It has taken many attempts to create an email validator which catches nearly all worldwide requirements for email.
Extension method you can call with:
Regex pattern string you can get by calling:
var myPattern = Regex.EmailPattern;
The Code (mostly comments):
/// <summary>
/// Validates the string is an Email Address...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="emailAddress"></param>
/// <returns>bool</returns>
public static bool IsValidEmailAddress(this string emailAddress)
var valid = true;
var isnotblank = false;
var email = emailAddress.Trim();
if (email.Length > 0)
// Email Address Cannot start with period.
// Name portion must be at least one character
// In the Name, valid characters are: a-z 0-9 ! # _ % & ' " = ` { } ~ - + * ? ^ | / $
// Cannot have period immediately before @ sign.
// Cannot have two @ symbols
// In the domain, valid characters are: a-z 0-9 - .
// Domain cannot start with a period or dash
// Domain name must be 2 characters.. not more than 256 characters
// Domain cannot end with a period or dash.
// Domain must contain a period
isnotblank = true;
valid = Regex.IsMatch(email, Regex.EmailPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) &&
!email.StartsWith("-") &&
!email.StartsWith(".") &&
!email.EndsWith(".") &&
!email.Contains("..") &&
!email.Contains(".@") &&
return (valid && isnotblank);
/// <summary>
/// Validates the string is an Email Address or a delimited string of email addresses...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="emailAddress"></param>
/// <returns>bool</returns>
public static bool IsValidEmailAddressDelimitedList(this string emailAddress, char delimiter = ';')
var valid = true;
var isnotblank = false;
string[] emails = emailAddress.Split(delimiter);
foreach (string e in emails)
var email = e.Trim();
if (email.Length > 0 && valid) // if valid == false, no reason to continue checking
isnotblank = true;
if (!email.IsValidEmailAddress())
valid = false;
return (valid && isnotblank);
public class Regex
/// <summary>
/// Set of Unicode Characters currently supported in the application for email, etc.
/// </summary>
public static readonly string UnicodeCharacters = "À-ÿ\p{L}\p{M}ÀàÂâÆæÇçÈèÉéÊêËëÎîÏïÔôŒœÙùÛûÜü«»€?äÄöÖüÜß"; // German and French
/// <summary>
/// Set of Symbol Characters currently supported in the application for email, etc.
/// Needed if a client side validator is being used.
/// Not needed if validation is done server side.
/// The difference is due to subtle differences in Regex engines.
/// </summary>
public static readonly string SymbolCharacters = @"!#%&'""=`{}~\.\-\+\*\?\^\|\/\$";
/// <summary>
/// Regular Expression string pattern used to match an email address.
/// The following characters will be supported anywhere in the email address:
/// ÀàÂâÆæÇçÈèÉéÊêËëÎîÏïÔôŒœÙùÛûÜü«»€?äÄöÖüÜß[a - z][A - Z][0 - 9] _
/// The following symbols will be supported in the first part of the email address(before the @ symbol):
/// !#%&'"=`{}~.-+*?^|\/$
/// Emails cannot start or end with periods,dashes or @.
/// Emails cannot have two @ symbols.
/// Emails must have an @ symbol followed later by a period.
/// Emails cannot have a period before or after the @ symbol.
/// </summary>
public static readonly string EmailPattern = String.Format(
@"^([\w{0}{2}])+@{1}[\w{0}]+([-.][\w{0}]+)*\.[\w{0}]+([-.][\w{0}]+)*$", // @"^[{0}\w]+([-+.'][{0}\w]+)*@[{0}\w]+([-.][{0}\w]+)*\.[{0}\w]+([-.][{0}\w]+)*$",