[python] python pandas: Remove duplicates by columns A, keeping the row with the highest value in column B

I have a dataframe with repeat values in column A. I want to drop duplicates, keeping the row with the highest value in column B.

So this:

1 10
1 20
2 30
2 40
3 10

Should turn into this:

1 20
2 40
3 10

Wes has added some nice functionality to drop duplicates: http://wesmckinney.com/blog/?p=340. But AFAICT, it's designed for exact duplicates, so there's no mention of criteria for selecting which rows get kept.

I'm guessing there's probably an easy way to do this---maybe as easy as sorting the dataframe before dropping duplicates---but I don't know groupby's internal logic well enough to figure it out. Any suggestions?

This question is related to python duplicates pandas

The answer is

Try this:


Simplest solution:

To drop duplicates based on one column:

df = df.drop_duplicates('column_name', keep='last')

To drop duplicates based on multiple columns:

df = df.drop_duplicates(['col_name1','col_name2','col_name3'], keep='last')

I would sort the dataframe first with Column B descending, then drop duplicates for Column A and keep first

df = df.sort_values(by='B', ascending=False)
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset='A', keep="first")

without any groupby

Easiest way to do this:

# First you need to sort this DF as Column A as ascending and column B as descending 
# Then you can drop the duplicate values in A column 
# Optional - you can reset the index and get the nice data frame again
# I'm going to show you all in one step. 

d = {'A': [1,1,2,3,1,2,3,1], 'B': [30, 40,50,42,38,30,25,32]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

    A   B
0   1   30
1   1   40
2   2   50
3   3   42
4   1   38
5   2   30
6   3   25
7   1   32

df = df.sort_values(['A','B'], ascending =[True,False]).drop_duplicates(['A']).reset_index(drop=True)


    A   B
0   1   40
1   2   50
2   3   42

this also works:

a=pd.DataFrame({'A':a.groupby('A')['B'].max().index,'B':a.groupby('A')       ['B'].max().values})

Here's a variation I had to solve that's worth sharing: for each unique string in columnA I wanted to find the most common associated string in columnB.

df.groupby('columnA').agg({'columnB': lambda x: x.mode().any()}).reset_index()

The .any() picks one if there's a tie for the mode. (Note that using .any() on a Series of ints returns a boolean rather than picking one of them.)

For the original question, the corresponding approach simplifies to


When already given posts answer the question, I made a small change by adding the column name on which the max() function is applied for better code readability.

df.groupby('A', as_index=False)['B'].max()

I think in your case you don't really need a groupby. I would sort by descending order your B column, then drop duplicates at column A and if you want you can also have a new nice and clean index like that:

df.sort_values('B', ascending=False).drop_duplicates('A').sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)

I am not going to give you the whole answer (I don't think you're looking for the parsing and writing to file part anyway), but a pivotal hint should suffice: use python's set() function, and then sorted() or .sort() coupled with .reverse():

>>> a=sorted(set([10,60,30,10,50,20,60,50,60,10,30]))
>>> a
[10, 20, 30, 50, 60]
>>> a.reverse()
>>> a
[60, 50, 30, 20, 10]

You can try this as well

df.drop_duplicates(subset='A', keep='last')

I referred this from https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.drop_duplicates.html

The top answer is doing too much work and looks to be very slow for larger data sets. apply is slow and should be avoided if possible. ix is deprecated and should be avoided as well.

df.sort_values('B', ascending=False).drop_duplicates('A').sort_index()

   A   B
1  1  20
3  2  40
4  3  10

Or simply group by all the other columns and take the max of the column you need. df.groupby('A', as_index=False).max()

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