There are different ways to do this some of them has given.
implode(), join(), var_export(), print_r(), serialize(), json_encode()
exc... You can also write your own function without these:
A For()
loop is very useful. You can add your array's value to another variable like this:
$dizi=array('mother','father','child'); //This is array
for ($i=0; $i<$sayi; $i++) {
$dizin.=("'$dizi[$i]',"); //Now it is string...
echo substr($dizin,0,-1); //Write it like string :D
In this code we added $dizi's values and comma to $dizin:
$dizin = 'mother', 'father', 'child',
It's a string, but it has an extra comma :)
And then we deleted the last comma, substr($dizin, 0, -1);