[linux] How to exclude a directory in find . command

Instead of:

for file in $(find . -name '*.js')
  java -jar config/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar --type js $file -o $file

...and since you don't define which subdirectory you want to exclude, you could use:

for file in $(find *.js -maxdepth 0 -name '*.js')
  java -jar config/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar --type js $file -o $file

This syntax will exclude all subdirectories.

Take a look at the example below: under my tmp directory I have an huge "archive" subdirectory which contains 17000-4640=12360 files. And this directory is located on a slow NFS. While the 1st syntax scans the "archive" subdirectory and performs poorly, the 2nd syntax only scans the "*pdf" files contained in my current dir and performs... not that bad.

[tmp]$ time (find . -name "*pdf" | wc -l)

real    0m40.479s
user    0m0.423s
sys     0m5.606s

[tmp]$ time (find *pdf -maxdepth 0 -name "*pdf" | wc -l)

real    0m7.778s
user    0m0.113s
sys     0m1.136s

That 2nd syntax is quite interesting: in the following example I want to check if file or60runm50958.pdf exists and is more than 20 minutes old. See for yourself how the 2nd syntax is more efficient. This is because it avoids scanning the archive subdirectory.

[tmp]$ time find . -name or60runm50958.pdf -mmin +20

real    0m51.145s
user    0m0.529s
sys     0m6.243s

[tmp]$ time find or60runm50958.pdf -maxdepth 0 -name or60runm50958.pdf -mmin +20

real    0m0.004s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.002s

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