You can do something more generic about the properties selection yet be specific about the type you're selecting from, in your case 'Order':
write your function as a generic one:
public List<Order> GetOrderList<T>(IEnumerable<Order> orders, Func<Order, T> propertySelector)
return (from order in orders
orderby propertySelector(order)
select order).ToList();
and then use it like this:
var ordersOrderedByDate = GetOrderList(orders, x => x.OrderDate);
You can be even more generic and define an open type for what you want to order:
public List<T> OrderBy<T,P>(IEnumerable<T> collection, Func<T,P> propertySelector)
return (from item in collection
orderby propertySelector(item)
select item).ToList();
and use it the same way:
var ordersOrderedByDate = OrderBy(orders, x => x.OrderDate);
Which is a stupid unnecessary complex way of doing a LINQ style 'OrderBy', But it may give you a clue of how it can be implemented in a generic way