[c#] How to keep console window open

When I run my program, the console window seems to run and close. How to keep it open so I can see the results?

class Program
    public class StringAddString       
        public virtual void AddString()
            var strings2 = new string[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5","6", "7", "8", "9"};


    static void Main(string[] args)
        StringAddString s = new StringAddString();            

This question is related to c# console-application

The answer is


This command is a bit nicer than readline which passes only when you hit enter, and the true parameter also hides the ugly flashing cursor while reading the result :) then any keystroke terminates

You can handle this without requiring a user input.

Step 1. Create a ManualRestEvent at the start of Main thread

ManualResetEvent manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

Step 2 . Wait ManualResetEvent


Step 3.To Stop


Put a Console.Read() as the last line in your program. That will prevent it from closing until you press a key

static void Main(string[] args)
    StringAddString s = new StringAddString();

Use Console.Readline() at the end .Your code will not close until you close it manually.Since Readline waits for input that needs to be entered for your code hence your console will be open until you type some input.

If you want to keep it open when you are debugging, but still let it close normally when not debugging, you can do something like this:

if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) Console.ReadLine();

Like other answers have stated, the call to Console.ReadLine() will keep the window open until enter is pressed, but Console.ReadLine() will only be called if the debugger is attached.

For visual c# console Application use:


for visual c++ win32 console application use:


press ctrl+f5 to run the application.

There are two ways I know of

1) Console.ReadLine() at the end of the program. Disadvantage, you have to change your code and have to remember to take it out

2) Run outside of the debugger CONTROL-F5 this opens a console window outside of visual studio and that window won't close when finished. Advantage, you don't have to change your code. Disadvantage, if there is an exception, it won't drop into the debugger (however when you do get exceptions, you can simply just rerun it in the debugger)

Make sure to useConsole.ReadLine(); to keep the preceeding Console.WriteLine(""); message from closing.

If your using Visual Studio just run the application with Crtl + F5 instead of F5. This will leave the console open when it's finished executing.

Write Console.ReadKey(); in the last line of main() method. This line prevents finishing the console. I hope it would help you.

To be able to give it input without it closing as well you could enclose the code in a while loop

while (true) 

It will continue to halt at Console.ReadLine();, then do another loop when you input something.