[c] How to use shared memory with Linux in C

try this code sample, I tested it, source: http://www.makelinux.net/alp/035

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <sys/shm.h> 
#include <sys/stat.h> 

int main () 
  int segment_id; 
  char* shared_memory; 
  struct shmid_ds shmbuffer; 
  int segment_size; 
  const int shared_segment_size = 0x6400; 

  /* Allocate a shared memory segment.  */ 
  segment_id = shmget (IPC_PRIVATE, shared_segment_size, 
                 IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); 
  /* Attach the shared memory segment.  */ 
  shared_memory = (char*) shmat (segment_id, 0, 0); 
  printf ("shared memory attached at address %p\n", shared_memory); 
  /* Determine the segment's size. */ 
  shmctl (segment_id, IPC_STAT, &shmbuffer); 
  segment_size  =               shmbuffer.shm_segsz; 
  printf ("segment size: %d\n", segment_size); 
  /* Write a string to the shared memory segment.  */ 
  sprintf (shared_memory, "Hello, world."); 
  /* Detach the shared memory segment.  */ 
  shmdt (shared_memory); 

  /* Reattach the shared memory segment, at a different address.  */ 
  shared_memory = (char*) shmat (segment_id, (void*) 0x5000000, 0); 
  printf ("shared memory reattached at address %p\n", shared_memory); 
  /* Print out the string from shared memory.  */ 
  printf ("%s\n", shared_memory); 
  /* Detach the shared memory segment.  */ 
  shmdt (shared_memory); 

  /* Deallocate the shared memory segment.  */ 
  shmctl (segment_id, IPC_RMID, 0); 

  return 0; 

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