Improved @yar1vn answer by dropping string dependency:
#define VariableName(arg) (@""#arg)
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, UserType) {
UserTypeParent = 0,
UserTypeStudent = 1,
UserTypeTutor = 2,
UserTypeUnknown = NSUIntegerMax
@property (nonatomic) UserType type;
+ (NSDictionary *)typeDisplayNames
return @{@(UserTypeParent) : VariableName(UserTypeParent),
@(UserTypeStudent) : VariableName(UserTypeStudent),
@(UserTypeTutor) : VariableName(UserTypeTutor),
@(UserTypeUnknown) : VariableName(UserTypeUnknown)};
- (NSString *)typeDisplayName
return [[self class] typeDisplayNames][@(self.type)];
Thus when you'll change enum entry name corresponding string will be changed. Useful in case if you are not going to show this string to user.