[javascript] How to convert CSV to JSON in Node.js

I am trying to convert csv file to json. I am using .

Example CSV:


Desired JSON:

{"a": 1,"b": 2,"c": 3,"d": 4},
{"a": 5,"b": 6,"c": 7,"d": 8},

I tried node-csv parser library.But the output is like array not like I expected.

I'm using Node 0.8 and express.js and would like a recommendation on how to easily accomplish this.

This question is related to javascript json node.js csv express

The answer is

Using lodash:

function csvToJson(csv) {
  const content = csv.split('\n');
  const header = content[0].split(',');
  return _.tail(content).map((row) => {
    return _.zipObject(header, row.split(','));

Use csv parser library, I'm explaining in more details how to use it here .

var csv = require('csv');
csv.parse(csvText, {columns: true}, function(err, data){
    console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));

Step 1:

Install node module: npm install csvtojson --save

Step 2:

var Converter = require("csvtojson").Converter;

var converter = new Converter({});


    var data = result;

    //to check json

Using ES6

const toJSON = csv => {
    const lines = csv.split('\n')
    const result = []
    const headers = lines[0].split(',')

    lines.map(l => {
        const obj = {}
        const line = l.split(',')

        headers.map((h, i) => {
            obj[h] = line[i]


    return JSON.stringify(result)

const csv = `name,email,age
francis,[email protected],33
matty,[email protected],29`

const data = toJSON(csv)



// [{"name":"name","email":"email","age":"age"},{"name":"francis","email":"[email protected]","age":"33"},{"name":"matty","email":"[email protected]","age":"29"}]

You can try to use underscore.js

First convert the lines in arrays using the toArray function :

var letters = _.toArray(a,b,c,d);
var numbers = _.toArray(1,2,3,4);

Then object the arrays together using the object function :

var json = _.object(letters, numbers);

By then, the json var should contain something like :

{"a": 1,"b": 2,"c": 3,"d": 4}

Node.js csvtojson module is a comprehensive nodejs csv parser. It can be used as node.js app library / a command line tool / or browser with help of browserify or webpack.

the source code can be found at: https://github.com/Keyang/node-csvtojson

It is fast with low memory consumption yet powerful to support any of parsing needs with abundant API and easy to read documentation.

The detailed documentation can be found here

Here are some code examples:

Use it as a library in your Node.js application ([email protected] +):

  1. Install it through npm

npm install --save csvtojson@latest

  1. Use it in your node.js app:
// require csvtojson
var csv = require("csvtojson");

// Convert a csv file with csvtojson
  .then(function(jsonArrayObj){ //when parse finished, result will be emitted here.

// Parse large csv with stream / pipe (low mem consumption)
  .subscribe(function(jsonObj){ //single json object will be emitted for each csv line
     // parse each json asynchronousely
     return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){

//Use async / await
const jsonArray=await csv().fromFile(filePath);

Use it as a command-line tool:

sh# npm install csvtojson
sh# ./node_modules/csvtojson/bin/csvtojson ./youCsvFile.csv


sh# npm install -g csvtojson
sh# csvtojson ./yourCsvFile.csv

For advanced usage:

sh# csvtojson --help

You can find more details from the github page above.

npm install csvjson --save
In you Node JS File

const csvjson = require('csvjson');

convertCSVToJSON = (file) => {
  const convertedObj = csvjson.toObject(file);

I have used csvtojson library for converting csv string to json array. It has variety of function which can help you to convert to JSON.
It also supports reading from file and file streaming.

Be careful while parsing the csv which can contain the comma(,) or any other delimiter . For removing the delimiter please see my answer here.

If you want just a command line converter, the quickest and most clean solution for me is to use csvtojson via npx (included by default in node.js)

$ npx csvtojson ./data.csv > data.json

Had to do something similar, hope this helps.

// Node packages for file system
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

var filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'PATH_TO_CSV');
// Read CSV
var f = fs.readFileSync(filePath, {encoding: 'utf-8'}, 

// Split on row
f = f.split("\n");

// Get first row for column headers
headers = f.shift().split(",");

var json = [];    
    // Loop through each row
    tmp = {}
    row = d.split(",")
    for(var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++){
        tmp[headers[i]] = row[i];
    // Add object to list

var outPath = path.join(__dirname, 'PATH_TO_JSON');
// Convert object to string, write json to file
fs.writeFileSync(outPath, JSON.stringify(json), 'utf8', 

Me and my buddy created a web service to handle this kind of thing.

Check out Modifly.co for instructions on how to transform CSV to JSON with a single RESTful call.

I have a very simple solution to just print json from csv on console using csvtojson module.

// require csvtojson
var csv = require("csvtojson");

const csvFilePath='customer-data.csv' //file path of csv

Node-ETL package is enough for all BI processing.

npm install node-etl; 

Then :

var ETL=require('node-etl');
var output=ETL.extract('./data.csv',{
              ignore:(line,index)=>index!==0, //ignore first line

I started with node-csvtojson, but it brought too many dependencies for my linking.

Building on your question and the answer by brnd, I used node-csv and underscore.js.

var attribs;
var json:
    .transform(function(row) {
        if (!attribs) {
            attribs = row;
            return null;
        return row;
    .to.array(function(rows) {
        json = _.map(rows, function(row) {
            return _.object(attribs, row);

Here is a solution that does not require a separate module. However, it is very crude, and does not implement much error handling. It could also use more tests, but it will get you going. If you are parsing very large files, you may want to seek an alternative. Also, see this solution from Ben Nadel.

Node Module Code, csv2json.js:

 * Convert a CSV String to JSON
exports.convert = function(csvString) {
    var json = [];
    var csvArray = csvString.split("\n");

    // Remove the column names from csvArray into csvColumns.
    // Also replace single quote with double quote (JSON needs double).
    var csvColumns = JSON
            .parse("[" + csvArray.shift().replace(/'/g, '"') + "]");

    csvArray.forEach(function(csvRowString) {

        var csvRow = csvRowString.split(",");

        // Here we work on a single row.
        // Create an object with all of the csvColumns as keys.
        jsonRow = new Object();
        for ( var colNum = 0; colNum < csvRow.length; colNum++) {
            // Remove beginning and ending quotes since stringify will add them.
            var colData = csvRow[colNum].replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, "");
            jsonRow[csvColumns[colNum]] = colData;

    return JSON.stringify(json);

Jasmine Test, csv2jsonSpec.js:

var csv2json = require('csv2json.js');

var CSV_STRING = "'col1','col2','col3'\n'1','2','3'\n'4','5','6'";
var JSON_STRING = '[{"col1":"1","col2":"2","col3":"3"},{"col1":"4","col2":"5","col3":"6"}]';

/* jasmine specs for csv2json */
describe('csv2json', function() {

    it('should convert a csv string to a json string.', function() {

I haven't tried csv package https://npmjs.org/package/csv but according to documentation it looks quality implementation http://www.adaltas.com/projects/node-csv/

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