[java] Why is there no String.Empty in Java?

I understand that every time I type the string literal "", the same String object is referenced in the string pool.

But why doesn't the String API include a public static final String Empty = "";, so I could use references to String.Empty?

It would save on compile time, at the very least, since the compiler would know to reference the existing String, and not have to check if it had already been created for reuse, right? And personally I think a proliferation of string literals, especially tiny ones, in many cases is a "code smell".

So was there a Grand Design Reason behind no String.Empty, or did the language creators simply not share my views?

This question is related to java string

The answer is

Seems like this is the obvious answer:

String empty = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.EMPTY;

Awesome because "empty initialization" code no longer has a "magic string" and uses a constant.

All those "" literals are the same object. Why make all that extra complexity? It's just longer to type and less clear (the cost to the compiler is minimal). Since Java's strings are immutable objects, there's never any need at all to distinguish between them except possibly as an efficiency thing, but with the empty string literal that's not a big deal.

If you really want an EmptyString constant, make it yourself. But all it will do is encourage even more verbose code; there will never be any benefit to doing so.

Use org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.EMPTY

For those claiming "" and String.Empty are interchangeable or that "" is better, you are very wrong.

Each time you do something like myVariable = ""; you are creating an instance of an object. If Java's String object had an EMPTY public constant, there would only be 1 instance of the object ""

E.g: -

String.EMPTY = ""; //Simply demonstrating. I realize this is invalid syntax

myVar0 = String.EMPTY;
myVar1 = String.EMPTY;
myVar2 = String.EMPTY;
myVar3 = String.EMPTY;
myVar4 = String.EMPTY;
myVar5 = String.EMPTY;
myVar6 = String.EMPTY;
myVar7 = String.EMPTY;
myVar8 = String.EMPTY;
myVar9 = String.EMPTY;

10 (11 including String.EMPTY) Pointers to 1 object

Or: -

myVar0 = "";
myVar1 = "";
myVar2 = "";
myVar3 = "";
myVar4 = "";
myVar5 = "";
myVar6 = "";
myVar7 = "";
myVar8 = "";
myVar9 = "";

10 pointers to 10 objects

This is inefficient and throughout a large application, can be significant.

Perhaps the Java compiler or run-time is efficient enough to automatically point all instances of "" to the same instance, but it might not and takes additional processing to make that determination.

If you want to compare with empty string without worrying about null values you can do the following.

if ("".equals(text))

Ultimately you should do what what you believe is clearest. Most programmers assume "" means empty string, not a string someone forgot to put anything into.

If you think there is a performance advantage, you should test it. If you don't think its worth testing for yourself, its a good indication it really isn't worth it.

It sounds like to you try to solve a problem which was solved when the language was designed more than 15 years ago.

Don't just say "memory pool of strings is reused in the literal form, case closed". What compilers do under the hood is not the point here. The question is reasonable, specially given the number of up-votes it received.

It's about the symmetry, without it APIs are harder to use for humans. Early Java SDKs notoriously ignored the rule and now it's kind of too late. Here are a few examples on top of my head, feel free to chip in your "favorite" example:

  • BigDecimal.ZERO, but no AbstractCollection.EMPTY, String.EMPTY
  • Array.length but List.size()
  • List.add(), Set.add() but Map.put(), ByteBuffer.put() and let's not forget StringBuilder.append(), Stack.push()

Late answer, but I think it adds something new to this topic.

None of the previous answers has answered the original question. Some have attempted to justify the lack of a constant, while others have showed ways in which we can deal with the lack of the constant. But no one has provided a compelling justification for the benefit of the constant, so its lack is still not properly explained.

A constant would be useful because it would prevent certain code errors from going unnoticed.

Say that you have a large code base with hundreds of references to "". Someone modifies one of these while scrolling through the code and changes it to " ". Such a change would have a high chance of going unnoticed into production, at which point it might cause some issue whose source will be tricky to detect.

OTOH, a library constant named EMPTY, if subject to the same error, would generate a compiler error for something like EM PTY.

Defining your own constant is still better. Someone could still alter its initialization by mistake, but because of its wide use, the impact of such an error would be much harder to go unnoticed than an error in a single use case.

This is one of the general benefits that you get from using constants instead of literal values. People usually recognize that using a constant for a value used in dozens of places allows you to easily update that value in just one place. What is less often acknowledged is that this also prevents that value from being accidentally modified, because such a change would show everywhere. So, yes, "" is shorter than EMPTY, but EMPTY is safer to use than "".

So, coming back to the original question, we can only speculate that the language designers were probably not aware of this benefit of providing constants for literal values that are frequently used. Hopefully, we'll one day see string constants added in Java.

Apache StringUtils addresses this problem too.

Failings of the other options:

  • isEmpty() - not null safe. If the string is null, throws an NPE
  • length() == 0 - again not null safe. Also does not take into account whitespace strings.
  • Comparison to EMPTY constant - May not be null safe. Whitespace problem

Granted StringUtils is another library to drag around, but it works very well and saves loads of time and hassle checking for nulls or gracefully handling NPEs.

It's funny how old this is and there is still no nice string class like there is in C#. I have been doing Java for a few years now and I still also do c#. When I do Java I miss the completeness of the c# language for strings. Mainly I miss string.Empty and string.IsNullOrEmpty(string). I also really miss the lowercase string type.

++++1 for adding this stuff to Java. All the workarounds are just that. Happy Coding in 2020 and beyond!!

I understand that every time I type the String literal "", the same String object is referenced in the String pool.
There's no such guarantee made. And you can't rely on it in your application, it's completely up to jvm to decide.

or did the language creators simply not share my views?
Yep. To me, it seems very low priority thing.

If you really want a String.EMPTY constant, you can create an utility static final class named "Constants" (for example) in your project. This class will maintain your constants, including the empty String...

In the same idea, you can create ZERO, ONE int constants... that don't exist in the Integer class, but like I commented, it would be a pain to write and to read :

for(int i=Constants.ZERO; ...) {
    if(myArray.length > Constants.ONE) {
        System.out.println("More than one element");


To add on to what Noel M stated, you can look at this question, and this answer shows that the constant is reused.


String constant are always "interned" so there is not really a need for such constant.

String s=""; String t=""; boolean b=s==t; // true