[sql-server] T-sql - determine if value is integer

As of SQL Server 2012, the TRY_CONVERT and TRY_CAST functions were implemented. Thise are vast improvements over the ISNUMERIC solution, which can (and does) give false positives (or negatives). For example if you run the below:

            ('')) V(S)

Using TRY_CONVERT (or TRY_CAST) avoids that:

            ('')) V(S)
--WHERE TRY_CONVERT(int,V.S) IS NOT NULL; --To filter to only convertable values

Notice that '1.1' returned NULL, which cause the error before (as a string represtation of a decimal cannot be converted to an int) but also that '' returned 0, even though ISNUMERIC states the value "can't be converted".

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Examples related to casting

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Examples related to integer

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Examples related to isnumeric

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