[c#] Command to close an application of console?

I need to close the console when the user selects a menu option.

I tried using close() but it did not work..

how can I do this?

This question is related to c# console console-application

The answer is

Environment.Exit and Application.Exit

Environment.Exit(0) is cleaner.


By close, do you mean you want the current instance of the console app to close, or do you want the application process, to terminate? Missed that all important exit code:


Or to close the current instance of the form:


Useful link.

 //How to start another application from the current application
 Process runProg = new Process();
 runProg.StartInfo.FileName = pathToFile; //the path of the application
 runProg.StartInfo.Arguments = genArgs; //any arguments you want to pass
 runProg.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

 //How to end the same application from the current application
 int IDstring = System.Convert.ToInt32(runProg.Id.ToString());
 Process tempProc = Process.GetProcessById(IDstring);

So you didn't say you wanted the application to quit or exit abruptly, so as another option, perhaps just have the response loop end out elegantly. (I am assuming you have a while loop waiting for user instructions. This is some code from a project I just wrote today.

        Console.WriteLine("College File Processor");
        Console.WriteLine("Process (W)orkouts");
        Console.WriteLine("Process (I)nterviews");
        Console.WriteLine("Process (P)ro Days");
        Console.WriteLine("(S)tart Processing");

        string response = "";
        string videotype = "";
        bool starting = false;
        bool exiting = false;

        response = Console.ReadLine();

        while ( response != "" )
            switch ( response  )
                case "H":
                case "h":

                case "W":
                case "w":
                    Console.WriteLine("Video Type set to Workout");
                    videotype = "W";

                case "I":
                case "i":
                    Console.WriteLine("Video Type set to Interview");
                    videotype = "I";

                case "P":
                case "p":
                    Console.WriteLine("Video Type set to Pro Day");
                    videotype = "P";

                case "S":
                case "s":
                    if ( videotype == "" )
                        Console.WriteLine("Please Select Video Type Before Starting");
                        starting = true;

                case "E":
                case "e":
                    Console.WriteLine("Good Bye!");
                    exiting = true;

            if ( starting || exiting)
                response = Console.ReadLine();

        if ( starting )

return; will exit a method in C#.

See code snippet below

using System;

namespace Exercise_strings
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
           Console.WriteLine("Input string separated by -");

            var stringInput = Console.ReadLine();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stringInput))
                Console.WriteLine("Nothing entered");

So in this case if a user enters a null string or whitespace, the use of the return method terminates the Main method elegantly.

You can Try This


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