I did some modification to the SMNALLY's code so it can run in Python 3.5.2. This is my result:
#Import the following library to make use of the DispatchEx to run the macro
import win32com.client as wincl
def runMacro():
if os.path.exists("C:\\Users\\Dev\\Desktop\\Development\\completed_apps\\My_Macr_Generates_Data.xlsm"):
# DispatchEx is required in the newest versions of Python.
excel_macro = wincl.DispatchEx("Excel.application")
excel_path = os.path.expanduser("C:\\Users\\Dev\\Desktop\\Development\\completed_apps\\My_Macr_Generates_Data.xlsm")
workbook = excel_macro.Workbooks.Open(Filename = excel_path, ReadOnly =1)
#Save the results in case you have generated data
del excel_macro