As you can see in the other answers, no standard approach has arisen. Hence you already mentioned Apache Commons, I propose the following approach using FileUtils from Apache Commons IO:
* Creates a temporary subdirectory in the standard temporary directory.
* This will be automatically deleted upon exit.
* @param prefix
* the prefix used to create the directory, completed by a
* current timestamp. Use for instance your application's name
* @return the directory
public static File createTempDirectory(String prefix) {
final File tmp = new File(FileUtils.getTempDirectory().getAbsolutePath()
+ "/" + prefix + System.currentTimeMillis());
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return tmp;
This is preferred since apache commons the library that comes as closest to the asked "standard" and works with both JDK 7 and older versions. This also returns an "old" File instance (which is stream based) and not a "new" Path instance (which is buffer based and would be the result of JDK7's getTemporaryDirectory() method) -> Therefore it returns what most people need when they want to create a temporary directory.