is very useful if calling stored procedures from an application written in Java , Python etc.
There are ocassions where variable values are created in the first call and needed in functions of subsequent calls.
The advantage can be seen in Oracle PL/SQL where these variables have 3 different scopes:
I have developed an architecture in which the complete code is written in PL/SQL. These are called from a middle-ware written in Java. There are two types of middle-ware. One to cater calls from a client which is also written in Java. The other other one to cater for calls from a browser. The client facility is implemented 100 percent in JavaScript. A command set is used instead of HTML and JavaScript for writing application in PL/SQL.
I have been looking for the same facility to port the codes written in PL/SQL to another database. The nearest one I have found is Postgres. But all the variables have function scope.
in MySQLI am happy to see that at least this @
facility is there in MySQL. I don't think Oracle will build same facility available in PL/SQL to MySQL stored procedures since it may affect the sales of Oracle database.