[regex] Non greedy (reluctant) regex matching in sed?

This is how to robustly do non-greedy matching of multi-character strings using sed. Lets say you want to change every foo...bar to <foo...bar> so for example this input:

$ cat file
ABC foo DEF bar GHI foo KLM bar NOP foo QRS bar TUV

should become this output:

ABC <foo DEF bar> GHI <foo KLM bar> NOP <foo QRS bar> TUV

To do that you convert foo and bar to individual characters and then use the negation of those characters between them:

$ sed 's/@/@A/g; s/{/@B/g; s/}/@C/g; s/foo/{/g; s/bar/}/g; s/{[^{}]*}/<&>/g; s/}/bar/g; s/{/foo/g; s/@C/}/g; s/@B/{/g; s/@A/@/g' file
ABC <foo DEF bar> GHI <foo KLM bar> NOP <foo QRS bar> TUV

In the above:

  1. s/@/@A/g; s/{/@B/g; s/}/@C/g is converting { and } to placeholder strings that cannot exist in the input so those chars then are available to convert foo and bar to.
  2. s/foo/{/g; s/bar/}/g is converting foo and bar to { and } respectively
  3. s/{[^{}]*}/<&>/g is performing the op we want - converting foo...bar to <foo...bar>
  4. s/}/bar/g; s/{/foo/g is converting { and } back to foo and bar.
  5. s/@C/}/g; s/@B/{/g; s/@A/@/g is converting the placeholder strings back to their original characters.

Note that the above does not rely on any particular string not being present in the input as it manufactures such strings in the first step, nor does it care which occurrence of any particular regexp you want to match since you can use {[^{}]*} as many times as necessary in the expression to isolate the actual match you want and/or with seds numeric match operator, e.g. to only replace the 2nd occurrence:

$ sed 's/@/@A/g; s/{/@B/g; s/}/@C/g; s/foo/{/g; s/bar/}/g; s/{[^{}]*}/<&>/2; s/}/bar/g; s/{/foo/g; s/@C/}/g; s/@B/{/g; s/@A/@/g' file
ABC foo DEF bar GHI <foo KLM bar> NOP foo QRS bar TUV

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