[php] Calling Python in PHP

I have a Python script I recently wrote that I call using the command line with some options. I now want a very thin web interface to call this script locally on my Mac.

I don't want to go through the minor trouble of installing mod_python or mod_wsgi on my Mac, so I was just going to do a system() or popen() from PHP to call the Python script.

Any better ideas? Thanks in advance!

This question is related to php python

The answer is

If you want to execute your Python script in PHP, it's necessary to do this command in your php script:

exec('your script python.py')

You can run a python script via php, and outputs on browser.

Basically you have to call the python script this way:

$command = "python /path/to/python_script.py 2>&1";
$pid = popen( $command,"r");
while( !feof( $pid ) )
 echo fread($pid, 256);

Note: if you run any time.sleep() in you python code, it will not outputs the results on browser.

For full codes working, visit How to execute python script from php and show output on browser

The above methods seems to be complex. Use my method as a reference.

I have this two files



Here, I've created a html page which contains GO button. Whenever you press this button a new folder will be created in directory whose path you have mentioned.



   <form method="post">

    <input type="submit" value="GO" name="GO">

        shell_exec("python /var/www/html/lab/mkdir.py");


#!/usr/bin/env python    
import os    

There's also a PHP extension: Pip - Python in PHP, which I've never tried but had it bookmarked for just such an occasion

Note that if you are using a virtual environment (as in shared hosting) then you must adjust your path to python, e.g: /home/user/mypython/bin/python ./cgi-bin/test.py

I do this kind of thing all the time for quick-and-dirty scripts. It's quite common to have a CGI or PHP script that just uses system/popen to call some external program.

Just be extra careful if your web server is open to the internet at large. Be sure to sanitize your GET/POST input in this case so as to not allow attackers to run arbitrary commands on your machine.

Your call_python_file.php should look like this:

    $item='Everything is awesome!!';
    $tmp = exec("py.py $item");
    echo $tmp;

This executes the python script and outputs the result to the browser. While in your python script the (sys.argv[1:]) variable will bring in all your arguments. To display the argv as a string for wherever your php is pulling from so if you want to do a text area:

import sys

list1 = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])

def main():
  print list1

if __name__ == '__main__':

is so easy You can use [phpy - library for php][1] php file

  require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

  use app\core\App;

  $app = new App();
  $python = $app->python;
  $output = $python->set(your python path)->send(data..)->gen();

python file:

import include.library.phpy as phpy
print(phpy.get_data(number of data , first = 1 , two =2 ...))

you can see also example in github page [1]: https://github.com/Raeen123/phpy

The backquote operator will also allow you to run python scripts using similar syntax to above

In a python file called python.py:

hello = "hello"
world = "world"
print hello + " " + world

In a php file called python.php:

$python = `python python.py`;
echo $python;