I'm was collect most of issues by the web and combine stepping filter for all of them.
After some testing seems it works perfect:
* Total XSS preventer class by Full-R
final class xCleaner {
public static function clean( string $html ): string {
return self::cleanXSS(
protected static function hexToSymbols( string $s ): string {
return html_entity_decode($s, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8');
protected static function escape( string $s, string $m = 'attr' ): string {
preg_match_all('/data:\w+\/([a-zA-Z]*);base64,(?!_#_#_)([^)\'"]*)/mi', $s, $b64, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
if( count( array_filter( $b64 ) ) > 0 ) {
switch( $m ) {
case 'attr':
$xclean = self::cleanXSS(
$b64[ 2 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
case 'tag':
$xclean = self::cleanTagInnerXSS(
$b64[ 2 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
return substr_replace(
'_#_#_'. base64_encode( $xclean ),
$b64[ 2 ][ 0 ][ 1 ],
strlen( $b64[ 2 ][ 0 ][ 0 ] )
else {
return $s;
protected static function cleanXSS( string $s ): string {
// base64 injection prevention
$st = self::escape( $s, 'attr' );
return preg_replace([
// JSON unicode
'/\\\\u?{?([a-f0-9]{4,}?)}?/mi', // [1] unicode JSON clean
// Data b64 safe
'/\*\w*\*/mi', // [2] unicode simple clean
// Malware payloads
'/:?e[\s]*x[\s]*p[\s]*r[\s]*e[\s]*s[\s]*s[\s]*i[\s]*o[\s]*n[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi', // [3] (:expression) evalution
'/l[\s]*i[\s]*v[\s]*e[\s]*s[\s]*c[\s]*r[\s]*i[\s]*p[\s]*t[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi', // [4] (livescript:) evalution
'/j[\s]*s[\s]*c[\s]*r[\s]*i[\s]*p[\s]*t[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi', // [5] (jscript:) evalution
'/j[\s]*a[\s]*v[\s]*a[\s]*s[\s]*c[\s]*r[\s]*i[\s]*p[\s]*t[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi', // [6] (javascript:) evalution
'/b[\s]*e[\s]*h[\s]*a[\s]*v[\s]*i[\s]*o[\s]*r[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi', // [7] (behavior:) evalution
'/v[\s]*b[\s]*s[\s]*c[\s]*r[\s]*i[\s]*p[\s]*t[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi', // [8] (vsbscript:) evalution
'/v[\s]*b[\s]*s[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi', // [9] (vbs:) evalution
'/e[\s]*c[\s]*m[\s]*a[\s]*s[\s]*c[\s]*r[\s]*i[\s]*p[\s]*t*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi', // [10] (ecmascript:) possible ES evalution
'/b[\s]*i[\s]*n[\s]*d[\s]*i[\s]*n[\s]*g*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi', // [11] (-binding) payload
'/\+\/v(8|9|\+|\/)?/mi', // [12] (UTF-7 mutation)
// Some entities
'/&{\w*}\w*/mi', // [13] html entites clenup
'/&#\d+;?/m', // [14] html entites clenup
// Script tag encoding mutation issue
'/\¼\/?\w*\¾\w*/mi', // [21] mutation KOI-8
'/\+ADw-\/?\w*\+AD4-\w*/mi', // [22] mutation old encodings
// base64 escaped
'/_#_#_/mi', // [23] base64 escaped marker cleanup
// Replacements steps :: 23
['&#x$1;', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
['\u0', ':', '&tab;', '&newline;'],
['\0', ':', '', ''],
// U-HEX prepare step
self::hexToSymbols( $st ))
Also you can add Tidy markup correction to make HTML valid.