the question is a little confused. timestamps are not UTC - they're a Unix thing. the date might be UTC? assuming it is, and if you're using Python 3.2+, simple-date makes this trivial:
>>> SimpleDate(date(2011,1,1), tz='utc').timestamp
if you actually have the year, month and day you don't need to create the date
>>> SimpleDate(2011,1,1, tz='utc').timestamp
and if the date is in some other timezone (this matters because we're assuming midnight without an associated time):
>>> SimpleDate(date(2011,1,1), tz='America/New_York').timestamp
[the idea behind simple-date is to collect all python's date and time stuff in one consistent class, so you can do any conversion. so, for example, it will also go the other way:
>>> SimpleDate(1293858000, tz='utc').date, 1, 1)