[sql] SQL to Entity Framework Count Group-By

Here is a simple example of group by in .net core 2.1

var query = this.DbContext.Notifications.
            Where(n=> n.Sent == false).
            GroupBy(n => new { n.AppUserId })
            .Select(g => new { AppUserId = g.Key, Count =  g.Count() });

var query2 = from n in this.DbContext.Notifications
            where n.Sent == false
            group n by n.AppUserId into g
            select new { id = g.Key,  Count = g.Count()};

Which translates to:

SELECT [n].[AppUserId], COUNT(*) AS [Count]
FROM [Notifications] AS [n]
WHERE [n].[Sent] = 0
GROUP BY [n].[AppUserId]

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Examples related to count

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Examples related to group-by

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