[ios] Removing object from array in Swift 3

In my application I added one object in array when select cell and unselect and remove object when re-select cell. I used that code but give me error.

extension Array {
    func indexOfObject(object : AnyObject) -> NSInteger {
        return (self as NSArray).indexOfObject(object)

    mutating func removeObject(object : AnyObject) {
        for var index = self.indexOfObject(object); index != NSNotFound; index = self.indexOfObject(object) {

class MyViewController: UITableViewController {
    var arrContacts: [Any] = []
    var contacts: [Any] = []

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didDeselectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {

It gives me 2 error like that:

C-style for statement has been removed in Swift 3
Value of type '[Any]' has no member 'removeObject'

This question is related to ios arrays swift swift3

The answer is

Another nice and useful solution is to create this kind of extension:

extension Array where Element: Equatable {

    @discardableResult mutating func remove(object: Element) -> Bool {
        if let index = index(of: object) {
            self.remove(at: index)
            return true
        return false

    @discardableResult mutating func remove(where predicate: (Array.Iterator.Element) -> Bool) -> Bool {
        if let index = self.index(where: { (element) -> Bool in
            return predicate(element)
        }) {
            self.remove(at: index)
            return true
        return false


In this way, if you have your array with custom objects:

let obj1 = MyObject(id: 1)
let obj2 = MyObject(id: 2)
var array: [MyObject] = [obj1, obj2]

array.remove(where: { (obj) -> Bool in
    return obj.id == 1
// OR
array.remove(object: obj2) 

In Swift 5, Use this Extension:

extension Array where Element: Equatable{
    mutating func remove (element: Element) {
        if let i = self.firstIndex(of: element) {
            self.remove(at: i)


var array = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]
array.remove(element: "beta")

In Swift 3, Use this Extension:

extension Array where Element: Equatable{
    mutating func remove (element: Element) {
        if let i = self.index(of: element) {
            self.remove(at: i)


var array = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]
array.remove(element: "beta")

The correct and working one-line solution for deleting a unique object (named "objectToRemove") from an array of these objects (named "array") in Swift 3 is:

if let index = array.enumerated().filter( { $0.element === objectToRemove }).map({ $0.offset }).first {
   array.remove(at: index)

This is official answer to find index of specific object, then you can easily remove any object using that index :

var students = ["Ben", "Ivy", "Jordell", "Maxime"]
if let i = students.firstIndex(of: "Maxime") {
     // students[i] = "Max"
     students.remove(at: i)
// Prints ["Ben", "Ivy", "Jordell"]

Here is the link: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/array/2994720-firstindex

In Swift 3 and 4

var array = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]

for (index, element) in array.enumerated().reversed() {
    array.remove(at: index)

From Swift 4.2 you can use more advanced approach(faster and memory efficient)

array.removeAll(where: { $0 == "c" })

instead of

array = array.filter { !$0.hasPrefix("c") }

Read more here

This is what I've used (Swift 5)...

    extension Array where Element:Equatable
        mutating func removeFirst(_ item:Any ) -> Any? {
            for index in 0..<self.count {
                if(item as? Element == self[index]) {
                    return self.remove(at: index)
            return nil
        mutating func removeLast(_ item:Any ) -> Any? {
            var index = self.count-1
            while index >= 0 {
                if(item as? Element == self[index]) {
                    return self.remove(at: index)
                index -= 1
            return nil

    var arrContacts:[String] = ["A","B","D","C","B","D"]
    var contacts: [Any] = ["B","D"]
    var index = 1
    index = 0


   ["A", "B", "D", "C", "B", "D"]
   ["A", "B", "C", "B", "D"]
   ["A", "B", "C", "D"]

Important: The array from which you remove items must contain Equatable elements (such as objects, strings, number, etc.)

Try this in Swift 3

array.remove(at: Index)

Instead of



"Declaration is only valid at file scope".

Make sure the object is in scope. You can give scope "internal", which is default.

index(of:<Object>) to work, class should conform to Equatable

For Swift 3, you can use index(where:) and include a closure that does the comparison of an object in the array ($0) with whatever you are looking for.

var array = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]
if let index = array.index(where: {$0 == "beta"}) {
  array.remove(at: index)

Extension for array to do it easily and allow chaining for Swift 4.2 and up:

public extension Array where Element: Equatable {
    public mutating func remove(_ item: Element) -> Array {
        if let index = firstIndex(where: { item == $0 }) {
            remove(at: index)
        return self

    public mutating func removeAll(_ item: Element) -> Array {
        removeAll(where: { item == $0 })
        return self

  1. for var index = self.indexOfObject(object); index != NSNotFound; index = self.indexOfObject(object) is for loop in C-style and has been removed

  2. Change your code to something like this to remove all similar object if it have looped:

    let indexes = arrContacts.enumerated().filter { $0.element == contacts[indexPath.row] }.map{ $0.offset }
    for index in indexes.reversed() {
       arrContacts.remove(at: index)

var a = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]

// Remove/filter item with value 'three'
a = a.filter { $0 != "three" }

Swift 4

var students = ["Kofi", "Abena", "Peter", "Kweku", "Akosua"]

if let index = students.firstIndex(where: { $0.hasPrefix("A") }) {
   students.remove(at: index)

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