[ajax] How to get selenium to wait for ajax response?

A more general solution than waiting for an element would be to wait for all the connections to the server to close. This will allow you to wait for all ajax calls to finish, even if they don't have any callback and thus don't affect the page. More details can be found here.

Using C# and jQuery, I have created the following method to wait for all AJax calls to complete (if anyone have more direct ways of accessing JS variables from C#, please comment):

internal void WaitForAjax(int timeOut = 15)
    var value = "";
        () => value = GetJavascriptValue("jQuery.active"), 
        () => value == "0", 
        "Ajax calls did not complete before timeout"

internal void RepeatUntil(Action repeat, Func<bool> until, string errorMessage, int timeout = 15)
    var end = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout);
    var complete = false;

    while (DateTime.Now < end)
            if (until())
                complete = true;
        catch (Exception)
        { }
    if (!complete)
        throw new TimeoutException(errorMessage);

internal string GetJavascriptValue(string variableName)
    var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
    _selenium.RunScript(String.Format(@"window.$('body').append(""<input type='text' value='""+{0}+""' id='{1}'/>"");", variableName, id));
    return _selenium.GetValue(id);

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