small contiguous chunks of input. You do not need the entire document before you can do useful work
  • You just want to use the parser to extract the information of interest, and all your computation will be completely based on the data structures created by yourself. Actually in most of our applications, we create data structures of our own which are usually not as complicated as the DOM tree. From this sense, I think, the chance of using a DOM parser is less than that of using a SAX parser.

In the following cases, using DOM parser is advantageous than using SAX parser.

  • Your application needs to access widely separately parts of the document at the same time.
  • Your application may probably use a internal data structure which is almost as complicated as the document itself.
  • Your application has to modify the document repeatedly.
  • Your application has to store the document for a significant amount of time through many method calls.

Example (Use a DOM parser or a SAX parser?):

Assume that an instructor has an XML document containing all the personal information of the students as well as the points his students made in his class, and he is now assigning final grades for the students using an application. What he wants to produce, is a list with the SSN and the grades. Also we assume that in his application, the instructor use no data structure such as arrays to store the student personal information and the points. If the instructor decides to give A's to those who earned the class average or above, and give B's to the others, then he'd better to use a DOM parser in his application. The reason is that he has no way to know how much is the class average before the entire document gets processed. What he probably need to do in his application, is first to look through all the students' points and compute the average, and then look through the document again and assign the final grade to each student by comparing the points he earned to the class average. If, however, the instructor adopts such a grading policy that the students who got 90 points or more, are assigned A's and the others are assigned B's, then probably he'd better use a SAX parser. The reason is, to assign each student a final grade, he do not need to wait for the entire document to be processed. He could immediately assign a grade to a student once the SAX parser reads the grade of this student. In the above analysis, we assumed that the instructor created no data structure of his own. What if he creates his own data structure, such as an array of strings to store the SSN and an array of integers to sto re the points ? In this case, I think SAX is a better choice, before this could save both memory and time as well, yet get the job done. Well, one more consideration on this example. What if what the instructor wants to do is not to print a list, but to save the original document back with the grade of each student updated ? In this case, a DOM parser should be a better choice no matter what grading policy he is adopting. He does not need to create any data structure of his own. What he needs to do is to first modify the DOM tree (i.e., set value to the 'grade' node) and then save the whole modified tree. If he choose to use a SAX parser instead of a DOM parser, then in this case he has to create a data structure which is almost as complicated as a DOM tree before he could get the job done.

An Example

Problem statement: Write a Java program to extract all the information about circles which are elements in a given XML document. We assume that each circle element has three child elements(i.e., x, y and radius) as well as a color attribute. A sample document is given below:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<!DOCTYPE shapes [
<!ELEMENT shapes (circle)*>
<!ELEMENT circle (x,y,radius)>
<!ELEMENT radius (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST circle color CDATA #IMPLIED>

          <circle color="BLUE"> 
          <circle color="RED" >

Program with DOMparser

import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;

public class shapes_DOM {
   static int numberOfCircles = 0;   // total number of circles seen
   static int x[] = new int[1000];   // X-coordinates of the centers
   static int y[] = new int[1000];   // Y-coordinates of the centers  
   static int r[] = new int[1000];   // radius of the circle
   static String color[] = new String[1000];  // colors of the circles 

   public static void main(String[] args) {   

         // create a DOMParser
         DOMParser parser=new DOMParser();

         // get the DOM Document object
         Document doc=parser.getDocument();

         // get all the circle nodes
         NodeList nodelist = doc.getElementsByTagName("circle");
         numberOfCircles =  nodelist.getLength();

         // retrieve all info about the circles
         for(int i=0; i<nodelist.getLength(); i++) {

            // get one circle node
            Node node = nodelist.item(i);

            // get the color attribute 
            NamedNodeMap attrs = node.getAttributes();
            if(attrs.getLength() > 0)

            // get the child nodes of a circle node 
            NodeList childnodelist = node.getChildNodes();

            // get the x and y value 
            for(int j=0; j<childnodelist.getLength(); j++) {
               Node childnode = childnodelist.item(j);
               Node textnode = childnode.getFirstChild();//the only text node
               String childnodename=childnode.getNodeName(); 
                  x[i]= Integer.parseInt(textnode.getNodeValue().trim());
               else if(childnodename.equals("y")) 
                  y[i]= Integer.parseInt(textnode.getNodeValue().trim());
               else if(childnodename.equals("radius")) 
                  r[i]= Integer.parseInt(textnode.getNodeValue().trim());


         // print the result
         for(int i=0;i<numberOfCircles;i++) {
             String line="";

      }  catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace(System.err);}



Program with SAXparser

import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser;

public class shapes_SAX extends DefaultHandler {

   static int numberOfCircles = 0;   // total number of circles seen
   static int x[] = new int[1000];   // X-coordinates of the centers
   static int y[] = new int[1000];   // Y-coordinates of the centers
   static int r[] = new int[1000];   // radius of the circle
   static String color[] = new String[1000];  // colors of the circles

   static int flagX=0;    //to remember what element has occurred
   static int flagY=0;    //to remember what element has occurred
   static int flagR=0;    //to remember what element has occurred

   // main method 
   public static void main(String[] args) {   
         shapes_SAX SAXHandler = new shapes_SAX (); // an instance of this class
         SAXParser parser=new SAXParser();          // create a SAXParser object 
         parser.setContentHandler(SAXHandler);      // register with the ContentHandler 
      }  catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace(System.err);}  // catch exeptions

   // override the startElement() method
   public void startElement(String uri, String localName, 
                       String rawName, Attributes attributes) {
         if(rawName.equals("circle"))                      // if a circle element is seen
            color[numberOfCircles]=attributes.getValue("color");  // get the color attribute 

         else if(rawName.equals("x"))      // if a x element is seen set the flag as 1 
         else if(rawName.equals("y"))      // if a y element is seen set the flag as 2
         else if(rawName.equals("radius")) // if a radius element is seen set the flag as 3 

   // override the endElement() method
   public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String rawName) {
         // in this example we do not need to do anything else here
         if(rawName.equals("circle"))                       // if a circle element is ended 
            numberOfCircles +=  1;                          // increment the counter 

   // override the characters() method
   public void characters(char characters[], int start, int length) {
         String characterData = 
             (new String(characters,start,length)).trim(); // get the text

         if(flagX==1) {        // indicate this text is for <x> element 
             x[numberOfCircles] = Integer.parseInt(characterData);
         else if(flagY==1) {  // indicate this text is for <y> element 
             y[numberOfCircles] = Integer.parseInt(characterData);
         else if(flagR==1) {  // indicate this text is for <radius> element 
             r[numberOfCircles] = Integer.parseInt(characterData);

   // override the endDocument() method
   public void endDocument() {
         // when the end of document is seen, just print the circle info 
         for(int i=0;i<numberOfCircles;i++) {
             String line="";


How can I compare time in SQL Server?

I don't love relying on storage internals (that datetime is a float with whole number = day and fractional = time), but I do the same thing as the answer Jhonny D. Cano. This is the way all of the db devs I know do it. Definitely do not convert to string. If you must avoid processing as float/int, then the best option is to pull out hour/minute/second/milliseconds with DatePart()

Push item to associative array in PHP

Curtis's answer was very close to what I needed, but I changed it up a little.

Where he used:

$options['inputs']['name'][] = $new_input['name'];

I used:

$options[]['inputs']['name'] = $new_input['name'];

Here's my actual code using a query from a DB:

    $dtlg_array[]['dt'] = $row['dt'];
    $dtlg_array[]['lat'] = $row['lat'];
    $dtlg_array[]['lng'] = $row['lng'];


Setting up maven dependency for SQL Server

There is also an alternative: you could use the open-source jTDS driver for MS-SQL Server, which is compatible although not made by Microsoft. For that driver, there is a maven artifact that you can use:

From :


UPDATE nov 2016, Microsoft now published its MSSQL JDBC driver on github and it's also available on maven now:


using jQuery .animate to animate a div from right to left?

This worked for me

$("div").css({"left":"2000px"}).animate({"left":"0px"}, "slow");

jQuery - how can I find the element with a certain id?

As all html ids are unique in a valid html document why not search for the ID directly? If you're concerned if they type in an id that isn't a table then you can inspect the tag type that way?

Just an idea!


How to set time delay in javascript

For sync calls you can use the method below:

function sleep(milliseconds) {
  var start = new Date().getTime();
  for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
    if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){

ReactJS - Add custom event listener to component

If you need to handle DOM events not already provided by React you have to add DOM listeners after the component is mounted:

Update: Between React 13, 14, and 15 changes were made to the API that affect my answer. Below is the latest way using React 15 and ES7. See answer history for older versions.

class MovieItem extends React.Component {

  componentDidMount() {
    // When the component is mounted, add your DOM listener to the "nv" elem.
    // (The "nv" elem is assigned in the render function.)
    this.nv.addEventListener("nv-enter", this.handleNvEnter);

  componentWillUnmount() {
    // Make sure to remove the DOM listener when the component is unmounted.
    this.nv.removeEventListener("nv-enter", this.handleNvEnter);

  // Use a class arrow function (ES7) for the handler. In ES6 you could bind()
  // a handler in the constructor.
  handleNvEnter = (event) => {
    console.log("Nv Enter:", event);

  render() {
    // Here we render a single <div> and toggle the "aria-nv-el-current" attribute
    // using the attribute spread operator. This way only a single <div>
    // is ever mounted and we don't have to worry about adding/removing
    // a DOM listener every time the current index changes. The attrs 
    // are "spread" onto the <div> in the render function: {...attrs}
    const attrs = this.props.index === 0 ? {"aria-nv-el-current": true} : {};

    // Finally, render the div using a "ref" callback which assigns the mounted 
    // elem to a class property "nv" used to add the DOM listener to.
    return (
      <div ref={elem => this.nv = elem} aria-nv-el {...attrs} className="menu_item nv-default">


Example on

jQuery issue in Internet Explorer 8

I had the same issue. The solution was to add the link to the JQuery file as a trusted site in IE.

SyntaxError: Use of const in strict mode?

The const and let are part of ECMAScript 2015 (a.k.a. ES6 and Harmony), and was not enabled by default in Node.js 0.10 or 0.12. Since Node.js 4.x, “All shipping [ES2015] features, which V8 considers stable, are turned on by default on Node.js and do NOT require any kind of runtime flag.”. Node.js docs has an overview of what ES2015 features are enabled by default, and which who require a runtime flag. So by upgrading to Node.js 4.x or newer the error should disappear.

To enable some of the ECMAScript 2015 features (including const and let) in Node.js 0.10 and 0.12; start your node program with a harmony flag, otherwise you will get a syntax error. For example:

node --harmony app.js

It all depends on which side your strict js is located. I would recommend using strict mode with const declarations on your server side and start the server with the harmony flag. For the client side, you should use Babel or similar tool to convert ES2015 to ES5, since not all client browsers support the const declarations.

Apache is not running from XAMPP Control Panel ( Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly. This may be due to a blocked port)

In my case the problem was that both port 80 and 443 were in use: Steps to use to fix it are :

  1. Open xampp and click on config button
  2. Now click on ( Appache )httpd.conf (Open in notepad or other editor)
  3. Now click ctrl + h.
  4. Find 80 and replace with 8080
  5. Now save and now click on Appache(httpd-ssl.conf).
  6. Now find 443 and replace with 4430.
  7. Now your xampp must be working fine as both these code are never in use by other programs on your system.

Now your localhost will be available as localhost:8080

How to change the status bar background color and text color on iOS 7?

iTroid23 solution worked for me. I missed the Swift solution. So maybe this is helpful:

1) In my plist I had to add this:


2) I didn't need to call "setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate".

3) In swift I had to add this to my UIViewController:

override func preferredStatusBarStyle() -> UIStatusBarStyle {
    return UIStatusBarStyle.LightContent

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered

This was happening to me specifically on PHPMyAdmin. So to more specifically answer this, I did the following:

In File:


I changed this:

// Move to the next page or to the last one
$endpos = $_SESSION['tmpval']['pos']
    + $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'];

To this:

$endpos = 0;
if (!empty($_SESSION['tmpval']['pos']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['tmpval']['pos'])) {
    $endpos += $_SESSION['tmpval']['pos'];
if (!empty($_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'])) {
    $endpos += $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'];

Hope that save's someone some trouble...

What's the best way to use R scripts on the command line (terminal)?

Try littler. littler provides hash-bang (i.e. script starting with #!/some/path) capability for GNU R, as well as simple command-line and piping use.

Directory.GetFiles: how to get only filename, not full path?

Have a look at using FileInfo.Name Property

something like

string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir); 

for (int iFile = 0; iFile < files.Length; iFile++)
    string fn = new FileInfo(files[iFile]).Name;

Also have a look at using DirectoryInfo Class and FileInfo Class

What is the standard Python docstring format?


Python docstrings can be written following several formats as the other posts showed. However the default Sphinx docstring format was not mentioned and is based on reStructuredText (reST). You can get some information about the main formats in this blog post.

Note that the reST is recommended by the PEP 287

There follows the main used formats for docstrings.

- Epytext

Historically a javadoc like style was prevalent, so it was taken as a base for Epydoc (with the called Epytext format) to generate documentation.


This is a javadoc style.

@param param1: this is a first param
@param param2: this is a second param
@return: this is a description of what is returned
@raise keyError: raises an exception

- reST

Nowadays, the probably more prevalent format is the reStructuredText (reST) format that is used by Sphinx to generate documentation. Note: it is used by default in JetBrains PyCharm (type triple quotes after defining a method and hit enter). It is also used by default as output format in Pyment.


This is a reST style.

:param param1: this is a first param
:param param2: this is a second param
:returns: this is a description of what is returned
:raises keyError: raises an exception

- Google

Google has their own format that is often used. It also can be interpreted by Sphinx (ie. using Napoleon plugin).


This is an example of Google style.

    param1: This is the first param.
    param2: This is a second param.

    This is a description of what is returned.

    KeyError: Raises an exception.

Even more examples

- Numpydoc

Note that Numpy recommend to follow their own numpydoc based on Google format and usable by Sphinx.

My numpydoc description of a kind
of very exhautive numpydoc format docstring.

first : array_like
    the 1st param name `first`
second :
    the 2nd param
third : {'value', 'other'}, optional
    the 3rd param, by default 'value'

    a value in a string

    when a key error
    when an other error


It is possible to use a tool like Pyment to automatically generate docstrings to a Python project not yet documented, or to convert existing docstrings (can be mixing several formats) from a format to an other one.

Note: The examples are taken from the Pyment documentation

Custom exception type

Here is how you can create custom errors with completely identical to native Error's behaviour. This technique works only in Chrome and node.js for now. I also wouldn't recommend to use it if you don't understand what it does.

Error.createCustromConstructor = (function() {

    function define(obj, prop, value) {
        Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {
            value: value,
            configurable: true,
            enumerable: false,
            writable: true

    return function(name, init, proto) {
        var CustomError;
        proto = proto || {};
        function build(message) {
            var self = this instanceof CustomError
                ? this
                : Object.create(CustomError.prototype);
            Error.apply(self, arguments);
            Error.captureStackTrace(self, CustomError);
            if (message != undefined) {
                define(self, 'message', String(message));
            define(self, 'arguments', undefined);
            define(self, 'type', undefined);
            if (typeof init == 'function') {
                init.apply(self, arguments);
            return self;
        eval('CustomError = function ' + name + '() {' +
            'return build.apply(this, arguments); }');
        CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
        define(CustomError.prototype, 'constructor', CustomError);
        for (var key in proto) {
            define(CustomError.prototype, key, proto[key]);
        Object.defineProperty(CustomError.prototype, 'name', { value: name });
        return CustomError;


As a reasult we get

 * name   The name of the constructor name
 * init   User-defined initialization function
 * proto  It's enumerable members will be added to 
 *        prototype of created constructor
Error.createCustromConstructor = function(name, init, proto)

Then you can use it like this:

var NotImplementedError = Error.createCustromConstructor('NotImplementedError');

And use NotImplementedError as you would Error:

throw new NotImplementedError();
var err = new NotImplementedError();
var err = NotImplementedError('Not yet...');

And it will behave is expected:

err instanceof NotImplementedError               // -> true
err instanceof Error                             // -> true
NotImplementedError.prototype.isPrototypeOf(err) // -> true
Error.prototype.isPrototypeOf(err)               // -> true                             // -> NotImplementedError                                         // -> NotImplementedError
err.message                                      // -> Not yet...
err.toString()                                   // -> NotImplementedError: Not yet...
err.stack                                        // -> works fine!

Note, that error.stack works absolutle correct and won't include NotImplementedError constructor call (thanks to v8's Error.captureStackTrace()).

Note. There is ugly eval(). The only reason it is used is to get correct If you don't need it, you can a bit simplify everything.

CSS vertical alignment of inline/inline-block elements

For fine tuning the position of an inline-block item, use top and left:

  position: relative;
  top: 5px;
  left: 5px;

Thanks CSS-Tricks!

No connection string named 'MyEntities' could be found in the application config file

I got this by not having the project set as startup, as indicated by another answer. My contribution to this - when doing Add-Migrations and Update-Database, specify the startup project as part of the command in Nuget Package Manager Console (do not include the '[' or ']' characters, that's just to show you that you need to change the text located there to your project name):

  1. Enable-Migrations
  2. Add-Migrations -StartupProject [your project name that contains the data context class]
  3. Update-Database -StartupProject [same project name as above]

That should do it.

position fixed is not working

My issue was that a parent element had transform: scale(1); this apparently makes it impossible for any element to be fixed inside it. By removing that everything works normally...

It seems to be like this in all browsers I tested (Chrome, Safari) so don't know if it comes from some strange web standard.

(It's a popup that goes from scale(0) to scale(1))

How to clear exisiting dropdownlist items when its content changes?

Just 2 simple steps to solve your issue

First of all check AppendDataBoundItems property and make it assign false

Secondly clear all the items using property .clear()

ddl1.datasource = sql1;

Username and password in command for git push

According to the Git documentation, the last argument of the git push command can be the repository that you want to push to:

    git push [--all | --mirror | --tags] [-n | --dry-run] [--receive-pack=<git-receive-pack>]
             [--repo=<repository>] [-f | --force] [--prune] [-v | --verbose] [-u | --set-upstream]
             [<repository> [<refspec>…]]

And the repository parameter can be either a URL or a remote name.

So you can specify username and password the same way as you do in your example of clone command.

Task not serializable: when calling function outside closure only on classes not objects

Complete talk fully explaining the problem, which proposes a great paradigm shifting way to avoid these serialization problems:

The top voted answer is basically suggesting throwing away an entire language feature - that is no longer using methods and only using functions. Indeed in functional programming methods in classes should be avoided, but turning them into functions isn't solving the design issue here (see above link).

As a quick fix in this particular situation you could just use the @transient annotation to tell it not to try to serialise the offending value (here, Spark.ctx is a custom class not Spark's one following OP's naming):

val rddList = Spark.ctx.parallelize(list)

You can also restructure code so that rddList lives somewhere else, but that is also nasty.

The Future is Probably Spores

In future Scala will include these things called "spores" that should allow us to fine grain control what does and does not exactly get pulled in by a closure. Furthermore this should turn all mistakes of accidentally pulling in non-serializable types (or any unwanted values) into compile errors rather than now which is horrible runtime exceptions / memory leaks.

A tip on Kryo serialization

When using kyro, make it so that registration is necessary, this will mean you get errors instead of memory leaks:

"Finally, I know that kryo has kryo.setRegistrationOptional(true) but I am having a very difficult time trying to figure out how to use it. When this option is turned on, kryo still seems to throw exceptions if I haven't registered classes."

Strategy for registering classes with kryo

Of course this only gives you type-level control not value-level control.

... more ideas to come.

How to label each equation in align environment?

like this


x_{\rm L} & = L \int{\cos\theta\left(\xi\right) d\xi}, \label{eq_1} \\\\

y_{\rm L} & = L \int{\sin\theta\left(\xi\right) d\xi}, \nonumber


Passing a local variable from one function to another

First way is

function function1()
  var variable1=12;

function function2(val)
  var variableOfFunction1 = val;

// Then you will have to use this function for the variable1 so it doesn't really help much unless that's what you want to do. }

Second way is

var globalVariable;
function function1()

function function2()
  var local = globalVariable;

PostgreSQL return result set as JSON array?


SELECT json_agg(t) FROM t

for a JSON array of objects, and

        'a', json_agg(t.a),
        'b', json_agg(t.b)

for a JSON object of arrays.

List of objects

This section describes how to generate a JSON array of objects, with each row being converted to a single object. The result looks like this:


9.3 and up

The json_agg function produces this result out of the box. It automatically figures out how to convert its input into JSON and aggregates it into an array.

SELECT json_agg(t) FROM t

There is no jsonb (introduced in 9.4) version of json_agg. You can either aggregate the rows into an array and then convert them:

SELECT to_jsonb(array_agg(t)) FROM t

or combine json_agg with a cast:

SELECT json_agg(t)::jsonb FROM t

My testing suggests that aggregating them into an array first is a little faster. I suspect that this is because the cast has to parse the entire JSON result.


9.2 does not have the json_agg or to_json functions, so you need to use the older array_to_json:

SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(t)) FROM t

You can optionally include a row_to_json call in the query:

SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(t))) FROM t

This converts each row to a JSON object, aggregates the JSON objects as an array, and then converts the array to a JSON array.

I wasn't able to discern any significant performance difference between the two.

Object of lists

This section describes how to generate a JSON object, with each key being a column in the table and each value being an array of the values of the column. It's the result that looks like this:

{"a":[1,2,3], "b":["value1","value2","value3"]}

9.5 and up

We can leverage the json_build_object function:

        'a', json_agg(t.a),
        'b', json_agg(t.b)

You can also aggregate the columns, creating a single row, and then convert that into an object:

SELECT to_json(r)
        json_agg(t.a) AS a,
        json_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r

Note that aliasing the arrays is absolutely required to ensure that the object has the desired names.

Which one is clearer is a matter of opinion. If using the json_build_object function, I highly recommend putting one key/value pair on a line to improve readability.

You could also use array_agg in place of json_agg, but my testing indicates that json_agg is slightly faster.

There is no jsonb version of the json_build_object function. You can aggregate into a single row and convert:

SELECT to_jsonb(r)
        array_agg(t.a) AS a,
        array_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r

Unlike the other queries for this kind of result, array_agg seems to be a little faster when using to_jsonb. I suspect this is due to overhead parsing and validating the JSON result of json_agg.

Or you can use an explicit cast:

        'a', json_agg(t.a),
        'b', json_agg(t.b)

The to_jsonb version allows you to avoid the cast and is faster, according to my testing; again, I suspect this is due to overhead of parsing and validating the result.

9.4 and 9.3

The json_build_object function was new to 9.5, so you have to aggregate and convert to an object in previous versions:

SELECT to_json(r)
        json_agg(t.a) AS a,
        json_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r


SELECT to_jsonb(r)
        array_agg(t.a) AS a,
        array_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r

depending on whether you want json or jsonb.

(9.3 does not have jsonb.)


In 9.2, not even to_json exists. You must use row_to_json:

SELECT row_to_json(r)
        array_agg(t.a) AS a,
        array_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r


Find the documentation for the JSON functions in JSON functions.

json_agg is on the aggregate functions page.


If performance is important, ensure you benchmark your queries against your own schema and data, rather than trust my testing.

Whether it's a good design or not really depends on your specific application. In terms of maintainability, I don't see any particular problem. It simplifies your app code and means there's less to maintain in that portion of the app. If PG can give you exactly the result you need out of the box, the only reason I can think of to not use it would be performance considerations. Don't reinvent the wheel and all.


Aggregate functions typically give back NULL when they operate over zero rows. If this is a possibility, you might want to use COALESCE to avoid them. A couple of examples:

SELECT COALESCE(json_agg(t), '[]'::json) FROM t


SELECT to_jsonb(COALESCE(array_agg(t), ARRAY[]::t[])) FROM t

Credit to Hannes Landeholm for pointing this out

How to default to other directory instead of home directory

This may help you.

image description

  1. Right click on git bash -> properties
  2. In Shorcut tab -> Start in field -> enter your user defined path
  3. Make sure the Target field does not include --go-to-home or it will continue to start in the directory specified in your HOME variable

Thats it.

ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'mydatabasename'

Open the sql file and comment out the line that tries to create the existing database and remove USE mydatabasename and try again.

How to disable spring security for particular url

<http pattern="/resources/**" security="none"/>

Or with Java configuration:


Instead of the old:

 <intercept-url pattern="/resources/**" filters="none"/>

for exp . disable security for a login page :

  <intercept-url pattern="/login*" filters="none" />

Should I use alias or alias_method?

A year after asking the question comes a new article on the subject:

It seems that "so many men, so many minds." From the former article author encourages to use alias_method, while the latter suggests using alias.

However there's a common overview of these methods in both blogposts and answers above:

  • use alias when you want to limit aliasing to the scope where it's defined
  • use alias_method to allow inherited classes to access it

How do I replace NA values with zeros in an R dataframe?

With dplyr 0.5.0, you can use coalesce function which can be easily integrated into %>% pipeline by doing coalesce(vec, 0). This replaces all NAs in vec with 0:

Say we have a data frame with NAs:

df <- data.frame(v = c(1, 2, 3, NA, 5, 6, 8))

#    v
# 1  1
# 2  2
# 3  3
# 4 NA
# 5  5
# 6  6
# 7  8

df %>% mutate(v = coalesce(v, 0))
#   v
# 1 1
# 2 2
# 3 3
# 4 0
# 5 5
# 6 6
# 7 8

React : difference between <Route exact path="/" /> and <Route path="/" />

The shortest answer is

Please try this.

   <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
   <Route path="/about" component={About} />
   <Route path="/shop" component={Shop} />

How to choose multiple files using File Upload Control?

step 1: add

<asp:FileUpload runat="server" id="fileUpload1" Multiple="Multiple">

step 2: add

Protected Sub uploadBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles uploadBtn.Click
    Dim ImageFiles As HttpFileCollection = Request.Files
    For i As Integer = 0 To ImageFiles.Count - 1
        Dim file As HttpPostedFile = ImageFiles(i)
        file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("Uploads/") & ImageFiles(i).FileName)

End Sub

What is the difference between static_cast<> and C style casting?

struct A {};
struct B : A {};
struct C {}; 

int main()
    A* a = new A;    

    int i = 10;

    a = (A*) (&i); // NO ERROR! FAIL!

    //a = static_cast<A*>(&i); ERROR! SMART!

    A* b = new B;

    B* b2 = static_cast<B*>(b); // NO ERROR! SMART!

    C* c = (C*)(b); // NO ERROR! FAIL!

    //C* c = static_cast<C*>(b); ERROR! SMART!

How to create strings containing double quotes in Excel formulas?

In the event that you need to do this with JSON:

=CONCATENATE("'{""service"": { ""field"": "&A2&"}}'")

WPF Add a Border to a TextBlock

No, you need to wrap your TextBlock in a Border. Example:

<Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Black">
    <TextBlock ... />

Of course, you can set these properties (BorderThickness, BorderBrush) through styles as well:

<Style x:Key="notCalledBorder" TargetType="{x:Type Border}">
    <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1" />
    <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Black" />

<Border Style="{StaticResource notCalledBorder}">
    <TextBlock ... />

List of Timezone IDs for use with FindTimeZoneById() in C#?

This is the code fully tested and working for me. You can use it just copy and paste in your aspx page and cs page.

This is my blog you can download full code here. thanks.

<form id="form1" runat="server">_x000D_
    <div style="font-size: 30px; padding: 25px; text-align: center;">_x000D_
        Get Current Date And Time Of All TimeZones_x000D_
    <hr />_x000D_
    <div style="font-size: 18px; padding: 25px; text-align: center;">_x000D_
        <div class="clsLeft">_x000D_
            Select TimeZone :-_x000D_
        <div class="clsRight">_x000D_
            <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlTimeZone" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlTimeZone_SelectedIndexChanged"_x000D_
        <div class="clearspace">_x000D_
        <div class="clsLeft">_x000D_
            Selected TimeZone :-_x000D_
        <div class="clsRight">_x000D_
            <asp:Label ID="lblTimeZone" runat="server" Text="" />_x000D_
        <div class="clearspace">_x000D_
        <div class="clsLeft">_x000D_
            Current Date And Time :-_x000D_
        <div class="clsRight">_x000D_
            <asp:Label ID="lblCurrentDateTime" runat="server" Text="" />_x000D_
    <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click" Text="Button" />_x000D_

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)

    protected void ddlTimeZone_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

    /// <summary>
    /// Get all timezone from local system and bind it in dropdownlist
    /// </summary>
    private void BindTimeZone()
        foreach (TimeZoneInfo z in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones())
            ddlTimeZone.Items.Add(new ListItem(z.DisplayName, z.Id));

    /// <summary>
    /// Get selected timezone and current date & time
    /// </summary>
    private void GetSelectedTimeZone()
        DateTimeOffset newTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(ddlTimeZone.SelectedValue));
        //DateTimeOffset newTime2 = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(ddlTimeZone.SelectedValue));
        lblTimeZone.Text = ddlTimeZone.SelectedItem.Text;
        lblCurrentDateTime.Text = newTime.ToString();
        string str;
        str = lblCurrentDateTime.Text;
        string s=str.Substring(0, 10);
        DateTime dt = new DateTime();
        dt = Convert.ToDateTime(s);
       // Response.Write(dt.ToString());


wait process until all subprocess finish?

Automatically waits , you can also use:


typescript - cloning object

Try this:

let copy = (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objectToCopy)));

It is a good solution until you are using very large objects or your object has unserializable properties.

In order to preserve type safety you could use a copy function in the class you want to make copies from:

getCopy(): YourClassName{
    return (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this)));

or in a static way:

static createCopy(objectToCopy: YourClassName): YourClassName{
    return (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objectToCopy)));

How to convert Strings to and from UTF8 byte arrays in Java

My tomcat7 implementation is accepting strings as ISO-8859-1; despite the content-type of the HTTP request. The following solution worked for me when trying to correctly interpret characters like 'é' .

byte[] b1 = szP1.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");

String szUT8 = new String(b1, "UTF-8");

When trying to interpret the string as US-ASCII, the byte info wasn't correctly interpreted.

b1 = szP1.getBytes("US-ASCII");