answer is almost correct. But addition of offset is not correct since offset value will be negative if browser date is ahead of GMT and vice versa.
Below is the solution which I came with and is working perfectly fine for me:
// Input time in UTC_x000D_
var inputInUtc = "6/29/2011 4:52:48";_x000D_
var dateInUtc = new Date(Date.parse(inputInUtc+" UTC"));_x000D_
//Print date in UTC time_x000D_
document.write("Date in UTC : " + dateInUtc.toISOString()+"<br>");_x000D_
var dateInLocalTz = convertUtcToLocalTz(dateInUtc);_x000D_
//Print date in local time_x000D_
document.write("Date in Local : " + dateInLocalTz.toISOString());_x000D_
function convertUtcToLocalTz(dateInUtc) {_x000D_
//Convert to local timezone_x000D_
return new Date(dateInUtc.getTime() - dateInUtc.getTimezoneOffset()*60*1000);_x000D_