I know this is an older thread, but this is the first item you find when searching, and the above solutions don't work if you need to retain charts in a workbook that you already have created. In that case, xlwings is a better option - it allows you to write to the excel book and keeps the charts/chart data.
simple example:
import xlwings as xw
import pandas as pd
#create DF
months = ['2017-01','2017-02','2017-03','2017-04','2017-05','2017-06','2017-07','2017-08','2017-09','2017-10','2017-11','2017-12']
value1 = [x * 5+5 for x in range(len(months))]
df = pd.DataFrame(value1, index = months, columns = ['value1'])
df['value2'] = df['value1']+5
df['value3'] = df['value2']+5
#load workbook that has a chart in it
wb = xw.Book('C:\\data\\bookwithChart.xlsx')
ws = wb.sheets['chartData']
ws.range('A1').options(index=False).value = df
wb = xw.Book('C:\\data\\bookwithChart_updated.xlsx')