#include<time.h> // for clock
#include<math.h> // for fmod
#include<cstdlib> //for system
#include <stdio.h> //for delay
using namespace std;
int main()
clock_t t1,t2;
t1=clock(); // first time capture
// Now your time spanning loop or code goes here
// i am first trying to display time elapsed every time loop runs
int ddays=0; // d prefix is just to say that this variable will be used for display
int dhh=0;
int dmm=0;
int dss=0;
int loopcount = 1000 ; // just for demo your loop will be different of course
for(float count=1;count<loopcount;count++)
t2=clock(); // we get the time now
float difference= (((float)t2)-((float)t1)); // gives the time elapsed since t1 in milliseconds
// now get the time elapsed in seconds
float seconds = difference/1000; // float value of seconds
if (seconds<(60*60*24)) // a day is not over
dss = fmod(seconds,60); // the remainder is seconds to be displayed
float minutes= seconds/60; // the total minutes in float
dmm= fmod(minutes,60); // the remainder are minutes to be displayed
float hours= minutes/60; // the total hours in float
dhh= hours; // the hours to be displayed
else // we have reached the counting of days
float days = seconds/(24*60*60);
ddays = (int)(days);
float minutes= seconds/60; // the total minutes in float
dmm= fmod(minutes,60); // the rmainder are minutes to be displayed
float hours= minutes/60; // the total hours in float
dhh= fmod (hours,24); // the hours to be displayed
cout<<"Count Is : "<<count<<"Time Elapsed : "<<ddays<<" Days "<<dhh<<" hrs "<<dmm<<" mins "<<dss<<" secs";
// the actual working code here,I have just put a delay function
} // end for loop
}// end of main