[arrays] How to split a string into an array in Bash?

Here's my hack!

Splitting strings by strings is a pretty boring thing to do using bash. What happens is that we have limited approaches that only work in a few cases (split by ";", "/", "." and so on) or we have a variety of side effects in the outputs.

The approach below has required a number of maneuvers, but I believe it will work for most of our needs!


# --------------------------------------
# ----------------

f_split() {
    : 'It does a "split" into a given string and returns an array.

        TARGET_P (str): Target string to "split".
        DELIMITER_P (Optional[str]): Delimiter used to "split". If not 
    informed the split will be done by spaces.

        F_SPLIT_R (array): Array with the provided string separated by the 
    informed delimiter.

    if [ -z "$DELIMITER_P" ] ; then
        DELIMITER_P=" "

    if [ "$DELIMITER_P" == "\n" ] ; then

    # NOTE: This was the only parameter that has been a problem so far! 
    # By Questor
    # [Ref.: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/390732/61742]
    if [ "$DELIMITER_P" == "./" ] ; then

    if [ ${REMOVE_N} -eq 1 ] ; then

        # NOTE: Due to bash limitations we have some problems getting the 
        # output of a split by awk inside an array and so we need to use 
        # "line break" (\n) to succeed. Seen this, we remove the line breaks 
        # momentarily afterwards we reintegrate them. The problem is that if 
        # there is a line break in the "string" informed, this line break will 
        # be lost, that is, it is erroneously removed in the output! 
        # By Questor
        TARGET_P=$(awk 'BEGIN {RS="dn"} {gsub("\n", "3F2C417D448C46918289218B7337FCAF"); printf $0}' <<< "${TARGET_P}")


    # NOTE: The replace of "\n" by "3F2C417D448C46918289218B7337FCAF" results 
    # in more occurrences of "3F2C417D448C46918289218B7337FCAF" than the 
    # amount of "\n" that there was originally in the string (one more 
    # occurrence at the end of the string)! We can not explain the reason for 
    # this side effect. The line below corrects this problem! By Questor

    SPLIT_NOW=$(awk -F"$DELIMITER_P" '{for(i=1; i<=NF; i++){printf "%s\n", $i}}' <<< "${TARGET_P}")

    while IFS= read -r LINE_NOW ; do
        if [ ${REMOVE_N} -eq 1 ] ; then

            # NOTE: We use "'" to prevent blank lines with no other characters 
            # in the sequence being erroneously removed! We do not know the 
            # reason for this side effect! By Questor
            LN_NOW_WITH_N=$(awk 'BEGIN {RS="dn"} {gsub("3F2C417D448C46918289218B7337FCAF", "\n"); printf $0}' <<< "'${LINE_NOW}'")

            # NOTE: We use the commands below to revert the intervention made 
            # immediately above! By Questor

    done <<< "$SPLIT_NOW"

# --------------------------------------
# ----------------

 * How do I list all databases and tables using psql?

sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/psql -c \"\l\"
sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/psql <DB_NAME> -c \"\dt\"

\list or \l: list all databases
\dt: list all tables in the current database

[Ref.: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/1285/how-do-i-list-all-databases-and-tables-using-psql]


f_split "$STRING_TO_SPLIT" "bin/psql -c"

# --------------------------------------
# ----------------

for (( i=0; i<=$(( $ARR_LENGTH -1 )); i++ )) ; do
    echo " > -----------------------------------------"
    echo "${F_SPLIT_R[$i]}"
    echo " < -----------------------------------------"

if [ "$STRING_TO_SPLIT" == "${F_SPLIT_R[0]}bin/psql -c${F_SPLIT_R[1]}" ] ; then
    echo " > -----------------------------------------"
    echo "The strings are the same!"
    echo " < -----------------------------------------"

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