[java] No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 4'

Is your Eclipse project maven based? If so, you may need to update the m2eclipse version.

Just a quick note: I have a project in Eclipse which is maven-based, and generated initially using the "new maven project" wizard in Eclipse. I'm using JUnit 4.5 for the unit tests, and could quite happily run the tests from the command line using maven, and individual tests from Eclipse using run as JUnit test.... However, when I tried to run all of the tests in the project by invoking run as JUnit test... on the project root node, Eclipse complained "no tests found with test runner junit 4". Solved by upgrading m2eclipse to the latest stable development build from the m2eclipse update site (specifically, I upgraded from version to version in Eclipse Galileo).

From here: http://nuin.blogspot.com/2009/07/m2eclipse-and-junit4-no-tests-found.html

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