[sql] Can I loop through a table variable in T-SQL?

Here's my variant. Pretty much just like all the others, but I only use one variable to manage the looping.

  @LoopId  int
 ,@MyData  varchar(100)

   LoopId  int  not null  identity(1,1)
  ,MyData  varchar(100)  not null

INSERT @CheckThese (MyData)
 select MyData from MyTable
 order by DoesItMatter

SET @LoopId = @@rowcount

WHILE @LoopId > 0
    SELECT @MyData = MyData
     from @CheckThese
     where LoopId = @LoopId

    --  Do whatever

    SET @LoopId = @LoopId - 1

Raj More's point is relevant--only perform loops if you have to.

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