[javascript] convert a JavaScript string variable to decimal/money

How can we convert a JavaScript string variable to decimal?

Is there a function such as:


This question is related to javascript decimal string-conversion

The answer is

You can also use the Number constructor/function (no need for a radix and usable for both integers and floats):

Number('09'); /=> 9
Number('09.0987'); /=> 9.0987

Alternatively like Andy E said in the comments you can use + for conversion

+'09'; /=> 9
+'09.0987'; /=> 9.0987

This works:

var num = parseFloat(document.getElementById(amtid4).innerHTML, 10).toFixed(2);

It is fairly risky to rely on javascript functions to compare and play with numbers. In javascript (0.1+0.2 == 0.3) will return false due to rounding errors. Use the math.js library.

An easy short hand way would be to use +x It keeps the sign intact as well as the decimal numbers. The other alternative is to use parseFloat(x). Difference between parseFloat(x) and +x is for a blank string +x returns 0 where as parseFloat(x) returns NaN.

I made a little helper function to do this and catch all malformed data

function convertToPounds(str) { 
    var n = Number.parseFloat(str);
    if(!str || isNaN(n) || n < 0) return 0;
    return n.toFixed(2);

Demo is here

var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("ru", {
  style: "currency",
  currency: "GBP"

alert( formatter.format(1234.5) ); // 1 234,5 £
