I created gist for this with simple examples. https://github.com/objc-swift/swift-classes-vs-structures
structures can't inherit in swift. If you want
class Vehicle{
class Car : Vehicle{
Go for an class.
Swift structures pass by value and class instances pass by reference.
Struct constant and variables
Example (Used at WWDC 2014)
struct Point{
var x = 0.0;
var y = 0.0;
Defines a struct called Point.
var point = Point(x:0.0,y:2.0)
Now if I try to change the x. Its a valid expression.
point.x = 5
But if I defined a point as constant.
let point = Point(x:0.0,y:2.0)
point.x = 5 //This will give compile time error.
In this case entire point is immutable constant.
If I used a class Point instead this is a valid expression. Because in a class immutable constant is the reference to the class itself not its instance variables (Unless those variables defined as constants)