[security] Fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms

EncryptionThe Purpose of encryption is to transform data in order to keep it secret E.g (Sending someone a secret text that they only should able to read,sending passwords through Internet).

Instead of focusing the usability the goal is to ensure the data send can be sent secretly and it can only seen by the user whom you sent.

It Encrypts the data into another format of transforming it into unique pattern it can be encrypt with the secret key and those users who having the secret key can able to see the message by reversible the process. E.g(AES,BLOWFISH,RSA)

The encryption may simply look like this FhQp6U4N28GITVGjdt37hZN

Hashing In technically we can say it as takes a arbitary input and produced a fixed length string.

Most important thing in these is you can't go from the output to the input.It produces the strong output that the given information has not been modified. The process is to take a input and hash it and then send with the sender's private key once the receiver received they can validate it with sender's public key.

If the hash is wrong and did't match with hash we can't see any of the information. E.g(MD5,SHA.....)

Examples related to security

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Examples related to encryption

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Examples related to hash

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Examples related to cryptography

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