[android] Gradle project refresh failed after Android Studio update

Here's the output:

11:57:04 AM Gradle 'KeddreaderProject' project refresh failed: Cause: org.gradle.internal.service.ServiceLocator.([Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)V:

I've tried to remove .gradle folder, but it doesn't help. What can be the problem?

Edit: I get this error even when I try to import any other project on Ubuntu 13.10. But on Windows everything works (with the the same version of Android Studio) well.

This question is related to android refresh gradle android-studio

The answer is

Make sure that nothing is interfering with your app files (specially in Windows), in my case this problem arise due to a text editor that was holding some XML file and Android Studio wasn't able to modify it.

Although this has been answered a long time ago, I had the same problem with an app after updating to

Gradle 2.1.2

The solution I found (on top of the one given by @WarrenFaith was to:

File -> Synchronize

This solved all the errors generated by the Gradle update.

  1. Close Android Studio
  2. Go to C:\Users\Username
  3. delete the .gradle folder

That's it you are done

  1. Go to C://Users//
  2. Remove .AndroidStudio2.x
  3. Open Android Studio and config for initialization again.

This might be too late to answer. But this may help someone.

In my case there was problem of JDK path.

I just set proper JDK path for Android Studio 2.1

File -> Project Structure -> From Left Side Panel "SDK Location" -> JDK Location -> Click to select JDK Path

Use this in project.gradle:

buildscript {

    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.3.0'

allprojects {
    repositories {

SDK wasn't downloaded

so turned on the internet connection and after restarting the Android Studio

it showed a pop up to download 800mb data click on yes and issue gets resolved

I tried everything, nothing worked.then I tried the following steps and it worked

  1. close Android studio

  2. go to "My Documents"

  3. delete the following folders a).android, b).androidstudio1.5, c).gradle

  4. start Android studio and enjoy...

It seems stupid but works...

File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart -> Invalidate and Restart worked for me.

Close your project, and then import project. That work for me. It's a simply way.

good luck.

Check the Gradle home path after the update to version 1.5. It should be ../gradle-2.8.

enter image description here

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