[c#] Where are the Properties.Settings.Default stored?

I thought I knew this, but today I'm being proven wrong - again.

Running VS2008, .NET 3.5 and C#. I added the User settings to the Properties Settings tab with default values, then read them in using this code:

myTextBox.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.MyStringProperty;

Then, after the user edits the value in the options dialog I save it like this:

Properties.Settings.Default.MyStringProperty = myTextBox.Text;

My question is, where is this new value saved? the MyApp.exe.config file in the executable directory is not updated, it still contains the default values. Plus, as far as I can tell, none of the other files in that directory are updated either! However, when the program reads the value back in, it gets the changed value, so I know it's saved somewhere...

This isn't just academic, I needed to be able to manually edit the value this morning and got myself stumped when I couldn't find anything that was changing.

This question is related to c# .net settings

The answer is

They are saved in YOUR_APP.exe.config, the file is saved in the same folder with YOUR_APP.exe file, <userSettings> section:

         <setting name="SavedUserName" serializeAs="String">
            <value />
         <setting name="SavedPassword" serializeAs="String">
            <value />
         <setting name="CheckSave" serializeAs="String">

here is cs code:

public void LoadInfoLogin()
    if (Properties.Settings.Default.CheckSave)// chkRemember.Checked)
        txtUsername.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SaveUserName;
        txtPassword.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SavePassword;
        chkRemember.Checked = true;

if you use Windows 10, this is the directory:




it is saved in your Documents and Settings\%user%\Local Settings\Application Data......etc search for a file called user.config there

the location may change however.

You can get the path programmatically:

using System.Configuration;  // Add a reference to System.Configuration.dll
var path = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoamingAndLocal).FilePath;

One of my windows services is logged on as Local System in windows server 2016, and I can find the user.config under C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\{your application name}.

I think the easiest way is searching your application name on C drive and then check where is the user.config

User-specific settings are saved in the user's Application Data folder for that application. Look for a user.config file.

I don't know what you expected, since users often don't even have write access to the executable directory in the first place.

thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I found user.config located at this monstrosity: c:\users\USER\AppData\Local\COMPANY\APPLICATION.exe_Url_LOOKSLIKESOMEKINDOFHASH\VERSION\user.config.

I had to uprev the version on my application and all the settings seemed to have vanished. application created a new folder with the new version and used the default settings. took forever to find where the file was stored, but then it was a simple copy and paste to get the settings to the new version.

For anyone wondering where the settings for apps from the Microsoft Store are, they are either in WindowsApps, which is very locked down, but you can get there by opening your app and then opening the file path with Task-Manager.

But it's more likely that they are saved in C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Packages\[NUMBERS][COMPANY].[APPLICATION]_[RANDOMDATA]\LocalCache\Local\[COMPANY]\[APPLICATION].exe_Url_[RANDOMDATA]\[VERSION]\user.config.

There is a folder called "Properties" under your project root folder, and there are *.settings file under that folder. That's where it gets stored.

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